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Epistle for February 24, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation February 24, 2006

The Lord of Break-throughs

(II Samuel 5:1-25)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter

1. All the tribes of Israel came to Hebron to anoint David officially

as the king over the entire nation; David became king at age 30

and reigned 40 years, including 33 years over both Judah and

Israel, vv. 1-5.

2. David and his men captured the city of Jerusalem; he dwelt in

the stronghold (fortress), which he called the City of David, vv. 6-9.

3. The Lord God was with David; Hiram, king of Tyre, sent cedar trees

and workmen to build David's house; David perceived that God had

established him as king for the sake of His chosen people, Israel;

David married more women and produced eleven children who

were born in Jerusalem, vv. 10-16.

4. David won two great battles in the war against the Philistines: at

Baal Perazim and in the Valley of Rephaim, vv, 17-25.

II. Meditation: on God's specific answers to David's

1. "Shall I go up against the Philistines?" . . . "Go up," v. 19.

2. "Will You deliver them into my hands?" . . . "I will doubtless

the Philistines into your hands," v. 19.

3. David inquired of the Lord (What's the plan?) . . . "You shall not

up (attack frontally); circle around behind them," v. 23.

4. David also inquired of the Lord (When?) . . . "When you hear the

of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance

quickly," v. 24.

III. Revelation: on what God's anointed leaders should know
and do

1. God's leader must know (perceive; comprehend) that he has been

his position of responsibility and authority in order to fulfill God's

purpose and destiny for His chosen people, v. 12.

2. God's leader must be able to hear the divine voice giving him

directions, vv. 19, 23-24.

3. God's leader must obey His orders immediately and precisely, vv.
20, 25.

4. God's leader must give all the glory, honor, and praise to the Lord
for the

victories won: he must magnify the Lord and memorialize the event.

("Baal Perazim" acknowledges that God is the "Master of Break-throughs,"

v. 20.) See also I Chronicles 14:11 and Isaiah 28:21.

IV. Applications: as a Christian leader, I need to . . .

1. Perceive my divine calling and destiny in life.

2. Hear and understand God's voice giving me specific guidance.

3. Obey God's commands eagerly and totally.

4. Worship, praise, glorify, honor, and thank God for spiritual

"Attorney For The Defense"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

The secret to a happy childhood is doing things that drive your
parents insane,

but which have not been prohibited specifically. For example, to hush my

begging for a new pair of Mary Jane shoes, I painted her feet black. My
defense was

that nobody ever told me not to do that!!

Before Perry Mason ever thought of hiring Della Street, I was
the neighborhood

lawyer for the defense. I taught the gang about the Bill of Rights,
unlawful search and

seizure, reasonable doubt, and the statute of limitations. I gave advice
about mitigating

circumstances, self-defense, and double jeopardy. The big problem was: the

in those family courts were parents, who technically should have been

because of their prejudice against the defendants.

Most of the time when I defended myself, the verdict came back

and I was punished. But not always! A couple of my most celebrated cases

victories resulting from my untiring efforts to find loop-holes in my
parents' regulations.

I never directly rebelled or broke the strict laws of my mom and dad, but I

bent them completely out of shape from time to time.

Mother accused me of playing baseball on Monday, June 14,
between the

hours of 3 and 4 p.m. - instead of practicing my clarinet those 60 minutes
as ordered.

I brought expert witnesses to testify that, although I was at the ball field

second base, I never stopped running the scales on my woodwind . . . except

a ball was hit my way, or while I was batting. Case dismissed!!

Dad brought me up on charges of swimming in the lake, against
his clear

mandate that I had permission only to go wading. I got off by testifying
that I did

indeed just go wading . . . and other kids backed up my sworn statement.
True, I

had waded into water up to my eyeballs, but I hadn't swum a single stroke!!

suspended sentence!!

Paul warned: "Perilous times will come: for men will be . . .
disobedient to

parents." (II Timothy 3:1-2) He twice commanded: "Children, obey your

(Ephesians 6:1 and Colossians 3:20) He also spoke of Christ's obedience,

humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of

cross." (Philippians 2:8) In First Samuel, the Lord said, "Behold, to
obey is better

than sacrifice." (I Samuel 15:22) This statement is true because if man had

in the Garden of Eden, no sacrifice would have been necessary on Calvary.

Prayer for the Day: Lord, we are guilty of disobedience: we
have done

what You commanded us not to do,
and we have

not done what you commanded us
to do. In mercy

and grace, please forgive us our
sins and cleanse

us from all unrighteousness. (I
John 1:9)

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"Not everything that is faced can be changed,

but nothing can be changed until it is faced."

- James Baldwin

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