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Epistle for October 10, 2014

Posted by: info <info@...>


FreeWay Foundation           October 10, 2014


"Life is not fair!"

(Job 30:1-31)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on the contents of this chapter

            1.  Job moans that he is being mocked and taunted by younger men, who are

                 "sons of fools, yes, sons of vile men," (v. 8) . . . these worthless men spit

                 in his face, rejoice in his calamity, and conspire to destroy his honorable

                 name, vv. 1-15.

            2.  Job complains about his affliction of soul and intense physical pain which

                 prevent his sleep or rest, vv. 16-19.

            3.  Job cries out in prayer to God, wondering why the Lord cruelly disregards

                 him and refuses to answer, and concluding that he knows God intends to

                 kill him, vv. 20-23.

            4.  Job reviews his pitiful condition and admits his profound confusion and

                 turmoil, comparing himself to a jackal or ostrich, dying in the wilderness

                 unknown, unseen, unloved, and unmourned, vv. 24-31.

II.  Meditation:  on the common expression:  "Life is not fair!"

            1.  Sometimes persons who are inexperienced, unqualified, unworthy, and/or

                 ungodly are promoted to prominence and authority above other who are

                 more experienced, qualified, worthy and godly (vv. 1, 8).      

            2.  Sometimes persons who have helped the needy and the grieving in the

     past find themselves requiring assistance, yet not receiving any help from

     those they have aided, (v. 25).

            3.  Sometimes terrible calamities and natural disasters happen to destroy the

                 property or the business of persons who have done nothing wrong, who

     have done nothing to deserve it, (v. 15).

4.  Sometimes totally innocent persons suffer for many years with painful

     infirmities or terminal illnesses (vv. 17, 30).

III.  Revelation:  on "Life may not be fair, but God is!"

            1.  God is fair; He will reward His servants someday with justice and equity.

            2.  God is fair; He never will forsake those who are in need or those who are

                 sorrowing . . . He supplies and He comforts.

            3.  God is fair; He is not responsible for events of destruction (floods,

                 earthquakes, tornadoes) . . . He cares about the people injured and killed

                 by these events, and He preserves their lives eternally.

            4.  God is fair; He always heals His people completely and permanently . . .

                 through a physical or by a miracle; sometimes on this earth, but always

                 ultimately in heaven.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Thank the Lord for His righteousness and justice.

            2.  Thank the Lord for His love and mercy.

            3.  Thank the Lord for His amazing grace.

            4.  Thank the Lord for His eternal salvation.




"stir up the Gift of God"

(II Timothy 1:6-7, 11-14)

Dr. Curt Scarborough


I.  Concentration:  on "THE GIFT OF GOD"

            1.  The gift of God is undeserved favor . . . a present for which man has not

                 worked; not a wage (See Acts 2:38; II Timothy 1:14).

            2.  It is a blessing from God and "OF" God . . . meaning that the gift is God,

                 the Holy Spirit.  (For example:  a "gift of money" does not mean that the

                 gift is "FROM" money, but that it is money.

            3.  It is possible for the gift to be "STIRRED UP" . . . encouraged, revived,

                 rekindled . . . and become practically dormant. 

            4.  It is possible for one Christian to bestow the filling (baptism) of the Holy

                 Spirit upon another believer . . . "through the laying on of my (Paul's)

                 hands," v. 6, or "by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the

                 eldership," II Timothy 4:14.

II.  Meditation:  on the characteristics of God's gift (v. 7)

            1.  Not a spirit of fear . . . but of courage and faith.

            2.  Not a spirit of weakness . . . but of almighty, resurrection power.

            3.  Not of indifference or hatred . . . but of love for God and man.

            4.  Not atheistic foolishness of intellectual pride . . . but a "sound mind"

                 . . . one enlightened to perceive God and to understand His destined

                 purposed for a believer's life.

III.  Revelation: on the "Blessed Assurances" of this gift of God (vv. 11-14)

            1.  The assurance that God has a definite purpose to accomplish through

     my life, v. 11.

            2.  The assurance that God will sustain His saints through suffering and

                 persecution, v. 12.

            3.  The assurance of intimately and personally knowing and experiencing

     God, v. 12.

            4.  The assurance of eternal security of the believer's soul, which Christ is

     able to keep until that (judgment) day, v. 12.

IV.  Applications:  as a Christian, I need to . . .

            1.  Praise and thank God for His gift of Himself to me.

            2.  "STIR UP" my spiritual life in the Holy Spirit by Bible study, prayer,

     meditation, and unselfish, God-honoring service.

3.  Exercise my "Holy Spirit gift" with courage, power, love, and spiritual


4.  Live with the blessed assurance that God holds me and my future in

     His almighty hand.


"A man who doesn't stand for

something will fall for anything."

--Alexander Hamilton



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