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Epistle for March 14, 2008

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                           Dr. Dan Hite, President                   FreeWay Foundation                      March 14, 2008

Be A Pattern Of Good Works

(Titus 2:1-15)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on "showing" one's life as a model or pattern

        1.  Showing integrity = wholeness, sincerity, honesty, v. 7.

        2.  Showing reverence = awe with respect and affection:  esteem, v. 7.

        3.  Incorruptibility = not contaminated or tainted with evil, v. 7.

        4.  Sound speech = truth (words backed by deeds), v. 8.

II.  Meditation:  on the grace of God

1.      God's grace brings us salvation, v. 11 . . . BUT THERE'S MORE!
2.      God's grace also teaches us to say:
(1)     NO to ungodliness, worldly lusts, lawlessness, vv. 12, 14.
(2)     YES to sobriety, righteousness, godliness, purity, vv. 12, 14.
3.      God's grace also gives us a future blessed hope, v. 13.
4.      God's grace also gives us a present blessed purpose, v. 14.

III.  Revelation:  on God's mandates to teachers

1.      Teach the truth, based on principles found in God's word, vv. 1-5.
2.      Teach different groups different truths based on their needs and

        understanding . . . separated by age, sex, and occupation, vv. 2-4, 6, 9.

3.      Teach life skills based on moral, ethical, spiritual values, vv. 2-12.
4.      Teach by good example, vv. 7-8.
5.      Teach with the proper motivation, vv. 5, 10, 14.
6.      Teach toward definite decisions, vv. 12, 15.
7.      Teach some to be teachers of others, vv. 3, 4.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

1.      Realize that character is more important than curriculum . . . therefore,

        prioritize my personal, spiritual walk with Jesus.

2.      Accept the fact that teachers are "patterns" (models, examples, guides,

        blueprints) . . . therefore, recognize the power of my influence upon

        my students.

3.      Be a mentor who reverences God, is totally honest and sincere, is

        incorruptible (standing strongly on ethical values), and who always

        "practices what he preaches" . . . therefore, exemplify integrity in all

        that I do and in all that I say.

4.      Accept God's grace not only for salvation, but also for guidance in saying "NO"

        to evil and "YES" to godliness . . . therefore, apply God's grace to every

        situation in life, and allow God's favor to guide me away from evil and

        into His paths of righteousness.

Final Reminders

(Titus 3:1-15)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

        1.   Paul urged Titus to remind the believers of how they should conduct themselves

              as persons who have been regenerated and renewed by the Holy Spirit, vv. 1-8.

2.      Paul commanded them to avoid dissension and division, vv. 9-11.
3.      Paul summarized his message:  "Let our people learn to maintain good works,

        to meet urgent needs, that they be not unfruitful," vv. 12-14.

        4.  Paul pronounced the benediction:  "Grace be with you all."  Amen.  V. 15.

II.  Observation:  on what believers need to be reminded of (vv. 1-2)

1.      Citizenship:  be subject to rulers and authorities; obey them, v. 1.
2.      Service:  be ready for (be prepared to do) every good work, v. 1.
3.      Speech:  speak evil of no one, v. 2.
4.      Attitudes:  be peaceable, gentle, and humble, v. 2.

III.  Meditation:  on what sinners they formerly were (v. 3)

1.      Foolish = atheism:  the FOOL has said, "There is no God," Psalm 14:1.
2.      Disobedient = deliberately rebellious.
3.      Deceived = mind clouded by the devil's wiles.
4.      Serving lusts and pleasures = no self-control.
5.      Living in malice and envy = covetousness.
6.      Hateful and hating one another = not loving others as myself.

IV.  Revelation:  on the believer's present position (vv. 4-7)

        These blessings come to believers because of the kindness

        and love of God toward men, v. 4; they are:

1.      Saved (forgiven) by God's mercy, v. 5.
2.      Regenerated: given new life, v. 5.
3.      Renewed:  by the daily filling of the Holy Spirit, vv. 5-6.
4.      Made heirs of eternal life:  children of God, v. 7.

V.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

        1.   Continually strive to live a peaceable, gentle, submissive, humble life before

              God and man.

2.      Remember the past sinful life from which God has redeemed me by His mercy

        and grace.

3.      Praise God for His salvation, continuing sanctification, eternal life, and daily

        renewal by the Holy Spirit.

4.      Thank God for His kindness and love as revealed in the spiritual blessings

        He gives to me.


"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful

than a life spent doing nothing." – George Bernard Shaw


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