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Posted by: pinehaven <pinehaven@...>

Last night I was informed that I will be expecting~~~triplets!  Well, maybe not triplets, but three little girls!  They are to arrive Sunday night. 
Their mother,  a young girl from church,  was involved along with her mother and the three girls in a head on collision last week.    The young woman, Adriane has been in the hospital with hip surgery being one of the many injuries she sustained.   Her husband heads in to see her every night ( 35 miles away).   Without vacation days left, one Grandma being injured in the crash and the other working full time,  the girls are making their rounds through the church family.  Many moms aren't home during the day, but I am!  So Sunday night their Grandma is dropping them off to stay the week.   Imagine 9 of us in our small house!  They are 5, 3,and 1.   Oh, boy!   Barbies and baby dolls!  Let me just say that I am very thankful that they are not forecasting rain all week.  We will be doing a lot of playing outside!
Heather Mc

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