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Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

There was a thread on a forum about times your child embarrassed you to death...  I have laughed so hard.  Here are a couple of them...
My oldest daughter was 2 at the time. We were living in Florida where mass transit is available. We sat down on a bench next to a rather large, elderly black woman. My daughter reached over, grabbed the woman's breasts and hollered: "Big Boobies!"

I about fell over. The woman laughed, hugged my daughter, and said: "That's right, sugar!"

A bit off the track here, but y'all were talking of children in church. My MIL was teaching in a summer vacation bible school at her local church. They were younger children and she taught them a few songs including "This little light is mine". One of the verses is: "hide it under a bushel?, no!".

A week or so later she was in the local supermarket and she heard one of the youngsters in her class in the next aisle with his mom singing the song.
She was elated that he remembered it untill he got to that aforementioned verse. >From across the divider came in loud melodic tones; "hide it under a bush, h**l no!"


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