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Epistle for January 10, 2003

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation January 10, 2003


In This Issue:
Sermon: I Peter 2:1-25
Bible Study: New Testament Names of the Holy Spirit
PIAC - degrees

Sound Off! Put to Silence!
(I Peter 2:1-25)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Peter urged the believers to desire the pure milk of the word, that they might
grow spiritually, vv. 1-3.
2. Peter wrote about Christ, the Chief Cornerstone, and about His followers who
are "a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own
special people," vv. 4-10.
3. Peter begged them to abstain from fleshly lusts; he charged them to be submissive
to government authority, vv. 11-17.
4. Peter taught servants to be in submission, following the example of Christ who
bore our sins on a tree, vv. 18-25.

II. Meditation: on verses 15-16

"For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may 'put to silence'
the ignorance of foolish men - as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak
for vice, but as bondservants of God," I Peter 2:15-16

III. Observations: on how to silence the ignorant talk of foolish men
1. Abstain from indulging in fleshly lusts, v. 11.
2. Exhibit honorable conduct among unbelievers, v. 12.
3. Do observable good deeds, v. 12.
4. Live in obedience to civil laws, v. 13.

IV. Revelation: on why a believer should live this way
1. This will cause believers to glorify God, v. 12.
2. This is the will of God, v. 15.
3. We are bondservants (slaves) of God, v. 16.
4. We are to follow the example set for us by Christ, v. 21.

V. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Live righteously, so that my life makes a positive impact upon this ungoldy
world in which I live.
2. Although I am "free" of the law and under grace, I need to abstain from
certain practices for the sake of my Christian influence, v. 16.
3. "Practice what I preach" . . . otherwise I may bring dishonor upon all
Christian causes.
4. Realize that Godly conduct will bring persecution . . . which is commendable
before God (v. 20) and redemptive (v. 24) . . . bringing unbelievers to faith in Christ.

New Testament Names of the Holy Spirit

I. Third Person of the Trinity
1. Holy Spirit, Matthew 1:18; 12:32; 28:19
2. Spirit, Matthew 4:1; 22:43
3. Eternal Spirit, Hebrews 9:14
4. The Gift, Luke 11:13; Acts 2:38; 10:45; 11:17

II. Relationship to the Father
1. Spirit of God, Romans 8:9; I Corinthians 2:11; I Peter 4:14
2. Spirit of the Living God, II Corinthians 3:3
3. Spirit of our God, I Corinthians 6:11
4. Holy Spirit of God, Ephesians 4:30
5. Spirit of Him who raised up Jesus from the dead, Romans 8:11
6. Spirit of your Father, Matthew 10:20
7. The Promise of the Father, Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5; 2:32-33, 38-39

III. Relationship to Christ
1. Spirit of His Son, Galatians 4:6
2. Spirit of the Lord, Acts 5:9; 8:39
3. The Lord, the Spirit, II Corinthians 3:18
4. Spirit of Jesus, Acts 16:7
5. Spirit of Christ, Romans 8:9
6. Spirit of Jesus Christ, Philippians 1:19

IV. Attributes
1. Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13
2. Spirit of glory, I Peter 4:14
3. Spirit of adoption, Romans 8:15
4. Spirit of truth, John 14:17
5. Spirit of life, Romans 8:2
6. Spirit of grace, Hebrews 10:29
7. Spirit of holiness, Romans 1:4

V. Symbols
1. Fire, Acts 2:1-2
2. Wind, Acts 2:1-2
3. Rivers of Water, John 7:37-39
4. A Seal, Ephesians 1:13
5. Oil, Acts 10:38
6. A Dove, John 1:32

Pillsbury institute partners with aacc
to offer master's and doctoral degrees
in biblical couseling

Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity has entered into a licensed agreement with the American Association of Christian Counselors to offer professional training in Biblical Counseling. AACC, led by Dr. Timothy E. Clinton, is the world's largest association for Christian counselors, with over 50, 000 members.

AACC offers distance learning education through four 5-unit, 30-course tracks which are Biblically based, academically sound, and clinically excellent. The tracks include: Biblical Counseling, Marriage Ministry, Women's Issues, and Healthy Sexuality.

Pillsbury Institute's agreement allows students who successfully complete each track to receive certification by AACC. (These certificates do not certify a graduate as a licensed professional counselor. Rather, they are designed to recognize the professional level of training achieved by pastors who provide Biblical counseling as part of their on-going ministerial duties within their local church.)

All materials are designed to increase a person's knowledge and people skills. The programs provide opportunities for spiritual and professional development through a convenient and flexible distance learning format. Students will receive 30 engaging videotaped lectures featuring some of the best Christian counseling leaders and Bible teachers in the world, complete with course lectures, outlines, study notes, and examinations.

Students also may request 2.5 Continuing Education Units from AACC for completing each track. They also will receive a one-year membership in AACC.

Pillsbury Institute will recognize each certificate issued by AACC as part of its degree requirements in Biblical Counseling. Pillsbury will grant 3 credit hours for each of the five units of study, or a total of 15 credit hours for successfully completing each track. These AACC video-courses are the core curriculum for Pillsbury Institute's degrees in Biblical Counseling.