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epistle for March 23, 2007

Posted by: info <info@...>


                                    Dr. Curt Scarborough, President        FreeWay Foundation                 March 23, 2007


Luke 19:41-44

Dr. Curt Scarborough

        Maybe "real men don't eat quiche," but genuine men of God do weep over sin.  Jesus

wept over Jerusalem; we ministers certainly need to weep over our cities.

        In Luke 19:41-44, we note three examples Jesus set for us:

          1. Jesus DREW NEAR Jerusalem.  Too many of us flee from the city when
          2. it is decaying and dying rather than staying to minister.

          2.      Jesus SAW.  Too many of us deliberately close our eyes rather than see

            (observe) the hurt and the need.

          3.      Jesus WEPT.  Too many of us despise (or ignore) rather than weep in prayer

            over the chronic problems of our cities.

        WHY CRY?  For the same reasons Jesus wept:

I.  Because Evil (Satanic) Influences Were Besieging The City

                1.   Enemies were building an embankment, encircling, hemming it in. 

            (Luke 19:43)

          1. Siege!  Surrounding troops were cutting off supplies so that starvation and


                      would break the will to resist and lead to surrender.  Vicksburg, Mississippi

            was under siege 47 days before it surrendered on July 4, 1863.

          3.      Our enemy, according to john 10:10 has only three purposes.  He comes to

            steal (take away our promised provision and heritage), to kill (death of

            conscience, spiritual discernment, and love for righteousness), and to destroy

            (testimony and influence).

II.  Because of People's Ignorance (Spiritual Blindness)

          1. Lost people don't know the true source of peace.  (Luke 19:42)
          2. Lost people don't have eyes to perceive spiritual reality.  (Luke 19:42)
          3. Lost people don't recognize God's presence and purpose.  (Luke 19:44)

III.  Because People Continually Reject God's Mercy (Matthew 23:37)

          1. God's messengers were killed.
          2. God's love was spurned.
          3. God's protection was refused; His warning of danger and death ignored.

IV.  Because these things Inevitably Lead To Doom

          1. Death (Luke 19:44) Humanity:  "dash you and your children to the ground."
          2. Destruction (Luke 19:44) Society:  "Not one stone on another."
          3. Desolation (Matthew 23:38-39) Spirituality:  "house is left desolate . . . you
          4. will not see ME again.

        Notice what Jesus did after he wept over the city of Jerusalem (Luke 19:45-46).  He

immediately went into the temple:

          1. Drove out the ungodly, greedy merchants.
          2. Used Scripture to emphasize holy living.
          3. Prioritized the practice of prayer.

      The weeping over the city and the cleansing of the temple illustrate the two major traits of

God; love and holiness.  Jesus here exhibited compassion toward sinful people and confrontation

toward sinful practices.

V.  Application To Christian Ministers Today

                1.  We need to draw near, see, and weep over our flock, our city, our state, our

           nation, and our world. 

2.      We need to weep because:
·       Spiritual enemies are besieging to steal, kill and destroy,
·       People can't see reality regarding God's peace, presence

                and purpose,

·       People reject God's message and offer of love, mercy, and

                protection, and

·       Human suffering, societal destruction, and spiritual desolation

                are the inevitable results.

          3.      After we have engaged in "liquid prayer", we need to take these actions:

·       Boldly confront ungodly, greedy profiteers who make money

              peddling deadly products and practices,

·       Emphasize by word and deed the necessity and benefits of Biblical

                holiness, and,

·       Engage in intercessory prayer (spiritual warfare) in behalf of our

                people and our city.

        This old gospel song summarizes these truths:

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,

Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;

Weep o're the erring one, lift up the fallen,

Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.

Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,

Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save,

Magnify The Lord of Glory!

(Colossians 1:15-19)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

I.  Concentration:  on who Jesus is . . .

        1.   He is the image of the invisible God, v. 15.

        2.   He is the first born over all creation, v. 15.

        3.   He is the Creator, v. 16.

        4.   He is before all things (in time; in importance) v. 17.

        5.   He is the force holding creation together, v. 17.

        6.   He is the head of the church, v. 18.

        7.   He is the beginning/firstborn of the resurrected ones, v. 18.

        8.   He is supreme in everything, v. 18.

        9.   He is the dwelling place of all the fullness of God, v. 19 (2:9)

10. He is the reconciler between God and man, v. 20.

        11. He is the indweller within the believer, v. 27.

        12. He is the hope of glory, v. 27.

II.  Meditation:  on Paul's continual prayer for the Colossians (vv. 8-14)

      1. "Be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual
      2. understanding," vv. 9-10.

      2.      "Walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him," v. 10.

      3.      "Bear fruit in every good work," v. 10.

      4.      "Be strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, for

        all patience, long-suffering, and joy . . . with thanksgiving," vv. 10-13.

III.  Revelation:  Paul prays that these Christians may have . . .

      1. An understanding MIND.
      2. Guided FEET along life's pathway.
      3. Serving and ministering HANDS.
      4. A patient, long-suffering, joyful, thankful HEART.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

      1. Be open to God's revelation knowledge for me.
      2. Walk worthy of my name . . . "Christian."
      3. Bear much fruit through faithful service and unselfish ministry.
      4. Be filled with the Holy Spirit so that I may exhibit patience, long-suffering,
      5. joy, and thanksgiving . . . to MAGNIFY THE LORD OF GLORY!


"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant;

If we did not sometimes taste of adversity,

prosperity would not be so welcome."

-Anne Bradstreet

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