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Epistle for January 13, 2012

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation            January 13, 2012


Like a joyful mother of children

(Psalm 113:1-9)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on praising the Lord

            1.   This Psalm begins and ends with the words:  "Praise the Lord," vv. 1, 9.

            2.   God's servants (believers; not unbelievers) are the ones who are urged to

                  praise the name of the Lord, v. 1.

            3.   The Lord God is to be praised forever:  "From this time forth and forevermore, v. 2.

            4.   The Lord is to be praised daily and continuously:  "From the rising of the sun to

                  its going down," v. 3.

II.  Meditation:  on why the Lord should be praised

1.     The Lord Almighty is high above all nations . . . He is all powerful and in control, v. 4.

2.     God is  glorious and majestic . . . exalted above all earthly and heavenly things, v. 4.

3.     The Lord, Who dwells on high (in heaven), is unmatched by any so-called god of the

heathen nations, v. 5.

4.     The Lord our God humbles Himself to watch over and care for His beloved creation, v. 6.

III.  Revelation:  on how the Lord blesses His people

            1.  The Lord, in His grace and mercy, raises the poor (spiritually poverty-stricken), and

                       He lifts the needy (sin-sick and weary), v. 7.

                2.   The Lord seats these people with the royal family, v. 8; Ephesians 2:6.

                3.   The Lord grants those who are barren (childless) a home and a family, v. 9; Mark 10:30 . . .

                       He makes them fruitful and productive.

4.    The Lord gives His people joy and gladness, like a mother experiences with her children, v. 9.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.        Praise the Lord daily and continuously.

2.        Worship the Lord Almighty . . . the glorious, majestic Creator of the universe.

3.        Thank the Lord for His watch-care over me and for His salvation.

4.        Serve the Lord (which is a great privilege granted to His family), and receive His manifold

blessings with rejoicing.




The mountains skipped like rams

(Psalm 114:1-8)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the events mentioned in this Psalm

            1.   The Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, v. 1.

            2.   The crossing of the waters upon dry ground, vv. 3, 5.

                        1)  Red Sea (Exodus 14:21)

                        2)  Jordan River (Joshua 3:13-16)

            3.   The earthquakes which signaled the presence of God and His omnipotent power at

                  Sinai, vv. 4, 6-7; Exodus 16-19.

            4.    The miracle of God's bringing water from the rock, v. 8; Exodus 17:6.   

II.  Meditation:  on the significance of these events

            1.    God delivers His chosen people, v. 1.

            2.    God provides a way of escape through impossible obstacles, v. 3.

            3.    God reveals Himself and His laws to mankind with miraculous power, v. 7.

            4.    God supplies all the needs of His people, v. 8.

III.  Revelation:  on the spiritual implications of this Psalm

            1.    The nation of Judah was chosen by God to be the place where He would dwell on

                   earth . . . "His sanctuary," v. 2.

            2.    The children of Israel were chosen by God to be the subjects of His divine rule . . .

                   "His dominion," v. 2.

            3.    The Psalmist encourages worshippers to consider the amazing and miraculous

                   works of the Lord by asking the Red Sea and the Jordan River:  "What ails you?"           

                   . . . What troubled or disturbed you?  The implied answer:  Almighty God did it;

                   praise Him!  vv. 5, 1.

            4.    The Psalmist also prompts the people to express gratitude to the Lord by asking:

                   "Who provided the life-giving water in the desert?" . . . The proper response: 

                   God did it; thank Him! V. 8.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.    Trust God to deliver me from my sins, and to deliver me from my enemies.

            2.    Expect the Lord to make a way of escape for me through seemingly impossible

                   obstacles as I walk by faith in Him.  

            3.    Ask for and receive God's revelation of Himself and of His will, purpose and destiny

                   for my life.

            4.    Praise and thank Him for supply all of my needs, Philippians 4:19.


"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about."

--Author Unknown








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