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Epistle for September 20, 2002

Posted by: info <info@...>



Dr. Curt Scarborough, President FreeWay Foundation September 20, 2002


In This Issue:
"Iron Sharpens Iron" Seminars
Fellowship of Christian Educators
Bible Study: Joel 3:1-21

"Iron Sharpens Iron"

Join Dr. Curt Scarborough in
three in-depth studies:

Date: October 10, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "The Extra Blessing of Baptism"

Date: November 7, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "The Extra Blessing of the Lord's Supper"

Date: December 5, 2002
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Subject: "Meditations on Being Spirit-Filled"

Fellowship of Christian Educators

Are you interested in becoming a part of Fellowship of Christian Educators

We are looking for one active church member who works in each of the 1,700 public schools in Missouri. Here's what we ask that key person to do:

1. Agree to schedule and lead a brief prayer-share time in your school building
every week . . . ideally for 20 minutes before school begins on Monday
morning, to pray for faculty, staff, students, and their families.
2. Gather together two or more of your fellow Christians to form a FCE group,
agreeing to pay the nominal $10.00 fee to register your group.

Here's what you will receive from FCE for that $10.00 registration fee:

1. FCE will add your chapter to our closely protected listing to receive the weekly
newsletter, "E-merge" which will contain an original devotional meditation by
Dr. Curt Scarborough, written especially for public school teachers.
2. "E-merge" also will serve as a means for sharing special, crisis prayer requests
so that Christian teachers in other schools across Missouri may join together
with you in simultaneous intercession to the Lord.
3. FCE will send your chapter an official membership certificate, along with enough
membership cards for distribution to those who attend the weekly meeting in your school.

FCE plans to publish an annual directory of chapters affiliated with this organization, listing only the name
of the school and its e-mail address. If you do not wish to be listed, please indicate that on the registration form below.


Detach Here

School Name____________________________________________District__________________________________________


FCE volunteer leader or contact person:


Official Position in school________________________________________________________________

Church Affiliation_______________________________________________________________________

Approximate number of persons expected to meet as an FCE chapter weekly____________________

Please do not include us in the listing in the FCE Directory

Fill out this form, enclose the $10.00 registration fee, and mail to:
FreeWay Foundation
3426 Bridgeland Dr.
Bridgeton, MO 63044

For more information contact:
Dr. Curt Scarborough, CEO & President


"The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of the truth," JFK

Multitudes in the Valley of Decision
(Joel 3:1-21)

I. Concentration: on the two main truths of this chapter
1. God will judge the nations of the earth, vv. 1-17.
2. God will bless His chosen people, vv. 18-21.

II. Meditation: on some of the important expressions used here
1. "Valley of Jehosphaphat," v. 2 - a part of the Kidron Valley between
the temple and the Mount of Olives; "Jehosphaphat" means "Jehovah
is Judge;" the reference here means that God will bring the nations to
a place of judicial decision.
2. "Beat your plowshares into swords . . . " v. 10 - the inversion of Isaiah 2:4,
where weapons of war were to be made into instruments of peace; here farm
tools are to be made into swords and spears; God is warning the heathen nations
(through Joel) to prepare for war because His "mighty ones," (v. 11 - heavenly
army of angels) are coming to punish them.
3. "Multitudes," v. 14 - the word also can be translated "tumult" and refers to the
noisy clamor of the sinful nations flowing into the valley to await God's final verdict
in judgment.
4. "Valley of Acacias," v. 18 - the barren valley of the Jordan River, just north of the
Dead Sea; God's living fountain shall flow from the temple in Jerusalem to bring life
to the Dead Sea . . . a picture of God's spiritual blessings upon His people in the
"peaceful Kindgom."

III. Revelation: on God's blessed Messianic kingdom to come
1. "Zion" and "Jerusalem" in verse 17 refer to the holy city, New Jerusalem, which
shall come down out of heaven, Hebrews 12:22; Revelation 21:1-2.
2. That coming Messianic kingdom will feature abundant provisions for God's chosen
people "the mountains shall drip with new wine, the hills shall flow with
milk," v. 18.
3. God's river of eternal life shall flow there, v. 18; Ezekiel 47:1; Zechariah 14:8;
Revelation 22:1.
4. The Lord God Almighty shall dwell there with His chosen people, v. 21;
Revelation 21:3-4.

IV. Applications: as a Christian, I need to . . .
1. Prepare . . . because someday I shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ,
II Corinthians 5:10.
2. Serve as a peacemaker, Matthew 5:9 . . . pointing persons toward the Prince of
Peace, Who can turn their swords into plows . . . their spiritual hostility against
God into spiritual fellowship with Him.
3. Thank the Lord for His abundant provisions for all my needs in this life, and for
His promised super-abundant blessings in the life to come.
4. Worship and praise the Lord in preparation for the eternal fellowship and spiritual
communion that I shall enjoy in the New Jerusalem.