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Epistle for July 2, 2004

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation July 2, 2004


Happy Fourth

In This Issue:
Joseph "Framed" by Potiphar's Wife
Miracles at the Crucifixion
New Degrees offered at PIAC
Joseph "Framed" by Potiphar's Wife
(Genesis 39:1-23)

I. Concentration: on the events of Joseph's life in this chapter
Joseph had been sold by his brothers to Ishamaelites (children of Abraham by Hagar),
Genesis 37:25-28; 39:1, also identified with the Midianites (children of Abraham by his
second wife, Keturah), Genesis 25:1-2. These two clans probably had inter-married,
becoming known by both names.
1. Potiphar, captain of the Egyptian Pharaoh's guard, purchased Joseph from the Ishmaelites, v. 1.
2. The Lord prospered all Joseph put his hand to, and he was given total authority over Potiphar's
household, vv. 2-6.
3. Potiphar's wife tried unsuccessfully several times to seduce Joseph; then "FRAMED" him for
attempted rape, vv. 7-18.
4. Joseph was thrown into jail, where soon the keeper gave him authority over the entire prison
system, vv. 19-23.
II. Meditation: on why Joseph was so successful in his responsibilities
1. Because the Lord was with him, vv. 2-3, 21-23.
2. Because Joseph had strong moral character, vv. 6-8, 10-13.
3. Because Joseph realized that adultery (and all other sins) are "against God," v. 9; Psalm 51:4.
4. Because the Lord showed mercy toward Joseph, preserving his life for His destined purpose
. . . to save God's chosen people, v. 21.
III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications found here
1. The Lord will never forsake those whom He has chosen, Hebrews 13:5-6.
2. God's people are to be holy (pure), just as God is holy, Leviticus 11:44-45; I Peter 1:16.
3. At the rood, all sins are rebellion against the Creator's will.
4. God's mercy allows Him to use imperfect human beings to accomplish His heavenly purposes.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Walk by faith, trusting in the Lord, Who will be with me "always, even unto the end of the age,"
Matthew 28:20.
2. Keep my life pure . . . by repenting of my sins and receiving God's forgiveness and cleansing,
I John 1:9; 3:2-3.
3. Surrender my will completely to the Father, praying as Jesus did, "Your will be done," Matthew 26:42.
4. Claim God's mercy and grace as I seek to fulfill the destined purpose He has mapped out for my life,
Philippians 3:13-14.

Miracles at the Crucifixion
(Matthew 27:1-66)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Jesus was tried before Pilate; Judas hanged himself, vv. 1-27.
2. Roman soldiers mocked Jesus and nailed Him to a cross, vv. 28-44.
3. Jesus suffered and died the agonizing death of crucifixion, vv. 45-56.
4. Jesus was buried in Joseph's tomb; Pilate sent soldiers to seal and
guard the tomb, vv. 57-66.
II. Meditation: on the miraculous signs seen in this chapter
1. A sign of warning from the God of light, I John 1:5: DARKNESS, v. 45.
2. A sign of a new way into God's presence: TORN VEIL, v. 51.
3. A sign of God's supernatural power: EARTHQUAKE, v. 51.
4. A sign of awesome hope: RESURRECTION OF SOME DEAD SAINTS,
vv. 52-53.
Note the centurion's response to these miracles:
"Truly this was the Son of God," Matthew 27:54.
III. Revelation: on why these miracles occurred . . . the lessons to be learned
1. Darkness - absence of God brings darkness: "Why have you forsaken
Me," Matthew 27:46; "when darkness reigns," Luke 22:53.
2. Torn Veil - see Exodus 26:31; II Chronicles 3:14; Leviticus 16:2; Hebrews 10:20.
3. Earthquake - a natural event, but the TIMING was miraculous.
4. Resurrection - Jesus earlier had raised three individuals: 12 year-old girl, Mark 5:41-42;
son of a widow of Nain, Luke 7:14-15; Lazarus, John 11; these all later died, but
Jesus rose to live eternally!
IV. Observations: on who might have been the "resurrected saints" (Isaiah 26:19)
(Note: these "resurrected saints" must have been buried in the general vicinity of the
city of Jerusalem; possible "saints" might include . . .)
1. Abel (Genesis 4:8) . . . commended by Jesus, Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51.
2. King David (I Chronicles 29:28) . . . Jesus is the "Son of David," Matthew 22:42.
3. Zechariah (II Chronicles 24:20-21) . . . one of God's martyrs who was praised
by Jesus, Matthew 23:35; Luke 11:51.
4. John the Baptist (Matthew 14:12) . . . the forerunner of Christ, Luke 1:17.
V. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Understand that without the presence of God, this present would exists in
darkness, John 3:19; without Christ's indwelling presence, I, too, would walk
in darkness because of my sinful nature, John 8:12.
2. Come boldly through the torn veil to God's throne of grace, "to obtain mercy and
find grace to help in time of need," Hebrews 4:16.
3. See God's almighty power demonstrated when Christ died, even by the forces of
nature: "stones . . . cry out," Luke 19:40, and "all creation groans and labors,"
Romans 8:22.
4. Rejoice in Christ's death and resurrection, in faith believing that I, also, will be
a "resurrected saint" to live eternally with Him, I Corinthians 15:20.

PIAC Degree Changes

Effective July 1, 2004 these are the degree changes at Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity:

Christian Master of Arts (C.M.A.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology or
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling or
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (C.Ph.D.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology or
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling or
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Psychology (C.Psy.D.)
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling or
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy
(Second Doctorate Only)

NOTE: The student has the option of whether to include the area of concentration ( "In . . . ")
on his or her diploma. This information always will appear on the student transcript.

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