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Epistle for January 20, 2006

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
Freeway Foundation January 20, 2006

I Want To Be A Burning Bush

(Exodus 3:1-10)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I. Concentration: on what was so special about that bush

1. It was planted on the mountain of God (Sinai; Horeb); as a "sign"

(v. 12), God's liberated people would come back here to worship


2. The Angel of the lord (Pre-incarnate Christ) was in the midst of

bush, similar to the Son of God appearing in the fiery furnace in

Daniel 3:25.

3. The bush burned without burning up! Moses "marveled" (Acts 7:31)

. . . because as a nomad in the wilderness for forty years, he had

never seen anything like that!

4. It produced the results which God purposed: stop, turn aside, draw

near, and listen.

II. Meditation: on where I can find holy ground

1. It is the place where I hear God's voice speaking my name

v. 4. God repeated Moses' name, making the call personal and


2. It is the place where I transact spiritual business with God;
"Here I am,"

v. 4. I respond to His calling my name, and confirm my commitment to

follow His plan and purpose.

3. It is the place where I discover God's character and His heart; "I

vv. 5-9. God sees, hears, loves, and purposes to save His people.

4. It is the place where God reveals His purpose and His promise to

me, vv. 10-12. God puts me on the road of fulfilling His destiny in

me and through me.

III. Revelation: on why I should take off my shoes

1. God is clean, pure, and holy, but my shoes and dirty. It shows my

reverence for holy God, and it acknowledges that I have walked in

some filthy, impure, unholy place.

2. This necessary act (repentance) allows Jesus to wash my feet,

John 13. He can't wash my feet until I remove my dirty shoes.

3. It signifies that someone else besides me is the Redeemer,

Ruth 4:6-7. I can't be the Redeemer; I relinquish all right to that role.

4. I am going to walk differently from now on . . . barefoot on the

sharp rocks. On rocky terrain, I must place my feet more slowly, more

carefully. (In fact, the Lord will give me a new pair of shoes,

Luke 15:22; Ephesians 6:15)

IV. Applications: on why I want to be a burning bush

1. I want to be planted on God's mountain . . . where He chooses.

2. I want to be filled with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. I want to burn brightly, but not to "burn out."

4. I want to cause people to turn aside, to draw near, and to

experience God.

PRAYER: "Lord, plant me, fill me, illuminate me, and use me." AMEN

"A Turned-Over Giggle Box!"

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I get a blast out of watching reruns of the old Carol Burnett
Show . . . especially

when Tim Conway is on camera with Harvey Corman. It's always a hoot to see

long it will take Tim to get Harvey to break up. First, there's the
crinkling around his

eyes, then the slight twitch at the corners of his mouth . . . finally, he
can't hold it any

longer, and Harvey explodes with suppressed laughter!

That's self-control! Or, rather lack of it!!

What about you? Did you ever get your "giggle-box turned over,"
at a most

inopportune moment? I mean, to have something strike your funny-bone during
a very

solemn occasion? Such as in the quiet time of a worship service . . . or
worse, during

a funeral? That's when you have to resort to covering your mouth and faking
a cough.

You're like a pressure cooker about to blow, and you've just got to release
the "steam"

somehow, or the interior laughter will burst your eardrums.

I once was introduced to a large assembly of women at a drug
abuse prevention

conference by a very dignified and proper lady. She was decked out in a
lovely silk

dress with a corsage, and wearing an over-sized hat. She droned on and on
about Dr.

Scarborough's educational background, his outstanding accomplishments in

to the church and community, his latest book. Finally, she summed it all up
by saying,

"Here's the real dope on drugs, Curt Scarborough!"

It took every ounce of self-control that I could muster to
squelch my intense

desire to react with roaring laughter! I've long since forgotten the
content of my

address to those ladies, but I'll never forget that introduction. It was a

"Self-control" is the last of the nine fruits of the Spirit
listed in Galatians 5:22-23.

It means to have the power or the ability to check and restrain one's
temper, emotions,

and desires. Paul reasoned with Governor Felix about "self-control," (Acts
24:25) Peter

listed "self-control" as a characteristic that should be added to a
Christian's spiritual

life. (II Peter 1:6)

It is one of the qualifications listed for a bishop (Titus 1:8),
and Paul warned

Timothy about men who had no self-control (II Timothy 3:3). In I
Corinthians 7:9,

Paul applied the concept of "self-control" specifically to sexual desire:
"If they

cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry
than to burn

with passion."

Prayer for the Day: Lord, help me to cultivate "self-control"
in my

daily life. Grant me Your
strength to check and

restrain my hot temper, my
roller-coaster emotions,

and my lustful desires.

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said: "Our lives begin to end the day

we become silent about the things that matter."

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