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Epistle for July 23, 2004

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation July 23, 2004


In This Issue:
"Joseph's Brothers Journey To Egypt"
"Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles?"
PIAC Degree changes

Joseph's Brothers Journey To Egypt
(Genesis 42:1-38)

I. Concentration: on the main events in this chapter
1. Because of the famine, Jacob sent his ten oldest sons to Egypt to
buy grain, vv. 1-5.
2. Joseph, the governor of Egypt, recognized them (although they did not
recognize him); he accused them of being spies and threw them into
prison for three days, vv. 6-17.
3. Joseph agreed to sell them grain, but kept Simeon as a hostage until the
brothers returned from Canaan with their youngest brother, Benjamin, vv. 18-24.
4. The nine brothers returned to their father, Jacob, with the sacks of grain which
also contained the money that Joseph had secretly restored to them, vv. 25-35.
II. Meditation: on Joseph's dealings with his brothers
1. Joseph's brothers bowed down before him, fulfilling his first dream, v. 6;
Genesis 37:5-7.
2. Joseph tasted their hearts to see if they valued the life of one brother over the
benefits they could gain by betrayal. Would they abandon the hostage,
Simeon, or return to Egypt with Benjamin?
3. The brothers connected Joseph's harsh treatment with their selling their brother
into slavery . . . their consciences began to disturb them, and their discussion
was overheard and understood by Joseph.
4. Joseph tested their honesty and integrity by secretly returning the money they
paid for the grain . . . the brothers also connected this event with the punishment
of God for their earlier cruelty and greed.
III. Revelation: on God's master plan for His chosen people
1. The land of Canaan was promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and 12 sons.
2. God sent Joseph to Egypt to save his people when the famine came.
3. Eventually Jacob's entire family moved to Egypt, where they lived 400 years,
first as honored guests, later as slaves.
4. During these four centuries, the Hebrews multiplied from about 70 persons to about
two million at the Exodus . . . they had grown from a small family into a nation of
people who, through God's help, could conquer and occupy the Promised Land.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to know that . . .
1. God understands my extreme grief and sorrow over the loss of a loved one, vv. 36-38,
and that He provides comfort and peace.
2. The Lord always fulfills His promises . . . the dreams of destiny He gives.
3. God provides a Savior to deliver His chosen people.
4. God uses adverse circumstances to test my heart, to prick my conscience, and to
evaluate my faithfulness and integrity.

Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles?
(Mark 2:1-28)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Jesus forgave and healed a paralytic man, demonstrating His power
in the spiritual and physical realms, vv. 1-12.
2. Jesus called Matthew, the tax collector; He stated His mission:
"I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance,"
vv. 13-17.
3. Jesus answered questions about fasting; He taught about not putting a new
patch on an old garment and about not putting new wine into old wineskins,
vv. 18-22.
4. Jesus taught the true meaning of the Sabbath, stating that He is Lord of the
Sabbath, vv. 23-28.

II. Meditation: on the reasons that Jesus performed miracles
1. He performed miracles to attract a crowd of people to hear His words of truth
and salvation.
2. He performed miracles of healing to bring relief from pain and suffering by people
He loved; He performed miracles to meet the physical needs of people (feeding
5,000 and 4,000), allowing the Twelve to assist Him.
3. He performed miracles to illustrate His omnipotent power . . . calming the Sea of
Galilee; He performed miracles to demonstrate His victory over the demonic powers
of Satan (Gadarene demoniac).
4. He performed miracles to prove His spiritual authority to forgive sins (text); He performed
miracles to teach the Twelve important spiritual lessons on faith ( cursed fig tree).

III. Revelation: on Jesus . . . the same yesterday, today, and forever, (Hebrews 13:8)
1. He still does miracles to attract the attention of unbelievers.
2. He still does miracles because He loves and desires to help hurting people;
to meet their needs.
3. He still does miracles to show His power over Satan.
4. He still does miracles (including salvation, cleansing, forgiveness, and
empowering) to teach us His ways and to mature us as His followers.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Look for and recognize His hand at work in the circumstances of my life.
2. Participate with Him in helping hurting people whom He loves.
3. Stand in Jesus' name against the powers of Satan in my life, in my church, in my
community, in my nation, and in the world.
4. Receive from Him forgiveness, cleansing, and filling with the Holy Spirit to enable
me to follow Him and to become more like Him.

Pillsbury Institute NCCA Degree Titles
(Effective July 1, 2004)

Christian Master of Arts (C.M.A.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology (OR)
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling (OR)
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (C.Ph.D.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology (OR)
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling (OR)
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Psychology (C.Psy.D.)
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling (OR)
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy (Second Doctorate Only)

The student has the option of whether to include the areas of concentration ("In . . . ")
on his or her diploma. This information always will appear on the student transcript.


"If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would every get done."
- Ludwig Wittgenstein

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