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Epistle for October 25, 2002

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation October 25, 2002


Public Teachers Invited to Join FCE

In 1998 FreeWay Foundation (formerly Christian Civic Foundation) launched a new ministry to encourage and affirm Christians who teach in public schools. The Fellowship of Christian Educators is a network of mutual support groups which get together weekly in their school buildings for a regular prayer-share time. We suggest that these FCE groups meet for a brief 20-minute devotional period before or after school one day a week to pray for the administration, faculty, staff, students, and families of the community.
FCE is not a political action group nor is it an alternative labor union for teachers. It merely is a regular, ongoing group of professional educators who are committed to Christ. Ideally, on each Monday morning before the bell rings, these believers gather to worship the Lord, receive spiritual nourishment, share burdens, and pray for spiritual strength for the coming week.
FreeWay Foundation has a vision of thousands of Christian teachers all across America joining together in love and discernment, praying for fruitfulness, character, and excellence, as seen in Philippians 1:9-11. Imagine the spiritual impact such concentrated intercessory prayer could make on the public school system of the nation.
The following is a sample of the devotional that FCE chapters will receive each week to use in their prayer-share time.



FreeWay Foundation's weekly e-mail newsletter for Fellowship of Christian Educators chapters
Week of September 9, 2002


Teachable Moments on . . . Scripture
by: Dr. Curt Scarborough

Thought for the week: a master teacher acknowledges the Bible as the ultimate truth and the final authority.

Contrary to popular opinion, Jesus' first sermon was not the one He preached at His home synagogue in Nazareth (Luke 4). Rather, His first sermon was preached a few days earlier in the wilderness . . . to a congregation of one: Satan.
This teachable moment in the life of Christ immediately followed His baptism and anointing for service by the Holy Spirit. He did more than "Just say no" to the devil. He resisted and rejected the three temptations by quoting key verses from the book of Deuteronomy, prefacing each quotation with the words, "It is written," Matthew 4:4, 7, 10.
Jesus clearly acknowledged the Bible as the ultimate truth and final authority. He used the "Sword of the Spirit" (Ephesians 6:17) to triumph over Satan's schemes. The writer of Hebrews characterized the word of God as "living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword," Hebrews 4:12.
Yes, God's word is authentic and authoritative. But is it really practical in modern society? Do these interesting events (or not-so-interesting genealogies) from many centuries ago have any relevance for us where we work today? Are the truths timeless, or hopelessly obsolete?
Paul answers these questions. "Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they are written for our admonition," I Corinthians 10:11. To the Romans, Paul wrote, "For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope," Romans 15:4.

Prayer: Lord, as I read, study, and meditate on Your word, each day, help me to profit
from the examples, to learn from the truths, and to live in ever-increasing hope. Amen

(This devotional is for use during the FCE weekly prayer-share time)

"E-merge" meaning "to come forth into view" was chosen as the name for this newsletter
to remind FCE members that their Christian dedication is to be visible
within the public schools where they serve.

Putting Pressure on Philemon
(Philemon 1:1-25)

I. Concentration: on the situation described in Paul's brief letter
1. Philemon had been a friend of Paul's, probably when Paul was serving as pastor
of the church which met in Philemon's home, vv. 1-3.
2. Philemon's slave, Onesimus, had escaped and run away from his master, but he had
been won to faith in Christ by Paul in Rome, v. 10.
3. Paul asked Philemon to forgive and receive Onesimus back . . . as more than a slave:
as a brother in Christ, vv. 12, 16.
4. Paul commented on how much he could still use the services of Onesimus, but that he
(Paul) was doing the right thing by sending Onesimus back to Philemon, vv. 12-13.

II. Meditation: on the spiritual pressure Paul applied on Philemon
1. I'm thankful to God for you; in fact, I pray always for you, v. 4.
2, I know of your love and faith toward the Lord and toward all the saints ( . . . this includes
Onesimus) v. 5.
3. You have been like a brother to me . . . bringing joy, love, and refreshing, v. 7.
(Please do me another favor!)
4. Although I have the authority to command it, I appeal to you to receive and forgive Onesimus
voluntarily, as a fellow believer . . . and to put on my account any expenses he may have
incurred, vv. 8, 14, 17-18.

III. Revelation: on reasons Philemon should (and probably did) receive Onesimus
1. His love and respect for his former pastor, Paul, who was now in prison.
2. Onesimus, now as a Christian, would be an even more valuable servant than ever before, v. 11.
3. Onesimus had been ministering to Paul's needs . . . (in a sense, Philemon himself, was ministering
to Paul through a slave) . . . which Philemon had been unable to do personally, v. 13.
4. Onesimus' escape from slavery and fleeing to Rome may have been God's providential way of
helping Paul in prison, vv. 15-16.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Have an open-hearted, loving, forgiving spirit toward those who have wronged me.
2. Gently persuade other believers to do the right thing . . . rather than demanding compliance
or commanding obedience.
3. Confine my persuasive arguments about Godly living to Biblical, spiritual principles only.
4. Perceive God's hand at work in all situations and circumstances of my life.


Quote From Albert Einstein: "Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."

"Iron Sharpens Iron" Seminars

Join Dr. Curt Scarborough in two in-depth studies:

Date: Thursday, November 7, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "Meditations on Being Spirit-filled"
Place: FreeWay Foundation
3426 Bridgeland Dr.
Bridgeton, MO 63044

Date: Thursday, December 5, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "Stir Up the Gift of God"
Place: FreeWay Foundation
3426 Bridgeland Dr.
Bridgeton, MO 63044