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Epistle for October 18, 2002

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation October 18, 2002


In This Issue:
Spiritual Mentoring
Bible Study Titus 3
"Iron Sharpens Iron" Seminars

PIAC's Spiritual Mentoring Track

Since the dawn of civilization, the best method of teaching and learning, probably has been one teacher and one student, left alone together. As President James Garfield once said, "Give me a log hut, with only a simple bench, Mark Hopkins on one end and I on the other." Hopkins (1802-1887) was a famous American college teacher who served as president of Williams College for 36 years.

This tutorial system persisted through the days of Socrates, into the Middle Ages, where the great universities of early Europe - Oxford, Cambridge, Paris - operated on this principle. With the rise of education for the masses, this system tended to fade away. But, happily, it survives in one unusual and excellent institution in St. Louis, Missouri: The Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity.

Dr. Curt Scarborough, president and founder of the Pillsbury Institute in 1992, is available to mentor a limited number of mid-career Christian ministers on a one-on-one basis. He will tutor mature graduate-level students one day per month . . . any day of the week, except Sunday. On completion of a contracted course of study (approximately 16 months for a master's - $2,400; 24 months for a doctorate - $3,600), a Master of Applied Christianity or a Doctor of Applied Christianity degree is awarded.

All degrees must seek their own level in the theological and academic marketplace. A recent doctoral graduate from Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity stated: "It seems to me that a degree awarded to me for over a year of disciplined meditation and daily journaling under the spiritual mentoring and private tutoring of Dr. Curt Scarborough (including my writing of an original devotional commentary on each chapter of every book in the New Testatment) is at least as worthy as a degree awarded for study at a small denominational college or Bible school."

This graduate student continued: "How many Christian ministers spend an average of four hours daily in Bible study focused meditation, intercessory prayer, and spiritual journaling? How many Christian authors, living in the United States today, have written a completely new and original commentary (preaching and teaching outlines and notes) on each chapter of every book in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments? How many Christian Bible teachers have developed an innovative Bible study system . . . a simple, user-friendly, revelatory method which emphasizes meditation on the Word of God, illumination from the Holy Spirit, and practical applications for successful daily living? How many founder-presidents of a Christian institution of higher education have accepted a limited number of younger pastors for private tutoring and personal mentoring?

"I know of only one such gentleman," he concluded. "He's Dr. Curt, and I am proud to call him my mentor . . . and my friend."

All degree programs are custom designed for individual students. Pillsbury Institute requires a learning contract between the student and a mentor/tutor on the faculty. This contract specifies in advance exactly what the student must do to earn the degree. The contract also requires completion of a major project, including a thesis/dissertation or other type of formal report, plus an oral examination at the close of the project.

A number of pastors have chosen to participate in the Spiritual Mentoring program of FreeWay Foundation's Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity, under the personal tutoring of Dr. Curt Scarborough, president.

Here's How This Program works:

1. A minister enrolls in the Spiritual Mentoring track, agreeing to spend a minimum of 10 hours a week in
disciplined private devotions under the guidance of Dr. Scarborough.
2. The goal is to develop personal and practical notes on selected portions of Scripture within one year
(all 260 chapters in the New Testament, for example). The mentoring partner will write on at least five
chapters each week, focusing on a few chosen verses in each chapter and using a suggested
simple outline.
3. Every four to six weeks, the mentoring partner will meet with Dr. Scarborough to review the work, to
compare spiritual insights, to discuss revealed truths, and to sharpen each other's ministry skills
(Romans 1:11-12).
4. At the end of one year, the mentoring partner in this example will have produced a 260 page personal and
practical devotional commentary on the New Testament to use in his preaching and teaching, to publish as
a book, to preserve and pass along to his family, and to serve as a resource for mentoring others.

What the Spiritual Mentoring Program DOES NOT do:
a.. It does not teach Biblical languages or expository interpretation.
b.. It does not involve denominational doctrine or systematic theology.
c.. It does not substitute for a minister's necessary on-going preparations to preach or teach.
d.. It does not evaluate the written work on the basis of "content" as much as on the basis of "process."
What the Spiritual Mentoring Program DOES:
a.. It establishes a strict routine of daily devotional exercises.
b.. It disciplines committed Bible students to meditate and to listen for the voice of God.
c.. It trains serious students of the Word to seek, find, and record (journal) "revelations" from the Holy Spirit as He applies God's Word in a practical way to their lives and ministries.
d.. It maintains accountability with a mentor, who also is engaged in doing the same daily spiritual exercises ... sharing insights with each other at the monthly private tutoring sessions.
How to join Dr. Scarborough in this Spiritual Mentoring program:

1. Enroll in FreeWay Foundation's Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity; the $50 enrollment
fee includes the cost of the textbook "Personal & Practical . . . New Testament" by Dr. Scarborough.
2. Arrange for an initial conference with Dr. Scarborough to begin the Spiritual Mentoring program. At each
monthly meeting, new assignments will be made and the next appointment will be scheduled.
3. For those not desiring credit hours or not working on a degree at the Pillsbury Institute, the cost
of each 2 hour mentoring session is $50.
4. Students working on a degree at the Institute may earn 35 credit hours by completing all 260 chapters
in the New Testament.

Plans are being made to make this Spiritual Mentoring program and other Pillsbury Institute courses available soon over the internet. A Spiritual Mentoring track also is available for those interested in working through the Old Testament.

For more information contact or
or write to FreeWay Foundation, 3426 Bridgeland Dr., Bridgeton, MO 63044 or phone 314-739-1121.

Final Reminders
(Titus 3:1-15)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Paul urged Titus to remind the believers of how they should conduct themselves as
persons who have been regenerated and renewed by the Holy Spirit, VV. 1-8.
2. Paul commanded them to avoid dissension and division, vv. 9-11.
3. Paul summarized his message: "Let our people learn to maintain good works,
to meet urgent needs, that they be not unfruitful," vv. 12-14.
4. Paul pronounced the benediction: "Grace be with you all. Amen." v. 15.

II. Observations: on what beleivers need to be reminded of (vv. 1-2)
1. Citizenship: be subject to rulers and authorities; obey them, v. 1.
2. Service: be ready for (be prepared to do) every good work, v. 1.
3. Speech: speak evil of no one, v. 2.
4. Attitudes: be peaceable, gentle, and humble, v. 2.

III. Meditation: on what sinners they formerly were (v. 3)
1. Foolish = atheism: the fool has said, "There is no God," Psalm 14:1.
2. Disobedient = deliberately rebellious
3. Deceived = mind clouded by the devil's wiles
4. Serving lusts and pleasures = no self-control
5. Living in malice and envy = covetousness
6. Hateful and hating one another = not loving others as myself

IV. Revelation: on the believer's present position (vv. 4-7)
These blessings come to believers because of the kindness
and love of God toward man, v. 4; they are:
1. Saved (forgiven) by God's mercy, v. 5.
2. Regenerated: given new life, v. 5.
3. Renewed by the daily filling of the Holy Spirit, vv. 5-6.
4. Made heirs of eternal life; children of God, v. 7.

V. Applications: as a Chrsitian, I need to . . .
1. Continually strive to live a peaceable, gentle, submissive, humble life before God and man.
2. Remember the past sinful life from which God has redeemed me by His mercy and grace.
3. Praise God for His salvation, continuing sanctification, eternal life, and daily renewal by the Holy Spirit.
4. Thank God for His kindness and love as revealed in the spiritual blessings He gives to me.


"To believe in something and not to live it, is dishonest." Mahatma Gandhi


"Iron Sharpens Iron" Seminars

Join Dr. Curt Scarborough in two in-depth studies:

Date: Thursday, November 7, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "The Extra Blessings of the Lord's Supper"
Place: FreeWay Foundation
3426 Bridgeland Drive
Bridgeton, MO 63044

Date: Thursday, December 5, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "Meditations on Being Spirit-Filled"
Place: FreeWay Foundation
3426 Bridgeland Drive
Bridgeton, MO 63044