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Epistle for July 5, 2002

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation July 5, 2002

In This Issue:
Sermon: I Samuel 7:1-17
Bible Study: Jonah 1:1-17
Personal Growth of the Minister
A Pastor's Personal Devotional Life

Altars We Need to Visit Regularly
(I Samuel 7:1-17)

I. Concentration and Meditation on the contents of this chapter

1. The Ark was brought to Abinadab's house, and his son, Eleazar, was placed
in charge of it; the Ark remained there 20 years, vv. 1-2.
2. Samuel gathered Israel to Mizpah where he sacrificed and prayed for the
nation, which was being threatened by the Philistines, vv. 3-9.
3. God sent thunder to confuse the enemy; Israel won a victory and Samuel
erected a memorial stone which he named "Ebenezer" (Stone of Help)
saying, "Thus far the Lord has helped us," vv. 10-14.
4. Samuel judged Israel, annually making a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal, Mizpah,
and Ramah, vv. 15-17.

II. Revelation and Appication: on the altars Samuel visited (vv. 15-17)

1. Ramah: the altar of beginnings. Ramah was "home" for Samuel, his place
of abode and rest. Ramah is identified with Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus
and where Herod slaughtered the children, Matthew 2:17-18. Annually, we
need to travel (at least in our mind) to the place where Christ was born
in us . . . where He came in to abide and to give us rest.
2. Bethel: the altar of vision. Bethel was the "House of God" place where Jacob
saw the angels going up and and down on a ladder between heaven and earth,
Genesis 28:18-19. This ladder is Jesus Christ, our link between the physical
realm and the spiritual realm, John 1:51 . . . He is the One through Whom our
prayers ascend into heaven and through Whom the Father's blessings are
channeled to us.
Annually, or more often we need to travel to the place where Christ revealed
Himself to us . . . where He gave us our "vision of destiny."
3. Gilgal: the altar of miracles. Gilgal was the place where Joshua led God's people
through the Jordan River into the Promised Land, Joshua 4:20. It was the place
where an altar was erected to celebrate the Lord's miraculous deliverance and provision,
and where vows were renewed and preparations were made for the coming warfare.
Annually, at least, we need to travel to the place where Christ has performed
miracles for us . . . where, remembering His salavation and providential care,
we renew our vows and prepare for spiritual conquest.
4. Mizpah: the altar of intercession. Mizpah was the place where Jacob and Laban built
a watchtower when they parted, Genesis 31:49. In this chapter (I Samuel 7), Mizpah was
the site where Samuel called the people to repentance and where he prayed for them.
Annually, in fact daily, we need to travel to the place of personal repentance,
confession, and intercession for others . . . to the place where Christ's sacrifice
empowers us to engage in spiritual warfare (that's intercession) and emerge
victorious. Ebenezer!


Confucius said: " To put the world in order, we
must first put the nation in order;
to put the nation in order, we
must put the family in order;
to put the family in order, we
must cultivate our personal life;
and to cultivate our personal life,
we must first set our hearts right."

Jonah Protests God's Call
(Jonah 1:1-17)

I. Concentration: on the events of this chapter
1. God called Jonah to preach repentance in Nineveh, but Jonah "protested"
that call by rebelliously boarding a ship for Tarshish, vv. 1-3.
2. The Lord sent a storm, and the sailors asked Jonah to pray for their
deliverance, vv. 4-9.
3. Realizing that the storm had been sent because of his rebellion against
God, Jonah told the sailors to throw him into the sea, vv. 10-16.
4. The Lord prepared a great fish who swallowed Jonah, and Jonah lived in
the belly of the fish for three days, v. 17.

II. Meditation: on the spiritual truths revealed here
1. The Lord is a God of mercy, not willing that any should perish . . . not
even the wicked nation of Assyria, which had taken Israel into
captivity in 722 B.C.; God gave Nineveh (Assyria's capital) a chance
to repent, v. 2; II Peter 3:9.
2. The Lord is "God of heaven" . . . all creation, including heaven and earth;
He is not limited by national boundaries; neither Jonah, nor any other
person, can flee from the presence of God, v. 9; Psalm 139:7-12.
3. In times of trouble, unbelievers often turn to the people of God, asking
them to pray and to tell them what they can do to escape destruction,
vv. 6, 11; Acts 2:37; 16:30.
4. The Lord God "works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform"
. . . God did not send an available whale, He "prepared" (created) a great
fish, v. 17; this was certified by Jesus, Matthew 12:40; Luke 11:30.

III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications of these truths
1. Since God loves everyone, so should I; God's mercy and grace should be
proclaimed to all persons everywhere.
2. God is the Creator of the universe, yet He also literally is present among us
. . . He is "omnipresent;" therefore, we should behave accordingly
because He sees and knows our thoughts, words, and deeds.
3. God's people should be ready always and immediatley to pray for and
witness to the lost, I Peter 3:15.
4. Before we even realize that we have a need, God already has made
provision to supply that need, Philippians 4:19.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Be a faithful witness for Jesus Christ to the lost.
2. Live in the continuing awareness of God's spiritual presence.
3. Pray for those who are in trouble and who need the Lord.
4. Thank the Lord for His providential care for me.

Personal Growth of the Minister
by: Dr. David Claybrook, Pastor, Christ Church - St. Louis

Dear JD (Jesus' Disciple),

How did you spend the Fourth of July this year? Did you have fireworks? I really like fireworks. I especially liked them as a kid. Our parents allowed us to buy a few firecrackers and bottle rockets. Besides blowing up things with firecrackers, I enjoyed a little gizzmo called a BuzzBomb. It was a piece of metal shaped like a propeller taped to a big firecracker with the end cut out. When lit it went round and round until it took off straight up, like a helicopter with a rocket attached to its belly. It got up about fifty feet and then exploded. IT WAS GREAT!

I still like firecrackers. The more patriotic part of me says that is only right since our nation was born in revolution, with shouts of muskets flaring and bullets flying. SHOOT! (no pun intended) our national anthem speaks of "the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air."

Personally I think it is for me another revolution. Not with bullets and bombs, but with Bibles and Broadcasts. Our nation has expereinced a not so gradual turn from the God of our forefathers and His ways.

According to James Dobson we are in battle for the very soul of our nation against the godless forces of secular humanism and its myriad of perversions. For years I looked for someone to fire the first shot, you know the shot that would move battle to the forefront, out of the church buildings and into the streets. JD, I am thinking that maybe that shot has been fired. This year I went to check it out and see if God wanted me to bring the troops under my command into battle.

One July 4th my wife, Gretchen and I went to Pennsacola, FL with some of our church members. We had spent the days of the week in a worship leadership workshop and the evenings attending the revival services at Brownsville Assembly of God. You probably have heard about them. This outpouting of God had been going on almost nightly since Father's Day several years earlier. According to conservative estimates over 100,000 people have come to know Jesus at these meetings.

Although there are some critics of the movement, I am of the conclusion this is a genuine outpouring of God. Sparks are flying everywhere. A little country church in Smithton, MO took a direct hit and has been running services for 68 consecutive weeks with people attending from all over.

One of the most exciting things to me is that God is bringing His people together. We are subordinating (not forsaking) our distinctive and exalting the things we hold in common, It is really like what happened during the revolutionary war. There were such great differences among the colonies, but they were able to put aside their individual interests and submit to George Washington as Commander in Chief. With God's help, the colonial army defeated a much superior and better equipped force. Much courage and great sacrifice were needed to gain the freedom we have all enjoyed.

The same is happening today, but in the spirit. God is calling up his minutemen, "Bring your weapons. Come together and let's run the enemy out of this land." Jesus is our Commander in Chief. The Holy Spirit is the source of our strength. As I said, JD, I see signs that the war has begun. I am praying for war. How about you?

In the Name of the King,

DM (Disciple Maker)

A Pastor's Personal Devotional Life

Thursday Morning, August 1 "Fasting and Praying"
9:30 - 10:00 Introductions and Theme Interpretation:
Dr. Curt Scarborough
President, FreeWay Foundation
10:00 - 11:00 Presenter: Dr. Gary Taylor, Pastor
First Baptist Church
O'Fallon, Missouri
11:00 - 11:30 Open Discussion: Questions and Answers

Thursday Morning - August 15 "Singing and Praising"
9:30 - 10:00 Introductions and Theme Interpretation:
Dr. Curt Scarborough
President, FreeWay Foundation
10:00 - 11:00 Presenter: Rev. Dan Hite, Pastor
Christian Family Fellowship
Wentzville, Missouri
11:00 - 11:30 Open Discussion: Questions and Answers

Thursday Morning, August 29 "Reading and Meditating"
9:30 - 10:00 Introductions and Theme Interpretation:
Dr. Curt Scarborough
President, FreeWay Foundation
10:00 - 11:00 Presenter: Dr. David Claybrook, Pastor
Christ Church
St. Louis, Missouri
11:00 - 11:30 Open Discussion: Questions and Answers

Thursday Morning, September 12 "Receiving and Journaling"
9:30 - 10:00 Introductions and Theme Presentation:
Dr. Curt Scarborough
President, FreeWay Foundation
10:00 - 11:00 Presenter: Rev. Jim Carter, Pastor
First Baptist Church
Ferguson, Missouri
11:00 - 11:30 Open Discussion: Questions and Answers

These four sessions are designed to assist the faculty of Pillsbury Institute of Applied
Christianity in developing curriculum for a new course entitled "Personal Disciplies for
Spiritual Growth." All ministers and other interested persons in the St. Louis Metropolitan
Area are invited to attend and participate in these free seminars at the Christian Civic
Foundation Building, 3426 Bridgeland Drive, Bridgeton, Missouri. For more information,
call toll-free 1-888-7freeway or email