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Epistle for July 30, 2004

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation July 30, 2004


In This Issue
"Joseph's Heart Yearned!"
"He Is Out Of His Mind"
New PIAC Degrees
Joseph's Heart Yearned!
(Genesis 43:1-34)
I. Concentration: on the background of the events in this chapter
1. The famine continued, and the family of Jacob (Israel) needed more grain from Egypt, but they
couldn't return without Benjamin, vv. 1-5.
2. Jacob didn't want to place Benjamin in jeopardy, but he had no choice if he wanted his family
to survive, v. 7.
3. Judah (son #4) pledged his life as a surety that Benjamin would return to his father from Egypt,
vv. 8-9.
4. Jacob sent all ten of his remaining sons back to Egypt with gifts and the money which had been
returned from the previous trip, vv. 10-13.
II. Meditation: on the emotional upheaval of Israel's heart
1. Jacob scolded the brothers for even mentioning Benjamin, but they only had answered Joseph's
direct interrogation . . . to prove that they were not "spies" since it would be very unlikely that a
band of spies all would be brothers, v. 6.
2. Israel was upset in the past: he thought Joseph was dead; he was upset in the preset: Simeon
was in an Egyptian prison; he was upset about the future: Benjamin would be in danger if he
left home; . . . and the whole family was in danger of dying of starvation!
3. Israel lifted a prayer that God Almighty would prompt the Egyptian governor (Joseph) to have mercy
on them, v. 14.
4. Jacob surrendered himself to the inevitable, almost without hope: "If I am breaved, I am breaved!"
v. 14.
III. Revelation: on Joseph's second meeting with his brothers
1. Joseph invited them to his house for a meal, and the brothers were mortally afraid to be brought into
his house, vv. 15-18.
2. Joseph's servant reassured them, calmed their fears, released Simeon, and took care of their needs,
vv. 19-24.
3. When Joseph arrived, he asked about his father, and was secretly overcome with emotion when he saw
his brother, Benjamin, vv. 25-31.
4. Joseph continued the masquerade as an Egyptian, but he showed extreme favoritism to Benjamin . . .
continuing to test the sincerity and integrity of the brother's hearts, vv. 32-34.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to realize that . . .
1. God controls all the circumstances of my life, and that my only hope is to surrender myself to the mercy
of Almighty God.
2. The Lord speaks peace to my heart, calms my fears, releases me from bondage, and supplies all my
needs, Philippians 4:19.
3. The Ruler of the universe continually tests my heart for integrity and faithfulness.
4. The heart of the Lord us tender and long-suffering, and He yearns passionately to reveal Himself to me
and to bless me abundantly.

He Is Out Of His Mind!
(Mark 3:1-35)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Jesus healed a man's withered hand on the Sabbath; great multitudes
followed Him, vv. 1-12.
2. Jesus appointed the Twelve Apostles, vv. 13-19.
3. Jesus taught that His authority to cast out demons was from the Father,
not from Satan; He warned about the danger of committing the unpardonable
sin, vv. 20-30.
4. Jesus' mother and brothers came for Him; He taught that those who do God's
will are His true family, vv. 31-35.
II. Meditation: on why Jesus' family worried about His sanity
1. He claimed to be able to forgive sins, Mark 2:1-12.
2. He called Levi (a traitorous tax collector), and He associated with sinners,
Mark 2:13-17.
3. He broke with tradition of Johns' disciples (Mark 2:18-20) and spoke of a new
religious era which He would establish (wineskins), vv. 21-22.
4. He picked and ate grain on the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28), proclaiming that He was
above the Jewish law.
5. He healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, demonstrating that meeting
human needs superseded tradition, vv. 1-6.
6. He was worshipped by demons who testified that, "You are the Son of God,"
vv. 7-12, contradicting the rumor that He, Himself, was demon-possessed, vv. 22-30.
7. He appointed Twelve Disciples, vv. 13-20 (assuming a leader's role):
* He called those whom He wanted, exercising a sovereign choice.
* They came to Him . . . committing to discipleship and ministry.
* He invited them to be with Him full-time in intimate relationship.
* He empowered and sent them out to preach and to heal.
III. Revelation: on the spiritual truths implied here
1. In each event above, Jesus went against tradition and custom.
2. The Jewish leaders hated Him for these actions (Mark 2:6-7, 16, 24; 3:5-6).
3. Although His family (brothers John 7:5) did not believe in Him at this time, they did
want to protect Him from embarrassment and persecution.
4. These events revealed the Father's heart and the Son's mission.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Accept Christ's blessings and offer his grace to other sinners.
2. Rejoice in the "new wine" of the Holy Spirit's ministry in me.
3. Prioritize meeting people's needs over customs and traditions.
4. Hear His call to be with Him and to serve others in His name.

People who do these things are Jesus' true spiritual family members, vv. 31-35.

Pillsbury Institute NCCA Degree Titles
(Effective July 1, 2004)

Christian Master of Arts (C.M.A.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (C.Ph.D.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Psychology (C.Psy.D.)
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy (Second Doctorate Only)

The student has the option of whether to include the area of concentration ("In . . . ") on
his or her diploma. This information always will appear on the student transcript.


"I tell you and you forget. I show you and you remember.
I involve you and you understand."
- Eric Butterworth

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