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Epistle for October 29, 2004

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation October 29, 2004


In This Issue:
"I Am The Lord"
"Signs Which Follow Those Who Believe"
PIAC - How Much?

"I Am The LORD"
(Exodus 6:1-13, 26-30)

I. Concentration: on God's revelation of Himself to Moses
1. "I am the Lord" . . . Who Appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Who
established My covenant with them, vv. 2-4.
2. "I am the Lord" . . . Who hears the groanings of the children of Israel, and
Who will rescue and redeem them, vv. 5-6.
3. "I am the Lord" . . . Who will claim the Israelites as My own chosen people,
and Who will be their God, v. 7.
4. "I am the Lord" . . . Who will bring My people out from Egyptian bondage,
and Who will give them the Promised Land as their heritage, v. 8.
II. Meditation: on the reasons for Moses' discouragement
1. Moses felt inadequate to confront Pharaoh, perhaps because he had a
speech impediment, vv. 12, 30.
2. The Israelites did not heed Moses because of their "anguish of spirit" . . .
acute pain of mind, grief, anxiety, and emotional torment, v. 9.
3. The Israelites did not heed Moses because of their increasing physical pain
and suffering . . . "cruel bondage," v. 9.
4. Pharaoh was stubborn and unreasonable, refusing even to consider Moses'
request, vv. 12, 30.
III. Revelation: on what "I AM THE LORD" can do
1. God empowered Moses' communication skills, and sent his brother, Aaron, for
companionship, encouragement, and assistance.
2. God, through the Exodus, delivered His people from their emotional torment
into exuberant rejoicing, Exodus 15:1-21.
3. God (Jehovah-Rapha, Exodus 15:26) changed the injuries, pains, and diseases
of His people into complete physical healing and continuing wellness,
Deuteronomy 7:15.
4. God sent ten plagues upon Egypt, which proved His superiority over all the
Egyptian gods, and which finally forced Pharaoh to free the Hebrew slaves,
Exodus 12:31-33.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Remember that the Lord's call to me also includes His strength and power
to accomplish His purpose.
2. "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice!" Philippians 4:4.
3. Realize that God's provision includes physical healing, according to His will
and word, Matthew 8:16-17; Isaiah 53:4; Mark 16:18; James 5:13-16.
4. Recognize that God is omnipotent, and that His will and His purpose in this
world shall be done.

Signs Which Follow Those Who Believe
(Mark 16:1-20)

I. Concentration: on the final verses of the Four Gospels
1. Matthew 28:20 . . . "(The Great Commission) . . . AMEN."
2. Luke 24:53 . . . "in the temple praising and blessing God. Amen."
3. John 21:25 . . . "the world itself could not contain the books that
would be written. Amen"
4. Mark 16:8 . . . "They said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid."
Should the Gospel of Mark end here? . . . Or continue?
Mark 16:20 . . . "They went out and preached everywhere, the Lord
working with them and confirming the word through
the accompanying signs. Amen."

II. Meditation: on the disputed verses of Mark 16:9-20
1. The Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the Gospels, and He has preserved
them over the centuries . . . including the "Amen."
2. Mark 16:8 ends abruptly, not telling the rest of the story: that Jesus lives
. . . even though Mark was written 30 years after the resurrection.
3. I believe that Mark 16:9-20 was in the original manuscript, but was dropped
intentionally or lost accidentally in some copies (Codex Sinaiticus and
Codex Vaticanus); later those lost verses were restored to the canon of Scripture.
4. Verses 15-18 are the (red) words of Christ; although they may be difficult to
understand in the light of some believers' contemporary religious experience,
they must not be ignored.

III. Revelation: on Jesus' difficult words in Mark 16:15-18
1. "He who BELIEVES and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not
BELIEVE will be condemned," v.16. The pivotal key word is "BELIEVE."
2. "Signs will follow those who BELIEVE," v. 17. See above note; signs are not
promised only to the Twelve Apostles, but to all BELIEVERS in every era.
3. The "SIGNS" which Jesus named include:
* Casting out demons
* Speaking with new tongues
* Taking AWAY serpents (not "up"); see John 1:29; Luke 10:19; I John 3:5.
* If = on the condition or supposition that; whether; in cast that . . . implying
unintentional action; meaning, not "when" or "since," but "IF" they drink
anything deadly, it will not harm them.
* Healing the sick by laying on of hands.
4. These signs did (and do) follow believers, confirming God's word, v. 20.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Accept ALL Scriptures as infallible truth, including Mark 16:9-20.
2. Study the disputed passage, which some believers have neglected.
3. Meditate on the Four Gospels for their "over-arching" message to me.
4. Be able to give a sound, spiritual reason for my faith, I Peter 3:15.

Tuition Fees for 2004

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (54 credit hours) - $4,860

Christian Master of Arts (40 credit hours) - $3,600

Christian Doctor of Psychology (42 credit hours) - $3,780

Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (28 credit hours) - $4,320

Master of Ministry in Biblical Counseling or Spiritual Mentoring (32 credit hours) - $2,880

Bachelor of Biblical Counseling or Biblical Studies (final year: 32 credit hours) - $1,920

Degree Titles at PIAC

Christian Master of Arts (C.M.A.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Philosophy (C.Ph.D.)
in (Clinical) Counseling Psychology OR
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy

Christian Doctor of Psychology (C.Psy.D.)
in (Clinical) Pastoral Counseling OR
in (Clinical) Temperament Therapy (Second Doctorate Only)

The student has the option of whether to include the area of concentration ("In . . . ")
on his or her diploma. This information always will appear on the student transcript.


"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
then they seem improbable, and then,
when we summon the will, they
soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve (1952-2004)

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