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Epistle for March 21, 2003

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation March 21, 2003


In This Issue:
"Basic Truths about God's Love" (I John 4)
"Nahum Prophesies God's Vengeance" (Nahum 2)

Basic Truths about God's Love
(I John 4:1-21)
I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. John taught believers to test the spirits; he gave encouragement: "He who is
in you is greater than he who is in the world," vv. 1-6.
2. John wrote about the necessity of loving one another and loving God, Who is love, vv. 7-11.
3. John taught that abiding in God means abiding in love, and vice versa, vv. 12-16.
4. John wrote: "Perfect love casts out fear" and "We love Him because He first loved us,"
he taught that a person who hates his brother does not truly love God, vv. 17-21.
II. Observations: on the characteristics of God's love
1. Love is of God, v.7.
2. God is love, vv. 8, 16.
3. God manifested His love by sending His Son, v. 9.
4. God loved mankind before mankind loved Him, vv. 10, 19.
III. Meditation: on a believer's proper responses to God's love
1. Everyone who is born of God, loves Him and knows Him, v. 7.
2. If God so loved us, we ought to love one another, vv. 11, 20-21.
3. If we truly love one another, God abides within to help us to grow toward spiritual maturity, vv. 12, 17.
4. God's love overcomes fear and doubt: "There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out fear," v. 18.
IV. Revelation: on the background of this passage
1. The love spoken about here is "AGAPE" . . . God's unconditional love for mankind, without regard to
our unworthiness.
2. In this chapter, John begins by discussing how to test the spirits, and how to condemn the false,
demonic ones, vv. 1-3.
3. John also encouraged believers with the promise of ultimate victory in spiritual warfare, by writing,
"He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world," v. 4.
4. Even during spiritual battles with persons who follow Satan, Christians always should manifest
the love of God toward them.
V. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Allow God's love to fill me, so that I can love and bless others.
2. With spiritual insight, discern the difference between evil spirits and God's Holy Spirit.
3. Walk in the confident hope of my eventual triumphant spiritual victory through Christ.
4. Balance my zeal for battle against the enemy with my love, which sees my human "enemies"
as persons whom God loves and wants to save; God loves them just as much as He loves me!

Nahum Prophesies God's Vengeance
(Nahum 2:1-13)

I. Concentration: on the events of this chapter

1. "He who scatters" refers to the coalition of the Medes, Babylonians, and
Scythians about to attack Nineveh; "Man the fort . . . " are the urgent orders
being issued to defend the city, v. 1.
2. Nahum prophesied the restoration of God's people who had been under
Assyrian domination . . . "the emptiers" (Assyrians who had "emptied" the
cities they had conquered, sending the captives into exile in foreign lands)
would themselves be "emptied," v. 2.
3. Military uniforms, weapons, and chariots are described, as the war rages within
the besieged city, vv. 3-4.
4. "HE" (the king of Assyria) mustered his best troops, but they "stumbled" under
the attack; the dam controlling the Tigris River was destroyed, flooding the city
and "dissolving" the dried mud bricks of the palace, vv. 5-6.
5. Ninevites were led away as captives, and the city was looted and destroyed, vv. 7-10.
6. Nahum mocked the "lions" . . . the national symbol of Assyria, vv. 11-12.
7. The fall of Nineveh was an act of divine retribution . . . the Lord of Hosts silenced
the voice of Assyria forever, v. 13.

II. Meditation and revelation: on the spiritual implications of these events

1. The Lord God Almighty is in control of the events of history, and He often uses heathen
nations to accomplish His purposes.
2. Divine justice certainly will be executed: the "scatterer" will be scattered, and the
"emptiers" will be emptied; God's punishment will fit man's crime!
3. Human might and power will not be able to stand in the day of God's judgment.
4. God will perserve and save His chosen people.

III. Applications: as a christian, i need to . . .

1. Trust in the Lord, Who "holds the whole world in His hand."
2. Praise the Lord, Who is holy, righteous, and just.
3. Be prepared for the Judgment Day, claiming God's forgiveness, mercy,
and grace extended to me through the Lord Jesus Christ.
4. Thank the Lord for His sure salvation and eternal life . . . daily expressing my
gratitude for being one of His "chosen children."

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Master of Ministry (32 credit hours - $2,400) in

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