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Fire Extinguisher Class

Posted by: root <root@...>

This is a 100% true story !! Names have been changed as not to cause

Our local Fire Department in LaGrange sent one of their Firemen out to
conduct a class on how to use the fire extinguisher to a group of local
Senior Citizens.

He started off by asking this very simple question : Can anyone here show me
how they would use this (holding the fire extinuisher) to put out a fire.
One little ole petite lady held up her hand and said" Fireman Smith, I know
how to use it" and got up to proceed to show the group. She took the
exinguisher from his hand and threw it into the fire !!!!

He retrieved it and said to her " No, Mrs. Johnson, we don't do it that way
now - there is a better way now."

He knew he really had his work cut out for him !

This is actually a true story told [by] the Fireman who conducted
the class !!