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Epistle for July 26, 2002

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation July 26, 2002
In This Issue:
Sermon: Job 41:1-34
Bible Study: Jonah 4:1-11
Administratively Speaking
A ACC Biblical Counseling Training

God Exposes Satan as "Leviathan"
(Job 41:1-34)

I. Concentration: on identifying "Leviathan"
1. Notice that "Leviathan"is capitalized as a proper name, whereas,
"the behemoth" (Job 40:15) is a generic name, as are all the other
animals named in chapter 39.
2. "Leviathan" is given an entire chapter (34 verses), more than all the
animals in chapter 39 combined (33 verses), and triple the number of verses
used to describe the behemoth (10 verses).
3. "Leviathan" is mentioned elsewhere in the Scripture:
(1) Job cited Leviathan as associated with a curse, Job 3:8. (Compare
this verse with Genesis 3:1-19).
(2) The Psalmist wrote of God defeating ("breaking the heads") of sea
serpents . . . of "Leviathan," Psalm 74:13-14; Genesis 3:15; again
Leviathan is identified as a sea serpent in Psalm 104:25-16.
(3) Isaiah wrote of the Lord punishing and slaying with His severe, great,
strong sword the fleeing and twisted serpent named "Leviathan,"
Isaiah 27:1; Revelation 1:16; 19:15.
Most Bible scholars identify Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12-15) as Satan; later
in that same chapter Isaiah wrote of "a viper . . . a fiery flying serpent," v. 29.
(4) John wrote about "the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan,"
Revelation 20:2.
4. "Leviathan," according to the words of the Lord God Himself, is more than a
crocodile, a whale, a dinosaur, or a consellation of stars (all suggestions which
have been made by Bible scholars to explain this fantastic creature): God said:
"Out of his mouth go burning lights; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke goes
out of his nostrils, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath
kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth." vv. 19-21.

II. Meditation: on God's purposes in discussing "Leviathan"
1. Satan was introduced in Job 1-2 as the one who brought all the loss, death, and suffering
into Job's life; here in chapter 41, God pulled back the veil covering the spiritual realm to
reveal to Job the real source of all his troubles and misery.
2. Job (or his biographer who authored this book) knew by divine revelation the events which
occurred in heaven, as recorded in chapters 1 and 2; chapter 41 discloses, also by divine
revelation, the ultimate defeat and "caging" of Satan which allowed Job's restoration and
blessing as seen in chapter 42.
3. In this chapter (Job 41), the Lord emphasized man's weakness as compared with the
super-human strength of Leviathan, who can be controlled and defeated only by Almighty
God, vv. 10-11.
4. God here vividly and graphically portrayed Satan's true malevolent nature: an ugly,
evil monster with a heart of stone, v. 24.

III. Revelation: on pride . . . the basic sin of Satan (Leviathan) vv. 33-34
1. "On earth there is nothing like him," v. 33; . . . "Now the serpent was more
cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made," Genesis 3:1.
(See Revelation 12:9.)
2. "Which (Leviathan) is made without fear," v. 33; even the other angels of God,
who are greater in power and might than mortal man, are cautious when confronting
Satan and his fallen angels, II Peter 2:4, 11; Jude 9.
3. "He beholds every high thing," v. 34; Lucifer attempted to exalt his throne above
God's, Isaiah 14:13-14; he continues to tempt people to sin by appealing to the pride
of life, I John 2:16 (See I Timothy 3:6).
4. "He is king over all the children of pride," v. 34; Satan is called the "ruler of this
world," John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; he is called the "god of this age," II Corinthians 4:4;
he offers "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory," to those who will bow down
and worship him, Matthew 4:8-9.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Cultivate spiritual perception ("be sober and vigilant") so that I may recognize
Satan even though he comes disguished as an angel of light,
I Peter 5:8; II Corinthians 11:14.
2. Put on the armor of God so that I can stand and fight against the wiles of the devil,
Ephesians 6:10-18.
3. Control my temper, so that I do not give place to the devil, Ephesians 4:26-27.
4. Resist the devil, so that he will flee from me, James 4:7.

Jonah Pouts Over God's Mercy
( Jonah 4:1- 11 )

I. Concentration: on what the Lord God prepared for Jonah
1. "The Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah," v. 1:17.
2. "The Lord prepared a plant . . . that it might be shade," v. 4:6.
3. "God prepared a worm . . . damaged the plant . . . withered," 4:7.
4. "God prepared a vehement east wind . . . sun beat on head," 4:8.

II. Meditation: on the spiritual applications seen here
1. God used the fish to teach Jonah obedience, and to provide him
deliverance from death.
2. God used the plant to teach Jonah spiritual values, and to provide
providential care for human need.
3. God used the worm to teach Jonah that human pleasures are temporary,
and to provide a spiritual test.
4. God used the wind to teach Jonah that God is in control, and to provide
discomfort so Jonah would establish God's perspective as his own.

III. Revelation: on Jonah's bad attitude . . . "I'll do it, but"
1. I'll do it, but I don't want to.
2. I'll do it, but God is making a serious mistake.
3. I'll do it, but these people don't deserve mercy and grace.
4. I'll do it, but it makes me very angry.
5. I'll do it, but with a nasty, harsh, condemning spirit.
6. I'll do it, but I'd rather be dead.
7. I'll do it, but I hope it doesn't work.
8. I'll do it, but it'll ruin my reputation (make me look foolish).
9. I'll do it, but I could be doing something more productive elswhere.
(See II Kings 14:25 - a prophet in Israel during Jeroboam's reign.)
10. I'll do it, but not motivated by compassionate love.
11. I'll do it, but it won't change anything permanently.
12. I'll do it, but I refuse to learn a spiritual lesson from it.

IV. Applications: on the fish, the plant, the worm, and the wind . . .
1. God has a purpose for every person's life, but we often get into trouble by
disobedience until the only hope of deliverance is God's miraculous
power. The fish says "JESUS SAVES."
2. We should not be exceedingly joyful over life's fleeting pleasures, not
suicidally depressed over disappointments . . . because "life is not fair!"
Remember: God is in control. The plant says "GOD PROVIDES."
3. Just as a small worm can kill a thriving plant, so a "small" bad attitude
(pride, prejudice, self-pity, apathy) can ruin our fruitfulness as God's
spiritual plants. The worm says "SATAN DESTROYS."
4. God sends (or allows) problems to come into our lives to discipline us, to
teach us true priorities, to humble us, and to draw us unto Himself.

by: Terry A. Coker


SUMMER! The time of year when many set aside the time to enjoy a vacation from the daily routine of work. Leisure experiences are enjoyed by family and friends to refresh the soul and relax the body. The mind relaxes as its attention is diverted to other matters. The whole body encounters "re-creation."

Its not too uncommon for most ministers to long for a vacation at this time of year. Many have finished a week of VBS, Associational Youth Camps, RA Camps, GA Camps, and SBC Convention. The fall Calendar looms upon us demanding a high energy pill! Where does our strength come from?

While you take a break this summer from the normal routine of ministry, do two things for yourself. First, invest your time in a project or trip which will totally allow your body and mind to relax. Take a trip far enough from home with your family where a call for ministry must be answered by someone else (like the Deacon!). Enjoy the time with others, communicating your desire to sit back and relax; not wanting to rush the schedule. Find a physically diverting challenge like climbing Pike's Peak with your sons (someone I know is really doing this) to allow the fresh air to fill the lungs and mind!

Secondly, have a personal Quiet Time. Take your Bible to read devotionally. Allow God's word to recreate your attitudes about your ministry and those who share this task with you. Bring along a devotional book and journal to record your thoughts as God speaks to you. No sermon ideas or notes; just a Quiet Time reflection. God's word contains the power to restore your life.

As a part of the Quiet Time, you will want and need prayer. Speak to God and let Him speak to you!

At a Super Summer in Missouri, I had the privilege to observe something I had not seen in ten years of Super Summers or camps. I saw God move through the lives of teenagers creating the desire to pray and know Him. Spontaneous prayer among teens broke out throughout the day and into the night. They actually asked permission to pray defering recreational games! Their desire to know God spoke very deep. It seemed as if I was in the Jesus Movement again! It was an awesome experience, and I hope the beginning of a new movement of prayer and revival among Missouri's youth.

When was the last time you opened yourself to be recreated through prayer and Bible study?

Take the time this summer to let Him re-create you!


Mark Twain said: "Work is a necessary evil to be avoided."

AACC Biblical Counseling Training
Sponsored by FreeWay Foundation

FreeWay Foundation, in cooperation with American Association of Christian Counselors, is offering a complete 5-unit, 30-lesson training program designed to educate and equip pastors and counselors within the church. Two options are available for this five day seminar: five consecutive days beginning September 9, or five consecutive Thursdays beginning September 19. Sessions run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.
The seminar features 30 engaging videotaped lectures by some of the best Christian counseling leaders and Bible teachers in the world. The workshop comes complete with course lectures, outlines, study notes, and exams . . . all designed to increase a minister's knowledge and people skills.
This training course is endorsed by the 50,000 member American Association of Christian Counselors. Recognized as the world's largest organization of Christian counselors, AACC works to provide clinically excellent and distinctively Christian resources, services, and training to counselors everywhere. In addition to receiving a certificate of completion, persons who enroll in this seminar will receive a one-year free membership in AACC (an $89 value).

The Curriculum
Unit One: Introduction to Biblical Counseling
101 Becoming a Christian Counselor - Dr. Timothy Clinton
102 Using Your Spiritual Gifts in Counseling - Dr. Ed Hinson
103 Helping Others Find Significance in LIfe - Dr. Ed Hinson
104 The Power of Truth - Dr. Chris Thurman
105 Overcoming Depression - Dr. Chris Thurman
105 Surviving Sexual Abuse - Dr. Diane Langberg
Unit Two: Faith and Life
201 The Effective Helper - Dr. Sandra Wilson
202 Bringing People into God's Presence - Dr. Ron Hawkins
203 How to Help People Change - Dr. Ron Hawkins
204 Heart Matters: Repentance and Godly Sorrow - Dr. Ed Hinson
205 Forgiveness: Letting Go of the Past & Pain - Dr. Everett Worthington
206 Freedom in Christ: Life in Abba's Arms - Dr. Sandra Wilson
Unit Three: Marriage and Family
301 Marriage: Keeping the Love Alive - Dr. Timothy Clinton
302 Guilt: Love's Unseen Enemy - Dr. Les Parrott
303 Great Sex: A Biblical Perspective - Dr. Doug Rosenau
304 Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling - Dr. Everett Worthington
305 Divorce Recovery: Starting Over Again - Dr. Tom Whiteman
306 Caught in the Middle: Children and Divorce - Dr. Tom Whiteman
Unit Four: Challenging Issues in Biblical Counseling
401 What Would Jesus Think and Do?
Understanding the Way of Christ - Dr. Ron Hawkins
402 Ethical and Legal Issues - George Ohlschlager, Atty.
403 Family Systems: Breaking Unhealthy Patterns - Dr. David Stoop
404 Sexual Issues: Affairs, Homosexuality,
Intimacy Roadblocks; Dysfunctions - Dr. Doug Rosenau
405 Pain and Suffering:
Helping People in a Hurting World - Dr. Freda Crews
406 Breaking the Bonds of Sexual Addiction - Dr. Mark Laaser
Unit Five: Emerging Issues in Biblical Counseling
501 Managing Stress and Anxiety - Dr. Archibald Hart
502 Grief and Loss - Dr. Freda Crews
503 Psychiatric Care and Medication - Dr. Michael Lyles, MD
504 The Helper's Chair: Special Skills and Practice - Dr. Diane Langberg
505 Financial Bondage: Strategies for Freedom - Scott Titus, CPA
506 Anger Management - Dr. Timothy Clinton


Detach Here

AACC Biblical Counseling Training Enrollment Form







____Enroll me in the five consecutive days seminar (Sept. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2002)
____Enroll me in the five Thursdays seminar (Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 2002)
____Enclosed is a $225 check made out to FreeWay Foundation (Fee includes all
AACC materials, certification, annual membership, and daily lunches.)
Send all checks to FreeWay Foundation, 3426 Bridgeland Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044

* Persons may request 3.0 CEU's for completing this seminar
* Students at Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity may receive graduate credit
for this seminar for an additional fee
* If space is available, individuals may attend any one day's seminar at a charge of
$50 (including lunch); please make arrangements in advance
* Make-up sessions, in case of unavoidable absences, may be arranged
* For further information, telephone Dr. Scarborough at 314-739-1121 or e-mail

Deadling for enrolling in either of these seminars is August 15, 2002
This will give us approximately 2 weeks to order and receive the materials needed.