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Epistle for June 11, 2004

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation June 11, 2004


I shall continue the studies from the Old Testament, Genesis 26-38 and the New Testament, Matthew 14-26.
These notes are from my "Personal & Practical" studies on the Bible.
In This Issue:
"Who On Earth Was Anah?"
"In The Days Of Noah"
Continue your education
Who On Earth Was Anah?
(Genesis 36:1, 5, 14, 24)
I. Concentration: on the family of Esau
1. Abraham . . . Isaac . . . Jacob and Esau: Jacob (renamed Israel) was a
sneaky, devious, deceptive type of person, while Esau was a vulgar, profane,
rebellious type of individual.
2. Esau, much to the grief of his parents Isaac and Rebekah, married not one but
three Canaanite (heathen) women, vv. 2-3.
3. Genesis 36 records the genealogy of Esau, which includes one of his wives,
Aholibamah, who was the daughter of Anah, v. 2, 5, 14.
4. Anah, the focus of this study, was Esau's father-in-law.
II. Meditation: on verse 24
"This was the Anah who found water in the wilderness (hot springs in the desert)
as he pastured the donkeys of his father Zibeon," Genesis 36:24.
III. Revelation: on what is known about Anah, v. 24
1. Anah labored in a desolate, God-forsaken place.
2. Anah tended a herd of donkeys.
3. Anah faithfully served his father, Zibeon.
4. Anah did one significant thing in his life (made one important discovery)
which benefited people for many generations to come . . . he found water in
the wilderness . . . hot springs in the desert.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to learn these lessons . . .
1. God may assign me to work in an obscure, out-of-the-way place.
2. I may be given a task as difficult as taking care of stubborn donkeys.
3. Even in a desert place doing a difficult, unsung task, I must faithfully serve
my Father.
4. Occasionally . . . but at least once in each lifetime . . . I will have an opportunity
to accomplish something significant to benefit generations yet unborn;


In The Days Of Noah
(Matthew 24:1-51)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Jesus foretold the destruction of the temple; He spoke of the signs of the times
and the end of the age, vv. 1-14.
2. Jesus taught about the great tribulation and the coming of the Son of Man, vv. 15-31.
3. Jesus told the parable of the fig tree; He taught that no one knows the day or hour of
His return, illustrating His teaching by referencing the days of Noah, vv. 32-44.
4. Jesus told the story of the faithful servant and the evil servant, vv. 45-51.
II. Observations: on how it was in the days of Noah (Genesis 6:1-12)
1. Satanism: "Nephilim," translated "Sons of God" refers to fallen dark Satanic angels,
Genesis 6:2.
2. Wickedness: People had "twisted" good into evil and vise versa; they were addicted to
depravity, not discerning right from wrong, Genesis 6:5.
3. Total corruption of society: "Every intent . . . only evil continually . . . all flesh had
corrupted their way," Genesis 6:5, 12.
4. Full of violence: Noah's day was notorious for its cruelty and disregard for human life,
Genesis 6:12.
III. Meditation: on the character of Noah, whose name means "COMFORT"
1. He found grace in God's eyes, Genesis 6:8.
2. He was just (fair, true, honest) and perfect (blameless, having maturity and integrity),
Genesis 6:9.
3. He was pronounced righteous by God, Genesis 7:1.
4. He walked with God, listening and heard God's voice, and obeyed God's commands,
Genesis 6:9; 7:1, 7.
IV. Revelation: on Noah's place in Faith's Hall of Fame (Hebrews 11:7)
1. Noah lived by faith.
2. Noah saw the future.
3. Noah responded out of reverent awe.
4. Noah obeyed and built an ark.
5. Noah "saved" his family.
6. Noah "condemned" . . . "showed up" the world, (See II Peter 2:5)
7. Noah inherited righteousness.
V. Applications: as a Christian, I need (like Noah) to . . .
1. Build an "altar" and worship God with my whole family, Genesis 8:20.
2. Train my children to walk with God and to hear His voice, Genesis 9:8.
3. Live as a person of faithful integrity . . . with God-endowed righteousness bringing honor
and glory to the Father.
4. See God's rainbow-type blessings and promises, and lead my family to truly understand
the spiritual significance of the signs of God's eternal covenant with man, I Corinthians 2:9-10.

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Tuition Fees for 2204
The Board of Directors of the Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity has established the following tuition rates, effective January 1, 2004:
Undergraduate tuition: $60 per credit hour
Graduate-level tuition: $90 per credit hour
Ph.D. in Christian Counseling Psychology (54 credit hours) - $4,860
$810 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 27 months
M.A. in Christian Counseling Psychology (40 credit hours) - $3,600
$750 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 19 months
Psy.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling (42 credit hours) - $3,780
$780 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 20 months (SECOND DOCTORATE ONLY)
D.Min. in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (48 credit hours) - $4,320
$720 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 24 months
M.Min. in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (32 credit hours) - $2,880
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* $50 graduation fee will be waived for students who complete their regular tuition
payments ahead of schedule.
NOTICE: Entering students who submit a registration form for a degree program will have 60 days in which to complete the process, including the payment of the initial fee. After 60 days, the entering student who has not completed the process will be placed on inactive status, the registration form will become invalid, and the $50 registration fee will be forfeited.
These tuition fee increases are the first to be implemented since the Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity was founded in 1992. However, the costs still remain substantially lower than all other comparable distance learning graduate schools because Pillsbury Institute is owned, controlled and operated by the FreeWay Foundation.
The FreeWay Foundation is a non-profit ministry which provides "practical teaching and training for successful living." The Foundation pays the salaries and benefits of Pillsbury Institute's administration, staff, and faculty members. The Institute is housed at no charge in FreeWay Foundation's spacious modern building on a beautiful 2-acre campus in northwest St. Louis County. Since the overhead costs of the school are minimal, these substantial savings are passed along to the student in the form of lower tuition rates.


Truths children have learned:
"When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair."
"You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk."
"No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats."
-Good Stuff

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