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Epistle for June 14, 2013

Posted by: info <info@...>

Joseph reveals his true identity

(Genesis 45:1-28)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the emotional high points of this chapter

            1.  Joseph wept aloud as he revealed himself to his brothers, vv. 1-3.

            2.  The brothers were dismayed and frightened in Joseph's presence, v. 3.

            3.  Joseph fell on his brother Benjamin's neck and wept, and he kissed and

                 embraced all his brothers, vv. 14-15.

            4.  With Pharaoh's blessing, the brothers returned to Canaan to report to their

                 father, Jacob, that his son, Joseph was alive.  Jacob's heart stood still,

                 because he did not believe them; but his spirit soon revived and he determined

                 to travel into Egypt to see Joseph, vv. 25-28.

II.  Meditation:  on Pharaoh's blessings upon Jospeh's family

MP900390077[1]            1.  Pharaoh rejoiced over Joseph's reunion with his family, and he gave gifts

                 for the brothers to take back into Canaan, vv. 16-17.

            2.  Pharaoh told them to bring their father, Jacob, and the whole family to live in

                 the best land of Egypt, vv. 18-20.

            3.  Pharaoh (through Joseph) provided them transportation, clothing, money, and food . . .

                 with extra gifts for Benjamin, vv. 21-24.

            4.  Pharaoh did all these kind deeds to the family because of his respect and admiration

                 for his Prime Minister, Joseph.

III.  Revelation:  on Joseph's wise words of spiritual insight

            1.  Do not be grieved or angry with yourselves . . . "WHAT'S PAST IS PAST; JUST LET BY-

                 GONE'S BE BY-GONE'S," v. 5.

            2.  God (not your brothers) sent me to Egypt to preserve the lives of you and your families,

                  vv. 5-8.

            3.  As his dream had forecast, Joseph had become "LORD OF ALL EGYPT," (v. 9) and through

                 him, God's chosen people would be preserved through five more years of famine, vv. 10-11.

            4.  Joseph cautioned his brothers as they departed for Canaan, "See that you do not become

                 troubled along the way," v. 24 . . . that they do not become fearful or suspicious, and that they

                 avoid self-recrimination, deceitful intrigue, family conflict, and human scheming.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Exhibit a genuine loving, forgiving, Christ-like spirit toward others who have hurt me.

            2.  Recognize that Almighty God controls all the circumstances and situations of my life . . . and

                 that He brings good out of bad, Romans 8:28.

            3.  Realize that God's purposed destiny shall be fulfilled through a person who yields to His sovereign

                 will . . . and decide to be such a person.

            4.  In dealing with my fellow human beings under God's guidance, shun fearful doubt and skepticism,

                 While also avoiding envy and deceit.





Acts of faith and unusual healings

(Mark 5:1-43)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Jesus healed the demon-possessed man in the country of Gadarenes, vv. 1-15.

            2.  The citizens of that region begged, Jesus to depart, vv. 16-20.

            3.  Jesus raised a dead young girl to life, vv. 21-24, 35-43.

            4.  Jesus healed a woman who touched the hem of His garment, vv. 25-34.

II.  Meditation:  on some unusual healings in the New Testament

            1.  The woman touched Jesus' GARMENT and was made well, vv. 24-34; others followed

MP900386063[1]                 her example, Mark 6:56; Matthew 14:36.

            2.  Peter's SHADOW touched the sick . . . all were healed, Acts 5:12-16.

            3.  Paul's HANDKERCHIEFS AND APRONS were placed upon sick persons               and

                 they were healed, Acts 19:11-12.

            4.  The disciples and others anointed the sick with OIL and they were healed, Mark 6:13;

                 James 5:14-16.

III.  Revelation:  on these examples, all of which involved active faith

            1.  The woman's FAITH in God caused her to reach out and touch Jesus' garment, v. 34.

            2.  The people's (believers') FAITH caused them to bring the sick close to Peter so his

                 Shadow could fall on them and they would be healed, Acts 5:25.

            3.  The FAITH believers had in God caused them to take cloth items from Paul and bring

                 healing to others, Acts 19:11-12.

            4.  Jesus' disciples (Mark 6:13) and elders of the church (James 5:14-16) used oil to anoint                        

      and heal the sick . . . by FAITH.

NOTE:  These people had FAITH IN GOD, not in the cloth, the shadow, or the oil!

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Reach out in faith to Jesus, believing that He has the power to meet my every need

                 when I touch Him.

            2.  In faith, bring sin-sick, hurting and dying people into the presence and under the

                 Influence of Jesus Christ, Who will make them whole.

            3.  Take material things (tangible examples of God's power, acted out parables, testimonies)

                 to unbelievers to assist them in receiving, by faith, God's spiritual blessings.

            4.  Anoint the sick with oil (representing the Holy Spirit), praying with faith to God to heal them.



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