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Epistle for November 12, 2004

Posted by: info <info@...>


Dr. Curt Scarborough, President
FreeWay Foundation November 12, 2004

In This Issue:

"Pharaoh Offers Compromises to Moses"

"Anna, a Prophetess"

PIAC Degree Program

Pharaoh Offers Compromises to Moses

(Exodus 8:1-32)

I. Concentration: on the events in this chapter

1. Pharaoh's magicians came to the end of their powers and reported to
him that,

"This is the finger of God," v. 19.

2. Pharaoh begged Moses to remove the frogs (v. 8) and later the flies
(v. 28), but

when relief came, he reneged on his promises, vv. 15, 32.

3. God separated His people from the Egyptians when He sent the plague
of flies

everywhere in Egypt except in the land of Goshen, vv. 22-23.

4. Desperate for relief, Pharaoh began offering compromises, v. 28.

II. Meditation: on the state of Pharaoh's heart following each plague

1. Water into blood: Pharaoh's heart was unmoved, 7:23.

2. Frogs - Pharaoh hardened his heart, 8:15.

3. Lice - Pharaoh's heart grew hard, 8:19.

4. Flies - Pharaoh hardened his heart, 8:32.

5. Livestock deaths - Pharaoh's heart became hard, 9:7.

6. Boils - The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, 9:12.

7. Hail - Pharaoh hardened his heart, 9:34.

8. Locusts - The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, 10:20.

9. Darkness - The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, 10:27.

10. Death of firstborn - The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, 14:8.

III. Revelation: on Pharaoh's unacceptable compromising proposals to

1. At first, Pharaoh flatly refused Moses' demands that he allow the

Hebrews to go free, 8:19.

2. Then Pharaoh, under duress, offered to let them go a short distance
into the

wilderness (and then return), 8:28.

3. Next Pharaoh offered to let only the men go, but to leave behind
their wives

and children (knowing that they would surely return), 10:8-10.

4. Finally, Pharaoh offered to let all the people go, but to leave
their flocks and

Herds behind (again assuming that they would return), 10:24.

IV. Applications: on how Satan attempts to get God's people to

1. The devil always and repeatedly lies to God's people, John 8:44.

2. The devil tempts believers to go only a short distance into sin . .
. to sin just

"a little bit."

3. The devil tries to divide the families of God's people . . . "Let
the old folks worship

God, but leave the young ones to me!"

4. As a last resort, the devil tries to strip believers of God's
promised provisions,

John 10:10 . . . to make them dependent upon material things which are

satanic control.

Anna, a Prophetess

(Luke 2:1-52)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter

1. Jesus was born to Mary in Bethlehem; angels told the good news to

Shepherds, who came to worship the newborn child, vv. 1-20.

2. Jesus was circumcised in the temple; Simeon recognized Him as the

Messiah and prophesied about His ministry, vv. 21-35.

3. Anna witnessed that Jesus was the promised Redeemer, vv. 36-38.

4. Jesus' family returned to live in Nazareth; at age 12, He amazed

Scholars in the temple in Jerusalem; "Jesus increased in wisdom and

Stature, and in favor with God and man," vv. 39-52.

II. Observations: on the name "Anna" (vv. 36-38)

1. Anna means "Grace."

2. She was a daughter of Phanuel, meaning "Face of God," Genesis

3. She was of the Tribe of Asher, meaning "Good Fortune; Happiness."

4. The full interpretation of Anna's name: "In the FACE OF GOD, is


III. Meditation: on prophetesses in the Bible; their calling
and commission

1. Miriam (Exodus 15:20) - led the celebration of deliverance.

2. Deborah (Judges 4:4) - judged Israel; accompanied Barak into

3. Hulduh (II Kings 22:14) - pronounced judgment and forgiveness to
King Josiah,

in the days of Jeremiah.

4. Anna (Luke 2:36-38) - testified of the good news, the gospel of the

IV. Revelation; on the life and ministry of Anna, the

1. WHO: Anna was a true female prophet. (See Acts 2:17; 21:9).

2. WIDOW: She had married at age 17; lived with her husband 7 years

his death; lived as a widow for 60 years; now she was 84 years of age,

according to Luke 2.

3. WORK: She lived in the temple; served there faithfully; fasted and

day and night.

4. WITNESS: She recognized the Messiah and thanked God; she
testified to

all that this baby (Jesus) was the Redeemer.

V. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .

1. Examine who am I in God's sight: I am uniquely known by Him.

2. In spite of heart-breaks, disappointments, failures, weaknesses . .
. serve

God faithfully.

3. Live in God's presence (in constant communion with Him), including

the vital Christian disciplines of fasting and prayer.

4. Recognize that such spiritual practices result in believers
"Seeing" Jesus Christ,

Praising and thanking God the Father, and telling others about the Savior of
the world.

Prayer: "Lord, show Your face, bringing me spiritual happiness and grace."

Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity

Tuition Fees for 2004

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (54 credit hours) - $4,860

Christian Master of Arts (40 credit hours) - $3,600

Christian Doctor of Psychology (42 credit hours) - $3,780

Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (48 credit
hours) - $4,320

Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (32 credit
hours) - $2,880

Bachelor of Biblical Counseling or Biblical Studies (final year: 32 credit
hours) - $1,920

Degree Titles at PIAC

Christian Master of Arts (C.M.A.)

In (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR

In (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR

In (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (C.Ph.D.)

In (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR

In (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR

In (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Psychology (C.Psy.D.)

In (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR

In (Clinical) Temperament Therapy (SECOND DOCTORATE ONLY)


The student has the option of whether to include the area of concentration
("In . . . ")

on his or her diploma. This information always will appear on the student

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