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Epistle for June 8, 2007

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                             Dr. Curt Scarborough, President               FreeWay Foundation                       June 8, 2007

The Days of Noah

(Matthew 24:37-39 & Genesis 6:1-12)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

        Many of us remember Bill Cosby's humorous monologue about Noah hearing God tell

him to build an ark. It was funny!  However, the historical account of Noah and the flood is not

a laughing matter.


        Our passages in Genesis and Matthew reveal these four things which characterized

Noah's generation:

          1. Satanism.  The word "Nephilim," translated "sons of God," Genesis 6:2,
          2. refers to fallen dark angels or demons.

          2.      Wickedness.  The root of this word also is related to witchcraft (wicca) and

            to wicker (a type of furniture).  It essentially means "twisted."  The people

            of Noah's day had twisted good into evil and evil into good.  It characterizes

            a society that is addicted to depravity . . . not discerning right from wrong.

                3.  Total Corruption of Society "Every intent of the thoughts of his heart

                     was evil continually," Genesis 6:5.  "It was corrupt; for all flesh had

                     corrupted their way on the earth," Genesis 6:12.

          1. Full of Violence.  The culture of Noah's day was notorious for its cruelty and
          2. disregard for human life.  Genesis 6:12 says, "The earth was filled with


                        SATANISM                *       WICKEDNESS

                        CORRUPTION              *       VIOLENCE



        Noah, which means "comfort," was the ninth generation from Adam.  His father was

Lamech; his grandfather was Methuselah; his great-grandfather was Enoch.

        Noah found grace in God's eyes (Genesis 6:8).  He was just (fair, true, honest),

Genesis 6:9.  He was perfect (blameless, having integrity).  God pronounced him righteous,

Genesis 7:1.

        Noah has a close relationship with God.  He walked with God, as did his ancestor

Enoch, Genesis 6:9.  He listened and heard God, Genesis 7:1.  He did more than merely

"hear" . . . he obeyed, Genesis 7:7.


(Hebrews 11:7)

        Genesis 8 and 9 tell of Noah building an altar and worshipping God, who had preserved

him and his family through the flood.  His worship was pleasing to God; God promised to deal

with mankind in mercy (Genesis 8:20-22).

        God blessed Noah and his family.  The high point of that blessing was that God

spoke to Noah and to his sons (Genesis 9:8).  God then established His covenant with them

and gave the rainbow as a visible sign of that covenant.

        Pastors, do you want to be respected by your family? . . . remembered by your

friends? . . . rewarded by your Father?

        Then do as Noah did, in spite of our surrounding Satanic, wicked, corrupt, violent

society (Philippians 2:15), accept God's grace; walk with Him; listen to Him; believe His words.

        This lifestyle produces persons of integrity . . . with God-endowed righteousness.  Such

faithfulness brings God's protection on the family.  And best of all, it produces children who

also hear God's voice!

        Like rainbows, God's covenant of blessing can be seen by multitudes of people. 

However, only Godly families can truly understand the significance of the signs of God's eternal

covenant with man, (I Corinthians 2:9,10).

How the Gold Has Become Dim!

(Lamentations 4:1-22)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.  Jeremiah portrays the "before and after" conditions of the temple

(gold; stones) and of the men (precious sons): after the Babylonians destroyed

the city, gold was "dim," temple jewels were scattered, mothers became

indifferent to the needs of their children, and wealthy citizens were reduced

to abject poverty, vv. 1-6.

        2.  Jeremiah describes the Nazarites (high ranked nobles) as looking

like skeletons, emaciated by starvation; he relates that the mothers of the

besiged city have been forced into cannibalism, boiling and eating their own

children, v. 7-11.

        3.  Jeremiah blamed the unbelievably tragic conditions upon the

deceptive, murderous, sinful prophets, priests, and other leaders of the nation

. . . who killed God's true prophets (v. 13; Jeremiah 26:11) and who had looked

to other nations for protection (v. 17) rather than looking unto the Lord, vv. 12-20.

II.  Meditation and Revelation:  on some key verses in this chapter

      1. "The precious sons of Zion . . . area regarded as clay pots, the

work of the hands of the potter," v. 2; all persons are like clay in the hands of

the Potter, Almighty God, Isaiah 64:8; Jeremiah 18:2-6; Romans 9:21.

      2.      "The young children ask for bread, but no one breaks it for them,"

v. 4:  "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,

how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those

who ask Him," Matthew 7:11. 

      3.      "The punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is

greater than the punishment on the sin of Sodom," v. 6; persons who have

greater knowledge of God's truth will be held more accountable than those who have

less spiritual light, Luke 12:47-48; Matthew 10:15; 11:23-24.

      4.      "The adversary and the enemy could enter the gates of

Jerusalem . . . because of the sins of the prophets and the iniquities of her

priests," vv. 12-13; leaders much walk obediently because their sins can bring

God's judgment upon a nation, Proverbs 11:11; 14:34.

III.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to  . . .

      1. Yield my life to the Potter to be molded into a useful vessel.
      2. Ask, with childlike faith, for good things from my heavenly Father.
      3. Recognize my privilege and responsibility as an enlightened believer.
      4. Walk with godly integrity so that my influence may benefit others.


"I don't think necessity is the mother of invention –

invention, in my opinion, arises directly from

idleness, possibly also from laziness.

to save oneself trouble."

- Agatha Christie


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