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Epistle for October 11, 2002

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation October 11, 2002


In This Issue:
PIAC Biblical Counseling
Bible Study: Titus 2:1-15
"Iron Sharpens Iron" Seminars

Biblical Counseling Education

FreeWay Foundation's Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity has entered into a licensed agreement with the American Association of Christian Counselors to offer professional training in Biblical Counseling to ministers in the United States, according to Dr. Curt Scarborough, president of FreeWay Foundation. The AACC, led by Dr. Timothy E. Clinton, is the world's largest association for Christian counselors, with over 50,000 members.

AACC, offers a distance learning Certificate program in Biblical Counseling called: "Caring for People God's Way." Dr. Jay Spencer, Dean of AACC's Center for Biblical Counseling in Forest, VA, administers the 5-unit, 30-course training program which according to him is, "biblically based, academically sound, and clinically excellent."

A high percentage of ministers feel ill-prepared to deal with the complex pastoral counseling issues that come their way. AACC (and Pillsbury Institute) are on the cutting edge, seeking to equip ministers for 21st century reality. This program presents ministers and others with a tremendous opportunity to sharpen their counseling skills through an outstanding faculty and course selection. Through the Center for Biblical Counseling, students can complete their education on their own time in their home or office. Students determine their own class schedule pace . . . deciding when and how they will study.

Students will receive 30 engaging videotaped lectures featuring some of the best Christian counseling leaders and Bible teachers in the world, complete with course lectures, outlines, study notes, and examinations. All materials are designed to increase a person's knowledge and people skills. The program provides opportunities for spiritual and professional development through a convenient and flexible distance learning format.

AACC also offers three other complete video courses similar to this basic one on Biblical Counseling. They include a track on Marriage Ministry, another on Women's Issues, and a third track on Healthy Sexuality. FreeWay Foundation's agreement with AACC allows a student enrolled in Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity to receive any one of these courses of study, including a one-year membership in AACC, for the low tuition cost of only $225. The usual price for this is $750 plus $89 for the annual AACC membership. For PIAC students, that's a savings of $614!

Students who successfully complete AACC's course of study will receive a beautiful certificate from the Center for Biblical Counsleing. (This certificate does not certify a graduate as a licensed professional counselor. Rather, it is designed to recognize the professional level of training acheived by pastors who provide Biblical counseling as part of their on-going ministerial duties within their local church.)

The Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity will recognize the Cetificate from AACC's Center for Biblical Counseling as part of its degree requirements. For an additional fee, PIAC will grant 3 credit hours for each of the five units of study, or a total of 15 credit hours for successfully completing the entire course of study. These AACC video-courses are the core curriculum for PIAC's degrees in Biblical Counseling.

Here's how the Pillsbury Institute-AACC agreement works:
1. To qualify for the $614 scholarship offered by AACC, you must enroll as a
student in Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity.
2. Fill out the registration form and mail a $300 check made out to PIAC:
Pillsbury Institute Enrollment Fee $ 50
FreeWay Foundation Administrative Cost $ 15
AACC Tuition $ 225
Shipping and Handling $ 10
Total Cost for Course $ 300
3. FreeWay Foundation will forward your tuition to AACC, certifying that you
are a student in PIAC and thereby qualified to receive the $614 scholarship.
4. AACC will send you all the videotapes, course lectures, outlines, workbooks,
and examinations.
5. Complete all the work required by AACC's Center for Biblical Counseling and
receive their Certificate in Biblical Counseling.
6. Send a copy of the Certificate from AACC along with your completed notebooks
and examinations to PIAC to receive 15 credit hours at the Pillsbury Institute of
Applied Christianity. For students not enrolled in a degree track, an additional fee
will be charged on AACC work completed for PIAC credit.

For more information email or call 1-888-7FREEWAY or
mail requests to FreeWay Foundation, 3426 Bridgeland Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044
Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of materials from AACC. Seminars and workshops
should be scheduled 6 months in advance.


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela

Be a Pattern of Good Works
(Titus 2:1-15)

I. Concentration: on "showing" one's life as a model or pattern
1. Showing integrity = wholeness, sincerity, honesty, v. 7.
2. Showing reverence = awe with respect and affection: esteem, v. 7.
3. Incorruptibility = not contaminated or tainted with evil, v. 7.
4. Sound speech = truth (words backed by deeds), v. 8.

II. Meditation: on the grace of God
1. God's grace brings us salvation, v. 11 . . . but there's more!
2. God's grace also teaches us to say:
(1) NO to ungodliness, wordly lusts, lawlessness, vv. 12, 14.
(2) YES to sobriety, righteousness, godliness, purity, vv. 12, 14.
3. God's grace also gives us a future blessed hope, v. 13.
4. God's grace also gives us a present blessed purpose, v. 14.

III. Revelation: on God's mandates to teachers
1. Teach the truth, based on principles found in God's word, vv. 1-5.
2. Teach different groups different truths based on their needs and
understanding . . . separated by age, sex, and occupation, vv. 2-4, 6, 9.
3. Teach life skills based on moral, ethical, spiritual values, vv. 2-12.
4. Teach by good example, vv. 7-8.
5. Teach with the proper motivation, vv. 5, 10, 14.
6. Teach toward definite decisions, vv. 12, 15.
7. Teach some to be teachers of others, vv. 3, 4.

IV. Applications: as a Christian teacher, I need to . . .
1. Realize that character is more important than curriculum . . . therefore,
prioritize my personal, spiritual walk with Jesus.
2. Accept the fact that teachers are "patterns" (models, examples, guides,
blueprints) . . . therefore, recognize the power of my influence upon
my students.
3. Be a mentor who reverences God, is totally honest and sincere, is
incorruptible (standing strongly on ethical values), and who always
"practices what he preaches" . . . therefore, exemplify integrity in all
that I do and in all that I say.
4. Accept God's grace not only for salvation, but also for guidance in saying "NO"
to evil and "YES" to godliness . . . therefore, apply God's grace to every
situation in life, and allow God's favor to guide me away from evil and
into His paths of righteousness.

"Iron Sharpens Iron" Seminars

Join Dr. Curt Scarborough in two in-depth studies:

Date: Thursday November 7, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "The Extra Blessings of the Lord's Supper"
Place: FreeWay Foundation
3426 Bridgeland Drive
Bridgeton, MO 63044

Date: Thursday, December 5, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "Meditations on Being Spirit-Filled"
Place: FreeWay Foundation
3426 Bridgeland Drive
Bridgeton, MO 63044