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Food Rules

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Pastor Bill was at the Sunday school, trying
to point out the proper behaviour for church. 
He was trying to elicit from the youngsters
rules that their parents might give before
taking them to a nice restaurant.

Little Johnny's hand shot up, but the pastor
ignored him and called on another boy.

"Don't play with your food," the young boy

"Very good." responded Pastor Bill.

Little Johnny's hand shot up again and he called
out, "I've got one from my Uncle Rodney!"

Again Pastor Bill ignored him and called on Suzy.

"Don't be loud," she said.

Little Johnny stood up, waving his arms frantically. 
Pastor Bill finally called on him.  "Okay Johnny,
what rule does your Uncle Rodney have before going
out to dinner?"

Johnny answered, "Order something cheap!"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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