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Epistle for October 19, 2007

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                                      Dr. Curt Scarborough, President              FreeWay Foundation                   October 19, 2007

Follow The Ark

(Joshua 3:1-17)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

Written January 1995


        Heretofore in the wilderness, God led His people with obvious, visible signs

(cloud and pillar of fire).  Now as they prepare to cross the Jordan River, He uses

a different method . . . "Follow the Ark."

        I.  Why Follow the Ark?

                1.   Because you haven't been this way before, v. 4.

                        God gives direction.

2.      Because the river is at flood stage, v. 15.

              God guards from danger.

3.      Because it leads out of the wilderness into the Promised Land.

              God guides toward destiny.

4.      Because it's a new step of faith.

              (Red Sea Faith = God acts, then the people move.)

              (Jordan River Faith = People move, then God acts.)

                God's grace brings deliverance.

        II.  What Does "Follow the Ark" Mean?

                (Reference:  Hebrews 9:4, 5 - - Contents of Ark)

1.      Tables of Law:  Accent God's Word.
2.      Pot of Manna:  Appreciate God's provision.
3.      Aaron's Rod that budded:  Acknowledge God's Leader.
4.      Mercy Seat Covering:  Apply God's Grace.

            (See Hebrews 4:16, Exodus 25:10-22)

        Conclusion:  (Summary)

        As we enter a new year, we need to "Follow The Ark" because . . . Specifically

and practically, this means we should . . .

The Days of Noah

(Matthew 24:37-39; Genesis 6:9)

Dr. Curt Scarborough

Written February 1995

Introduction:  How was it in the days of Noah?

1.      Demonic forces rampant ("Sons of God = fallen, dark angels).
2.      Wickedness = twisted, like wicker; addicted to perversion.
3.      Total corruption of society "every . . . only evil continually."
4.      Full of violence – cruelty, disregard for life.

        Compare with 20th Century America.

God put Noah into Faith's Hall of Fame (Hebrews 11:7)

1.      By faith, he pleased God, Hebrews 11:6.
2.      Heard God and saw future (Persons who walk and talk with God,

        see!  Noah walked with God as Enoch, Genesis 6:9.)

3.      Responded out of reverence (Even though we enjoy intimate

        fellowship with God, we must never become over-familiar with

        Him!  The created man worships the Creator God.)

4.      Obeyed and built (Vision must result in obedient service.)
5.      Build ark to save family (We must see beyond today, building

        ark-like families to protect future generations yet unborn.)

6.      "Condemned" – his life "showed-up" – contrasted with the wickedness

        of his society. (II Peter 2:5)

7.      He inherited righteousness. (Compare Genesis 7:1)

Conclusion:  Do you want to be respected by your family?  Remembered by your

friends?  Rewarded by your Father?

Then, do as Noah did:

1.      Accept God's grace, Genesis 6:8.
2.      Walk with God, Genesis 6:9.
3.      Listen to God's voice, Genesis 7:1f.
4.      Believe God's words, "by faith" Hebrews 11:7.

Such a relationship with God not only provides a safe ark for the family:  the children

of such men also themselves hear God's voice.  (Genesis 9:8.)

We hope these two outlines for sermons will help you in teaching about The Ark.  These

are simply SERMON IDEAS and should be used as such.  Dr. Scarborough wrote these

in 1995 and the facts haven't changed since then.  God is still "GOOD ALL THE TIME" and the

Bible is still TRUE all the time.


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