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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends:
We stand in continued awe and amazement . . . . never suprised, but constantly amazed . . . . at what God is doing for our baby Nicole Grace.  As of yesterday, she has truly been a "victorious heart" as her name means.  She has had four or five consecutive days of improvements in regard to immediate danger to her little life.  Since only 30% to 50% of babies with all her genetic problems survive a month, we're elated over her improvement and the fact that she has lived three and one-half weeks and appears to be getting stronger.  That does not preclude the other worrisome statistics that less than 10% live through their first year, but God's favorable response to the prayers of thousands of people world-wide has been of great encouragement to us. 
If you are one of those intercessors, please accept our deepest gratitude, and our most fervent urgings to continue praying.  We believe Nicole Grace is touching many lives and is being used of God to demonstrate His great mercy and His amazing power.  The stories of changed lives continue mounting, and we can only give honor and glory to God for it all.  We continue sending updated reports several times a week.  If you're not a subscriber to "Hope4Kyiv" but would like to receive these updates, just drop me a note.
We're not sticking our heads in the sand, . . . . but nor are we any longer walking in unbelief where you allow reason to out shout revelation and where you allow logic to rule over God' sovereignty.  All we know at this time is that "Victorious Heart" is continuing to make major impacts in the lives of many people.  During the three days Jo Ann and I have been at the conference here in Switzerland, we have been inundated with inquiries as to the latest report.  And new people who knew nothing about her birth and condition are amazed at the story of her birth, survival, and improvements.  We're continuing to hear amazing stories right here at Interlaken of how God brought people through experiences similar to ours.  The faithfulness of God is absolutely awesome . . . . mind boggling . . . . indescribable.
Today we got the following note from Jim.  He says all that needs to be said.  All we can add is that you please don't ease up on your praying.  Let's go the distance and faithfully ask God to manifest His total and complete healing.  Let's ask Him to use her life and condition to absolutely astound the medical world.  Let's ask God that she be unexplainable apart from Him, and that she be used for many years to come to declare His glory.
We hope you are blessed beyond words by what you read from Jim.  Pass it on to others as you rejoice with us.
From Jim:

I don't deserve this day.  I sat at lunch and watched a family with a young girl, perhaps 14.  She appeared to be in a completely catatonic state and none of the movements she made appeared controlled whatsoever.  She was bound to her wheel chair with numerous straps and appeared to have casts on one arm and both legs.  The only thing I saw her "eat" was some ice cream that she slurped from a straw her mom was holding.

Meanwhile, our Victorious Heart is making incredible strides!  Deanna has a shirt from an area-wide Youth Ministry of a few years ago that says, "Defy The Odds."  (It referred to the fact that less than 10% of professing Christians live any differently from the rest of the world!)  Right now, Nicole is defying the odds by her current recovery.
We got to hold her again today.  With just the nasal prongs and no hat, she looks more like a "normal" baby.  While I held her today, she even made baby noises and opened her eyes to peek around a little bit.  No, I don't deserve this day, but it is wonderful.
Again, as far as we know, she still has Trisomy 18 and all of the accompanying defects, but none of them are bothering her right now.  They've been doing trials on smaller nasal prongs and the plan was to increase her by one hour per day and over the course of 8 days, she would "graduate" to the nasal prongs and off the CPAP.  When we arrived this morning, the nurse told us they were going to leave her on the nasal prongs indefinitely and that the CPAP machine was being moved out of the room!  What was supposed to take 8 days took 2!  One of the things I specifically prayed for when we turned our faith around (about the same time of Dr. Anya's prayer) was that Nicole's turnaround for the good would be as dramatic as her turnaround for the bad.  As far as I'm concerned, she's now done that twice!  I don't deserve this day!
The biggest issue of this week is no longer her heart or her liver or any of her other difficulties; it's getting her to feed from a bottle (another thing that Trisomy 18 babies typically cannot do!)  We'll begin trying to bottle feed probably tomorrow or Tuesday.  She also needs to gain weight.  A hospital closer to home is looking a more and more imminent possibility.  We don't deserve this day.
We don't deserve this answer.  I don't deserve all of you praying for us.  I don't deserve the Lord's provision.  I don't deserve my incredible church family.  I don't deserve my awesome children and spectacular wife.  I don't understand why God is choosing to favor us like this - and sometimes -- to be honest with you - I fret over how long it will last.  But, right now, I am concentrating on "Counting My Blessings" (one of the best things my Dad ever taught me!) and doing as we said we would from the beginning -- celebrating the life of Nicole Grace Reynolds.
I am right now in the second floor lobby of the hospital writing to you all. and I'm on the verge of tears because of the goodness of God - not only for this upswing in Nicole's health, but for His provision, for your support, your prayers, your honoring my little family by carrying us to the Father.  Apparently, God has been working in her little body.  I don't deserve this day - and I only hope that, if things should ever change, I can continue to walk in this level of awe. 
The Lord once gave me a picture of the man Jesus healed. the one with the withered hand.  The picture I received was of this man sitting in a chair... for hours. staring at his hand. not out of awe and gratitude, but out of fear that it would wither again.  In my picture of that man, He never enjoyed the healing.  T
he second picture the Lord showed me that day was of the man whose hand had been withered working with it. with a hammer in it. and a chisel. crafting something out of wood or stone.  using the hand Jesus had healed without a second thought.  Nicole may face difficulties in the future. (for that matter, we may face difficulties in the future with ANY of our children!) but I want to live like the man in the second picture. 
I don't deserve this day.  None of us do.  But I've got it - so I will enjoy it and celebrate it.  "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
If you want to see Nicole, by the way, Grandma and Grandpa Tolliver have put some pictures up on the web.  Go to and click on the "Victorious Heart" album.  You'll get to see all the pics Grandma and Grandpa have of Nicole, AND pics of Dr. Anya, her husband, staff, and their translator.
Keep praying.  YOU are what's making a difference in this little life. 
+  Pray for Nicole to quickly "catch on" to bottle feeding. 
+  Pray for her to gain weight. 
+  Pray for us to be able to get closer to home soon.
+  Pray for none of the previous issues to return and for there to be no further setbacks.
+  Also, keep praying for Evan in the bed behind Nicole's.  He is still in need of a heart transplant.  The dialysis worked and he is off of it again for now.  The biggest concern for him right now is his blood pressure.  Please pray for Evan to stabilize, strengthen, and for him also to be able to go home.  (The plan all along has been for him to grow some before the heart transplant.)
Thank you again.  I know I keep saying it.  And I know it will never come close to expressing what I really feel.  As I said, YOU are what is making a difference in Nicole's life.  YOU are being used by God to give us yet another day that we don't deserve.  YOU are the reason my Victorious Heart is doing so well.  I know this is the truth; YOU are the reason she's alive.  And how do you say thanks for that?! 
Please keep praying.
Walk WITH Jesus,

Final Word:
Please continue praying also about the liver situation, the billiruben count, the holes in the heart, the deformed valves, the Mosaic Trisomy 18 defects to be completely reversed and brought back to normal, and that she will continue being a blessing to people who learn about her.

In His Bond of Mercy and the Power of His Kingdom Purposes,
Bob and Jo Ann

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