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Epistle for January 17, 2014

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FreeWay Foundation          January 17, 2014


Vivid pictures of God's judgment

(Hosea 13:1-16)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Because of the nation's idolatry:  "Let the men who sacrifice kiss the

     calves (calf images of Baal)," the judgment of God is coming, vv. 1-3.

            2.  Because of the nation's continued rebellion during the years of the

     wilderness wanderings, the judgment of God came upon them, vv. 4-8.

            3.  Because of the nation's continuing sins during the period of the kings,

     the judgment of God came upon them, vv. 9-13.

            4.  Because of the nation's present guilt, the judgment of God shall come

     upon them; yet, Hosea says, the Lord will ransom and redeem His people

     from death and the grave, from plagues and destruction, vv. 14-16.

II.  Meditation:  on the vivid pictures of God's judgment seen in this chapter

            1.  When God sends His judgment, Israel will vanish from sight … like the

     morning cloud, like the early dew, like chaff blown away from a threshing

     floor, and like smoke up the chimney, v. 3.

            2.  When God judges and punishes Israel, He will tear and devour them like

     a  wild beast . . . a lion, a leopard, or a bear, vv. 7-8.

            3.  When God judges and punishes Israel, the nation will suffer and grieve like

     a travailing mother in the extreme pains of childbirth, v. 13.

            4.  When God sends an invading army to punish Israel, their troops (acting as

     the hand of God's judgment) will come like an east wind to dry up the

     springs and fountains of water; the enemy will plunder their wealth and

     slaughter  their women and children, vv. 15-16.

III.  Revelation:  on God's offer of victory over death

            1.  Old testament promise:  "I will redeem them from the power of the grave;

     I will redeem them from death.  O Death, I will be your plagues, O Grave,

     I will be your destruction," Hosea 13:14.

            2.  New Testament fulfillment:  "Death is swallowed up in victory.  O Death 

     where is your sting?  O Hades, where is your victory?  The sting of death

                 is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God, Who gives

                 us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ,"  I Corinthians 15:54-57

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Heed the warning of God's coming Judgment Day.

            2.  Repent, confess, and forsake my sins against the Lord.

            3.  Trust the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord . . . He is the

                 "resurrection and the life," John 11:25.

            4.  Thank the Lord for the triumphant victory that is mine through faith in Him,

                 I John 5:4; Romans 8:37.





Final words to the Corinthians

(II Corinthians 13:1-14)

Dr. Curt Scarborough



I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Paul reminded the Corinthians that he would visit them soon, vv. 1-3.

            2.  Paul wrote of Christ's power; he urges self-examination, vv. 4-6.

            3.  Paul urged the church to "be made complete" (mature), vv. 7-10.

            4.  Paul sent his final greetings and a benediction, vv. 11-14.

II.  Meditation:  on Paul's concluding instructions

            1.  Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith, v. 5.

            2.  Do no evil . . . do what is honorable, v. 7.

            3.  Become complete (mature), assured (of good comfort), and unified

                 (of one mind . . . in peace), v. 11.

            4.  Great one another with a holy kiss (a spiritual expression of affection

                 growing out of a mutual love for Christ), v. 12.

III.  Revelation:  on the reasons for these instructions

            1.  Paul said, "Test yourself," v. 5, because the believers needed to

     know  with certainty that Christ was in them.

            2.  Paul did not command them to live godly lives to build his own

     reputation; rather, he wanted them to establish their own spiritual

     traits of being honorable before God.

            3.  Paul desired that his converts grow in spiritual maturity and harmony . . .

                 exhibiting those traits even when he was not present to supervise their


            4.  Paul taught that both the highest motive and the highest form of

     spiritual service is loving God and loving others to the same degree that

     God loved us, I Corinthians 13:1-3, 13.

IV.  Observations:  on the words of Paul's benediction (v. 14)

            1.  GRACE – God's unearned, unmerited favor expressed toward mankind

                 through Christ, John 1:14, 17.

            2.  LOVE – Father's unconditional "agape" love toward us, John 3:16,

     I John 4:19.

3.  COMMUNION – spiritual intimacy with Almighty God through the Holy

     Spirit, John 16:7, 13.

4.  AMEN – "so be it" . . . as it is spoken, so let it be done, II Corinthians 1:20.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Examine myself according to God's standards . . . my spiritual maturity

                 level, my faith, and my character.

            2.  Serve God and other people as an expression of my pure motivation of

                 love for God.

            3.  Speak the blessings of the Trinity upon fellow believers:  Christ's grace,

                 the Father's love, and the Holy Spirit's communion.

            4.  Perceive with eyes of faith that the words (blessings) which I speak in

    Jesus' name will produce the spiritual results which God purposes . . .

                "for all the promises of God in Christ are . . . Amen!"


"A slander is like a hornet; if you cannot kill it dead at the

first blow, better not to strike at all."

--Josh Billings




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