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Epistle for March 5, 2004

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation March 5, 2004


This first quarter of 2004, I shall be sharing with you my "Personal & Practical" notes and applications on Genesis 13-24
and Matthew 1-13. (I used the first 12 chapters of Genesis in the "E-pistle" during December, 2001.) I plan
to continue these book studies in the Old and New Testaments for the next several months.
In This Issue:
Genesis 22:1-19
Matthew 10:1-42
PIAC raises tuition
Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Will Provide
(Genesis 22:1-19)

I. Concentration: on God's test (mid-term examination) of Abraham
1. It was a test of his spiritual DISCERNMENT . . . Did he really hear what he thought he heard
the Lord say? vv. 1-2.
2. It was a test of his OBEDIENCE . . . Abraham obediently rose early next morning to make
preparations for the trip, vv. 3, 18.
3. It was a test of his spiritual PERCEPTION . . . He "lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off,"
v. 4 . . . God's place of sacrifice on Mt. Moriah was the future site of the Temple in Jerusalem
purchased by David and built by Solomon, I Chronicles 21:21-26; II Chronicles 3:1; 7:1-3.
4. It was a test of his FAITH . . . He believed God's word so completely that even though he
actually might sacrifice his son, both of them would return to the camp, v. 5; Abraham
believed in the Lord's resurrection power, Hebrews 11:17-19.
II. Meditation: on the events occurring on Mount Moriah
1. Isaac was called Abraham's "only son" in spite of Abraham's first-born son, Ishmael, v. 2.
(Isaac was Abraham's only true covenant son).
2. Isaac asked his father to explain the details of the up-coming sacrifice, v. 7.
3. Abraham laid his submissive son, Isaac, on the wood, secured him there, and began the
act of execution, vv. 9-10.
4. The Angel of the Lord (Pre-incarnate Christ) stopped Abraham from killing Isaac and substituted
a ram; Abraham called the place "JEHOVAH-JIREH" . . . THE LORD WILL PROVIDE, vv. 11-14.
III. Revelation: on the Messianic pictures seen here
1. Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son, John 1:14; 3:16.
2. Jesus was totally submissive to the Father's will; yet from the cross he asked the Father,
"WHY . . . ?" Matthew 27:46.
3. Jesus was nailed (bound) to a wooden cross on the same Mount Moriah where Abraham had
offered Isaac . . . the New Testament's cross is the Old Testament's altar, Hebrews 13:10.
4. God substituted the "LAMB OF GOD" to die in our place . . . Jesus Christ became the
sacrifice to pay for our sins, John 1:29. JEHOVAH-JIREH!!
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. HEAR, SEE, BELIEVE, and OBEY God's personal words to me.
2. Willingly offer as a sacrifice to the Lord all that I am, all that I have, and all that I can be . . . my
dreams, my hopes, my aspirations, my future: all must die, John 12:24.
3. Receive by faith, with thanksgiving, God's continuing salvation provided by the crucifixion of the
Son of God, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, Revelation 13:8.
4. Celebrate God's abundant blessings upon me and my family; rejoice that He is using me to
bless other persons on the earth, vv. 15-19.

Empowered and Sent Out
(Matthew 10:1-42)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
Jesus called His Twelve Disciples and sent them out to preach the gospel,
heal the sick, and cast out demons, vv. 1-8. His instructions to them dealt with:
1. PRACTICAL PROVISION, vv. 9-15 - money, clothing, food, housing.
2. PREDICTED PERSECUTION, vv. 16-23 - sheep among wolves, v. 16; kings and
governors, v. 18; brother, father, children, v. 21 . . .hated, v. 22.
3. PERCEPTIVE PREPARATION, vv. 24-31 - as the Master is persecuted, so is the
disciple . . . Jesus will comfort and instruct His witness . . . who will become like
Him through their trials and tribulations, vv. 24-25.
4. PUBLIC PROFESSION, vv. 32-42 - confessing Christ often results in division from
family and friends, but such "cross-bearing" brings great spiritual benefits.

II. Meditation: on the Lord's preparation and training of those He commissions
1. Jesus empowered His disciples before He sent them out.
2. He gave them specific instructions on where and how to minister.
3. He encouraged faithfulness to duty during the times of persecution.
4. He challenged His disciples with a divine promise of spiritual rewards.

III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications seen here
1. We must "tarry" until endued with power; see Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:8.
2. God calls us to specific places, to minister to specific people, to accomplish
specific tasks in His name, vv. 5-8.
3. God does not judge us by our results . . . only by our degree of faithfulness to
His assignments, Matthew 25:21.
4. Becoming like Jesus Christ inevitably will involve our persecution and suffering,
vv. 24-25; See II Timothy 3:12.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Ask for and wait for the Holy Spirit's anointing before acting for God.
2. Allow the Father to assign me to minister the way He chooses, where He chooses,
and to whom He chooses.
3. Always be faithful to my call to follow Jesus, whatever the cost.
Continually "GROW IN GRACE" . . . into Christ's likeness, II Peter 3:18; see also
Ephesians 4:13.
4. Continually "grow in grace" . . . into Christ's likeness, II Peter 3:18; see Ephesians 4:13.

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Tuition Fees for 2004

The Board of Directors of the Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity has established the following tuition rates, effective January 1, 2004:
Undergraduate tuition: $60 per credit hour
Graduate-level tuition: $90 per credit hour
Ph.D. in Christian Counseling Psychology (54 credit hours) - $4,860
$810 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 27 months
M.A. in Christian Counseling Psychology (40 credit hours) - $3,600
$750 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 19 months
Psy.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling (42 credit hours) - $3,780
$780 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 20 months (SECOND DOCTORATE ONLY)
D.Min. in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (48 credit hours) - $4,320
$720 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 24 months
M.Min. in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (32 credit hours) - $2,880
$630 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 15 months
Bachelor of Biblical Counseling or Biblical Studies (final year: 32 credit hours) - $1,920
$570 initial payment plus $150 monthly for 9 months

Iron-clad Money-back Guarantee

* $50 registration fee will be refunded if the applicant is not accepted as a student.
* Initial payment will be refunded - no questions asked - if the student decides to
withdraw for any reason within 30 days of registration.
* $50 graduation fee will be waived for students who complete their regular tuition
payments ahead of schedule.
NOTICE: Entering students who submit a registration form for a degree program will have 60 days in which to complete the process, including the payment of the initial fee. After 60 days, the entering student who has not completed the process will be placed on inactive status, the registration form will become invalid, and the $50 registration fee will be forfeited.
These tuition fee increases are the first to be implemented since the Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity was founded in 1992. However, the costs still remain substantially lower than all other comparable distance learning graduate schools because Pillsbury Institute is owned, controlled, and operated by the FreeWay Foundation.
The FreeWay Foundation is a non-profit ministry which provides "practical teaching and training for successful living." The Foundation pays the salaries and benefits of Pillsbury Institute's administration, staff, and faculty members. The Institute is housed at no charge in FreeWay Foundation's spacious modern building on a beautiful 2-acre campus in northwest St. Louis County. Since the overhead costs of the school are minimal, these substantial savings are passed along to the student in the form of lower tuition rates.


"There are high spots in all of our lives,
and most of them come about through
encouragement from someone else."
-George Adams