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Epistle for May 30, 2003

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation May 30, 2003


Dr. Scarborough will be teaching from the books of Nehemiah and Hebrews
during this quarter (April-June)

In This Issue:
Nehemiah 9:1-38
Hebrews 9:1-28
MA, PhD, & PsyD degree program

Stand Up and Bless the Lord!
(Nehemiah 9:1-38)

I. Concentration: on the events of this chapter
1. The Israelites assembled on the 24th day of the 7th month to fast,
to separate themselves from pagans, and to confess their sins, vv. 1-2.
2. They stood and listened to the reading of God's word for one-fourth of a day, then
spent another one-fourth of a day in confession and worship of the Lord their God, v. 3.
3. The Levites blessed the Lord with a loud voice, proclaiming His praise as they
recounted Israel's history, vv. 4-35.
4. The Levites called the people to renew their covenant relationship with God,
writing down the terms which were to be sealed formally by the leaders, the priests,
and the Levites, vv. 36-38.
II. Meditation: on the history of God's dealing with the Israelites
1. God, the creator of the universe, chose Abraham to be the father of a chosen
people . . . the Hebrews, vv. 6-8.
2. God delivered His chosen people from Egyptian bondage and formed them into a
nation under the leadership of Moses, who instructed them on God's laws and
worship requirements, vv. 9-21.
3. God led them into taking possession of the Promised Land under the leadership
of Joshua, vv. 22-25.
4. God continued to deal with His people during the period of the judges, during the
monarchy and the divided kingdom, and during the exile and the return from captivity, vv. 26-35.
III. Revelation: on the ministry of the Holy Spirit revealed in this chapter
1. "You also gave Your good Spirit to instruct them," v. 20.
2. "When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth,"
John 16:13.
3. "You . . . testified (admonished or warned) against them by Your Spirit in
Your prophets," v. 30.
4. "When He (the Holy Spirit) has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of
righteousness, and of judgment," John 16:8.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. "Stand up and bless the Lord your God forever and ever!" v. 5.
2. Focus on reading, studying, meditating, and applying God's word . . . confessing my
sins and renewing my spiritual covenant relationship with the Lord every day.
3. Review with thanksgiving God's dealings with me in mercy and grace throughout all of my life.
4. Welcome the ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life . . . guiding me into God's revealed truth,
and convicting me of my sins against the Lord.

The Ark of the Covenant
(Hebrews 9:1-28)

I. Concentration: on the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25)
1. It was a box made of acacia wood (27x27x45 inches), v. 22.
2. It was overlaid with pure gold, v. 10.
3. It was not to be touched by human hands; rather, it was to be carried by poles through
rings attached to the Ark, vv. 12-15.
4. It was called by other names (Ark of the Testimony; Ark of the Lord), but always it
represented the presence of God among His people.
II. Meditation: on the contents of the Ark (Hebrews 9:4-5)
1. Tablets of the Covenant - The Ten Commandments carved on two tablets of stone . . .
God's word; His law, Exodus 25:16.
2. Pot of Manna - bread from heaven collected as a memorial to God's feeding the
Israelites through their forty years of wilderness wandering, Exodus 16:33.
3. Aaron's rod that budded - demonstrating and affirming that God chooses and
anoints His leaders for fruitful service, Numbers 16-17.
4. Cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat - golden lid of the Ark, with
angels on each end extending their wings toward the center: the "mercy seat,"
Exodus 25:18-20 (See John 20:12.)
III. Revelation: on what the Ark represents
1. It represents God's covenant relationship with us, including the behavior He expects
from His people (law).
2. It represents God's provision for His people . . . supplying all our need according to
His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, Philippians 4:19.
3. It represents God's anointing of His chosen One (Christ; Messiah) and His anointing
of His people for service by the Holy Spirit.
4. It represents God's mercy toward those who believe in Jesus Christ, thus receiving
mercy and grace . . . forgiveness and cleansing.
IV. Applications: as a Christian I need to . . .
1. Accent God's word - His clear directions for living my life.
2. Acknowledge God's provision - His daily, providential care.
3. Affirm God's anointing - experiencing God's filling of the Holy Spirit, for empowered
fruitful service.
4. Accept God's mercy - His saving grace; His forgiveness and cleansing.

Note: Jesus is all of these: (1) Word (John 1:1), (2) Manna (John 6:31-33),
(3) Anointed One (Christ; Messiah) (Matthew 16:16), and (4) Mercy Seat - the
holy place (Person) where God meets man, and where God's presence is
manifested in mercy, (Hebrews 4:16).

Pillsbury Institute introduces new
M.A., Ph.D., & Psy. D. degree programs

M.A. in Christian Counseling Psychology (40 credit hours - $3,000)
Ph.D in Christian Counseling Psychology (54 credit hours - $4,000)
Psy.D in Clinical Christian Counseling *(42 credit hours - $3,150)
*(Only available for persons who already hold an earned doctoral degree)

Students at Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity (PIAC) now may receive pastoral counseling training using the curriculum and distance learning format developed by the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) of Sarasota, Florida. These high quality materials consist of 41 courses in ten academic tracks, and also include advanced studies, clinical supervision (internship), practicum, thesis and examination, plus licensing and certification in eight possible specialty areas.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The successful completion of all academic requirements using NCCA cucciculum and the conferring of the MA, PhD, or PsyD degrees by PIAC does not include membership in NCCA, nor does it qualify the graduate to receive any certification or licensing from NCCA.

Upon graduation, the student will be issued a degree diploma (MA, PhD, or PsyD) and a complete transcript of the NCCA studies completed at PIAC. The student has the option of presenting this official transcript to NCCA to show the courses completed at PIAC. The student then may choose to apply for membership in NCCA and to apply for acceptance into an advanced program of study designed to qualify him or her for NCCA certification and licensing as a Christian pastoral counselor. Small fees are charged by NCCA for both of these options.

NCCA has several additional requirements for the licensing process, including:
1. a supervised practicum plus thesis for MA graduates
(dissertation for PhD and PsyD graduates),
2. The obtaning of ministerial credentials (if the applicant does not have such
documentation already, and
3. an ethical examination posed by NCCA's National Licensing Board of Examiners.

Each successful candidate receives NCCA Board Certification as as Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor (LCPC) or as a Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor (LCCC). More than 1,700 persons in the United States have been trained and certified by NCCA as licensed Christian counselors, making it the largest such credentialing agency in the nation.
(Over 4,000 counselors have been licensed world-wide by NCCA.)

The NCCA Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor (LCPC) certification is not the same as a State's Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) designation.