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Epistle for October 15, 2004

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Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation October 15, 2004


In This Issue:
"The Signs God Gave To Moses"
"Jesus Uses Anonymous, Unknown Servants"

The Signs God Gave To Moses
(Exodus 4:1-31)

I. Concentration: on the events in this chapter
1. God gave Moses three miraculous signs, vv. 1-9.
2. God silenced all of Moses' excuses for not wanting to lead the Israelites out of Egypt;
God gave him Aaron, his brother, to assist him, vv. 10-17.
3. Moses prepared his family for the trip into Egypt, including reinstating the ancient Hebrew
ritual of circumcision, vv. 18-26.
4. Moses and Aaron showed God's signs to the elders of the children of Israel, who believed
and worshipped the Lord, vv. 27-31.
II. Meditation: on the four signs which God gave to Moses
1. The burning bush, which was not consumed, Exodus, chapter 3.
2. The rod that turned into a serpent, then back into a rod, Exodus 4:2-5.
3. His hand that became leprous, then was healed, Exodus 4:6-8.
4. The water that changed into blood, Exodus 4:9.
III. Revelation: on the spiritual significance of these signs
1. All three signs in Exodus chapter 4 (serpent, leprosy, and blood) represent death and/or life.
God created life (snake from a rod); God healed (leprosy cleansed); God revealed
that life is in the blood, Leviticus 17:11.
2. God's purpose for these three "signs" (miracles) was not only to bolster the faith of the Israelites,
but also to "show up" (expose as false) the gods of Egypt, Exodus 12:12. God's two signs to the
Egyptians overcame their serpent god and their Nile River god, Exodus 7:8-25.
3. Why was the leprosy sign shown only to the Israelites? God's purpose was to heal His chosen
people, but not the Egyptians, Exodus 15:26.
4. The rod, the healthy hand, and the water all represent the natural abilities which man depends upon,
but which God can take away or restore . . . God can turn a blessing into a curse and vice versa.
IV. Applications: on how to identify a genuine God-called leader
1. He has had a "burning bush" experience, a personal encounter with God.
2. He obeys the Lord and "casts down his rod" . . . renounces and discards his natural abilities
which he had depended on for success. God changes his human, dead abilities, talents,
gifts (rod) into spiritual life (serpent) which is seen by both believers and unbelievers.
II Corinthians 2:15-16; Philippians 2:17; Colossians 1:24.
3. He has his private leprosy (secret sins) publicly exposed (confessed) to God's people, and cleansed
by the Lord, James 5:16. This is manifested only to those who have "eyes to see" . . . to the
Israelites, not to the Egyptians, Exodus 34:29-35; I Corinthians 2:9-16; 3-7 - 4:7.
4. He "pours out" his life in sacrificial service to produce spiritual results in others . . . either life or
death, depending upon the responses of those being ministered to, II Timothy 4:6; Philippians 2:17;
II Corinthians 2:14-16.

Jesus Uses Anonymous, Unknown Servants
(Mark 14:1-72)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Jewish leaders plotted to kill Jesus; He was anointed at Bethany, vv. 1-9.
2. Judas agreed to betray Jesus; Jesus celebrated the Passover with His
disciples and instituted the Lord's Supper, vv. 10-26.
3. Jesus predicted Peter's denial; Jesus prayed in the garden, where He was
betrayed and arrested; a young follower (Mark?) fled naked from the soldiers,
vv. 27-51.
4. Jesus was tried before the Jewish Sanhedrin; Peter denied Jesus and wept,
vv. 66-72.

II. Meditation: on what Jesus instructed His disciples to do
1. Go into the city of Jerusalem.
2. Find and follow a man carrying a pitcher of water (a secret sign).
3. Ask his master, "Is the guest room ready for the TEACHER ?" (a password)
4. Make sure that all preparations are made for the Passover (and for the Lord's Supper).

III. Observations: on what we know about this anonymous, unknown man
1. He carried a pitcher of water . . . which was "woman's work."
2. He stood out from the crowd because of his servant's heart; he did not say a word,
but he was essential to Jesus' plan.
3. He had "been there," so as a reliable guide, he knew the way.
4. He showed others the place, then allowed them to proceed; his service was
finished, and he was not mentioned again in Scripture . . . but he is well-known
by the Lord Jesus.

IV. Revelation: on what we know about the place where he led the disciples
1. Large - There is plenty of room for all who seek Jesus, Genesis 26:22.
2. Upper - I must "go up" spiritually to meet Jesus, Ephesians 1:20; 2:6.
3. Furnished - Everything we need is supplied and found there, Philippians 4:19.
4. Prepared - The work already has been done; I merely enter into that prepared place,
I Corinthians 2:9-10; John 14:1-3.

V. Applications: on what this teaching means to my life today
1. Like the disciples, I need to hear and obey Jesus' words, Matthew 7:24-28.
2. Like the disciples, I need to operate only in the name of the "Teacher," Colossians 3:17.
3. Like the man carrying the pitcher, I need to be a vessel filled with the Holy Spirit
(living water), and different from the crowd because I have a humble servant's heart,
Ephesians 5:18; Matthew 20:28.
4. Like the man carrying the pitcher, I need to guide others to the place where they can meet
Jesus for worship, instruction, and fellowship . . . then I should step out of the picture, Luke 14:23.

Thanksgiving: I'm glad that Jesus uses anonymous, unknown servants . . . like me!

Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity

Tuition Fees for 2004

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (54 credit hours) - $4,860

Christian Master of Arts (40 credit hours) - $3,600

Christian Doctor of Psychology (42 credit hours) - $3,780

Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (28 credit hours) - $4,320

Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling of Spiritual Mentoring (32 credit hours) - $2,880

Bachelor of Biblical Counseling or Biblical Studies (final year: 32 credit hours) - $1,920

Degree Titles at PIAC

Christian Master of Arts (C.M.A.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (C.Ph.D.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Psychology (C.Psy.D.)
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy (Second Doctorate Only)

The student has the option of whether to include the area of concentration ("In . . . )
on his or her diploma. This information always will appear on the student transcript.


"Level with your child by being honest. Nobody
spots a phony quicker than a child."
-Mary MacCracken

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