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Epistle for September 12, 2003

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation September 12, 2003

During this quarter Dr. Scarborough will be teaching from Esther 1-10 and Habakkuk in the Old Testament
and Galatians 1-6, I Timothy 1-6, and II John in the New Testament
In This Issue:
Habakkuk 1:1-17
I Timothy 5:1-25
PIAC Advanced Degrees
Habakkuk's Questions To God
(Habakkuk 1:1-17)
I. Concentration: on the prophet's conversation with God
1. Habakkuk ("Embrace") wrote during the period between the fall of
Nineveh in 612 B.C. and the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., while Judah
was being threatened by a possible Babylonian invasion, v. 1.
2. Habakkuk asked God: "How long" will You allow plundering, violence,
iniquity, strife, and contention to continue? vv. 2-4.
3. God replied: "I will work a work in your days which you would not believe,
though it were told you," . . . I am going to use the Chaldeans, vv. 5-11.
4. Habakkuk then asked: You are the Holy One . . . How then can You use a cruel
invading army to deal with Your own chosen people? vv. 12-17.
II. Meditation: on the spiritual truths seen in this chapter
1. The seriousness and weight of Habakkuk's concern for his people was a
spiritual "burden" to him, v. 1.
2. God's timing is one of life's most unfathomable mysteries, as we observe,
with little understanding, His controlling hand in the events of history . . .
"How Long," v. 2.
3. God wants to reveal His will to His people, but usually He is hindered from
doing so by their skepticism and unbelief, v. 5.
4. The holiness of God does not prevent Him from involving Himself with sinful
mankind, vv. 12-13.
III. Revelation: on the spiritual implications of these truths
1. Every believer should have a "burden" (a deep compassionate concern) for the
souls of lost persons around him, Psalm 126:5-6.
2. God's delays in sending swift judgment and severe punishment upon
wickedness is an indication of His patience and long-suffering, of His love
and mercy, II Peter 3:8-9.
3. God reveals His will and purpose to persons who ask and who receive His
revelation in faith, James 1-5-6.
4. God loved us . . . while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, Romans 5:8.
IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. With spiritual eyes, see the white fields of lost souls awaiting harvest; witness
personally while praying for the Lord to send more laborers, Luke 10:2; John 4:35-36.
2. Thank the Lord for His love, mercy, and grace, Ephesians 2:4-10.
3. Be open to receive the Lord's revelations, knowing that: "Surely the Lord God does
nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets," Amos 3:7.
4. Walk daily in the confidence of God's love for me . . . "For He Himself has said,
'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' So we may boldly say: 'The Lord
is my helper; I will not fear.'" Hebrews 13:5-6.

Let's Get Practical!
(I Timothy 5:1-25)

I. Concentration: on the contents of this chapter
1. Paul taught Timothy how to relate to church members generally, vv. 1-2.
2. Paul taught Timothy how to care for widows in the church, vv. 3-16.
3. Paul taught Timothy how to treat elders (pastors), vv. 17-20.
4. Paul gave Timothy some other "personal & practical" advice, vv. 21-25.
II. Meditation: on relating to church members and widows
1. Older men - treat as fathers, with respect.
2. Younger men - treat as brothers.
3. Older women - treat as mothers.
4. Younger women - treat as sisters, with purity.
5. Honor the widows, v. 3.
6. The primary responsibility for a widow's care lies with her family members,
not with the church, vv. 4, 8, 16.
7. The church should take care only of those widows who live godly lives in
the community, vv. 5-6.
8. The church should care only for those widows who are age 60 and above,
vv. 9-10; younger widows should remarry and live righteous lives, vv. 11-15.
III. Revelation: on treatment of fellow pastors and other practical matters
1. Honor pastors, especially those who lead and teach the congregation, v. 17.
2. Pay your church's pastoral staff members adequately, v. 18.
3. Do not receive accusations against a minister, except from two or three reliable
witnesses, v. 19.
4. If an elder (pastor) sins, rebuke him publicly, v. 20.
5. Serve all people without prejudice or partiality, v. 21.
6. Do not participate in ordaining an untested novice as an elder, v. 22.
(See I Timothy 3:6)
7. Do not participate in (or sanction) another's sins; rather, keep yourself
pure, vv. 22, 24-25.
8. Take good care of your physical body; guard your health, v. 23.
IV. Applications: as a Christian minister, I need to . . .
1. Treat all church members with love, dignity, and purity.
2. Be a good steward of the charitable resources which are under my
supervision within the church.
3. Treat all other ministers with love and respect, administering any necessary
discipline according to the principles of the Scripture; be careful to
investigate thoroughly before participating in another person's ordination.
4. Faithfully serve all persons without prejudice, giving due attention to my own
health (and family).

Pillsbury Institute's Advanced
Degree Program
M.A., Ph.D., & Psy.D.

M.A. in Christian Counseling Psychology (40 Credit Hours - $3,000)
Ph.D. in Christian Counseling Psychology (54 Credit Hours - $4,000)
Psy.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling *(42 Credit Hours - $3,150)
*(Only available for persons who already hold an earned doctoral degree)

Students at Pillsbury Institute of Applied Christianity (PIAC) now may receive pastoral counseling training using the curriculum and distance learning format developed by the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA) of Sarasota, Florida. These high quality materials consist of 41 courses in ten academic tracks, and also include advanced studies, clinical supervision (internship), practicum, thesis and examination, plus licensing and certification in eight possible specialty areas.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The successful completion of all academic requirements using NCCA curriculum and the conferring of the MA, PhD, or PsyD degrees by PIAC does not include membership in NCCA, nor does it qualify the graduate to receive any certification or licensing from NCCA.

Upon graduation, the student will be issued a degree diploma (MA, PhD, or PsyD) and a complete transcript of the NCCA studies completed at PIAC. The student has the option of presenting this official transcript to NCCA to show the courses completed at PIAC. The student then may choose to apply for membership in NCCA and to apply for acceptance into an advanced program of study designed to qualify him or her for NCCA certification and licensing as a Christian pastoral counselor. Small fees are charged by NCCA for both of these options.

NCCA has several additional requirements for the licensing process, including:
(1) a supervised practicum plus thesis for MA graduates (dissertation for PhD and PsyD graduates),
(2) the obtaining of ministerial credentials (if applicant does not have such documentation already),
(3) an ethical examination posed by NCCA's National Licensing Board of Examiners.

Each successful candidate receives NCCA Board Certification as a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor (LCPC) or as a Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor (LCCC). More than 1,700 persons in the United States have been trained and certified by NCCA as licensed Christian counselors, making it the largest such credentialing agency in the nation.
(Over 4,000 counselors have been licensed world-wide by NCCA).

The NCCA Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor (LCPC) certification is not the same as a State's Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) designation.


"The best way to forget your own problems is to help someone else solve theirs!" From "Good Stuff"
