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{EVENT} Aqua Fresca

Posted by: wulf <wulf@...>

Ty <> wrote:

> hey, let me explain the "Agua Fresca" idea to you all. It
> means "Fresh Water"... There could be a group like this
> in every/any city...any thoughts?

Muy bien. I think that sounds like a great idea, although I
don't know how readily it would transplant all across the
world. I don't think you'd get much of a crowd for cold
water on a chilly November Saturday in the UK, although
I suppose an interesting sermon could be concocted from
the theme that Jesus is the true hot soup (not, strictly, a
biblical image... but then that might not have been so
culturally relevant in a hot Galilean summer 😉

A couple of years ago I was involved in a similar project
called 'On the Move' which sets up free BBQs near town
centres (and using worship groups scattered about the
town centre as part of the strategy). The one they did in
Lewisham wasn't the most successful (bad weather and
a BBQ position that was a little bit out of the way, due to
the way the town centre is designed didn't help) but it's
gone well in other places and they're expanding to cover
a range of cities across Europe rather than just in the UK.


Wulf Forrester-Barker <//<
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