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Epistle for February 28, 2003

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation February 28, 2003


In This Issue:
Old Testament Study: Malachi 4
New Testament Study: II John
"Iron Sharpens Iron" meeting

The Sun of Righteousness
(Malachi 4:1-6)

I. Concentration: on the major theme of this chapter
1. The day of God's judgment is coming to burn up the proud and
the wicked, v. 1.
2. Those who fear (reverence) the Lord shall be blessed by the "Sun of
Righteousness," Who shall arise with light, warmth, salvation, and
"Healing in His wings" . . . to bring His people prosperity and victory, vv. 2-3.
3. The prophet, Malachi, admonishes God's people to remember the
Law of Moses, v. 4.
4. Malachi closes his book (and the Old Testament) with the promise of the
coming of Elijah the prophet (earlier referred to as "My messenger," 2:17-3:5)
who will announce the coming of the Messiah . . . Who will bring unity, healing,
salvation for all those who believe in Him, along with final judgment upon the
wicked unbelievers, vv. 5-6.

II. Meditation: on the prophet Elijah
1. Malachi (Malachi 4:5-6), Jesus (Matthew 11:14), and an angel speaking to
Zacharias (Luke 1:13-17) all spoke of Elijah, and identified him with John
the Baptist because he would be filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:15) and
minister with the same fervor and power as Elijah did (Luke 1:17).
2. Elijah "saw" God on Mt. Sinai (Horeb) in I Kings 19:8-18 . . . in the same
place where Moses had seen the burning bush and later received the Ten
Commandments (Exodus 3:1-2; 19;20); both Elijah and Moses appeared with
Jesus at the Transfiguration, Matthew 17:3-12.
3. Mistakenly, some people thought that Jesus was Elijah, Matthew 16:14; some
spectators at the crucifixion thought that Jesus called out to Elijah from the cross,
Matthew 27:47-49.
4. James wrote that Elijah was an ordinary man with a human nature like ours, yet
God answered his fervent prayers by performing miracles, James 5:17-18.

III. Revelation and Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Be filled with the Holy Spirit for power to proclaim that the Messiah . . . the
Sun of Righteousness . . . has come and is here now!
2. See, with perceptive, spiritual eyes, that Jesus is the living, radiant, transfigured,
resurrected, ascended Messiah . . . the Son of God.
3. Comprehend who Jesus the Messiah is, and understand His spiritual mission
on earth . . . and mine.
4. Pray frevently with faith, expecting God's miracle blessings.

>From the Elder to the Elect Lady
(II John 1:1-13)

I. Concentration: on John's personal assertions
1. I love you (fellow Christians) in truth, v. 1.
2. I rejoice greatly over believers who walk in truth, v. 4.
3. I plead that we all love one another, v. 5.
4. I hope to come to you and to speak to you face to face,
that our joy may be full, v. 12.

II. Meditation: on dealing with deceivers (false Christians)
1. If persons do not confess that Jesus Christ came as God in
human form, they are deceivers and anti-christ, v. 7.
2. Self-examination is necessary for believers to make sure they have
not been deceived . . . that they have not labored in vain, but have
served faithfully and will receive a full reward, v. 8.
3. Whoever sins, and forsakes Christ's teachings, does not have God;
he who abides in the word of the Lord has intimate relationship and
fellowship with God, v. 9.
4. If a person comes to you and does not bring this doctrine (that Jesus
is the Son of God and His word is truth), do not receive him into your
house nor greet (bless) him, to avoid sharing in his evil deeds, vv. 10-11.

III. Revelation: on the overview of this letter
1. John emphasizes his recurring theme of Jesus' "new commandment"
. . . that believers must love each other, v. 5; John 13:34-35.
2. "The elect (chosen) lady and her children" (v. 1) and "the children of
your elect (chosen) sister greet you," (v. 13) could refer to a particular
female Christian leader, but more probably it refers to a local church.
3. John taught the doctrine of "the security of the believer," that "the
truth (Christ) . . . abides in us and will be with us forever," v. 2.
4. John pronounces a blessing upon the believers (v. 3):
(1) Grace = God's unmerited gift of love and life.
(2) Mercy = Removal of a guilty person's penalty.
(3) Peace = Spiritual rest and fellowship within the proper
relationship of loving God and loving others.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, i need to . . .
1. Obey the "Eleventh Commandment" . . . to love others.
2. Examine my life daily in the light of God's revelation, and in repentance
ask for God's forgiveness and cleansing.
3. Receive spiritual discernment to be able to distinguish between genuine
believers and deceivers (false Christians).
4. Bless my fellow believers, invoking God's grace, mercy, and peace upon
them in the name of Jesus.

"Iron Sharpens Iron"

date: March 6, 2003

time: 9:30 - 11:30

Place: Freeway foundation
3426 bridgeland drive
bridgeton, Mo 63044

Topic: "Prayer for spiritual enlightenment - tarry
. . . until you are endued with power"

All are welcome to attend this discussion group


Quote from Mark Twain: "It is better to deserve honors and not have them
than to have them and not deserve them."