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Fw: Antique With An Attitude

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

~~ Antique With An Attitude ~~
Okay laugh all ya want
Antiques take a lot of TLC
They are also very expensive
Do you think you can afford me?
Some people will search
high and low
Just to find the right antique
you know
They will travel all over town
Lookin' all around
Then leap and jump up and down
when the perfect antique they found
Well, I'm the finest quality
And it's quality I'm keepin'
So, when you find me honey
You just better start leapin'
'Cause you found one of a kind
There are many imitations out there
But, I'm the real McCoy
That's right .....
When you find this "Antique"
You're gonna jump for joy
I'm shined up real good
Well, I never let myself get rusty
I didn't hide in the attic
and get all dusty
I used the best polish and wax
money could buy
When I felt I was gonna break
I just had myself a good cry
I lost my weak points
and found a new attitude
better be careful what you say......
You got a problem with that?????
Well, you probably can't afford me anyway.
So Ladies, when other's tell you...
"You're past your prime"
Become an
"Antique with an Attitude"
You're classy, you've got style
And you're gonna do just fine
*** Climbing the Walls *** 

Following my arm operation, the hospital physical therapist taught me
exercises to strengthen it. In one, called "climbing the wall," I faced 
a wall and "walked" the fingers of both hands up it, trying to reach as 
far with the injured arm as with the other. I seemed to be "climbing 
the wall" morning, noon and night. 

After watching me, the woman in the next bed said, "Excuse me, but 
what religion do you belong to?"

*** Who's The Boss *** 
Kyle and Justin were sitting down to eat their supper withthe baby sitter when 6 year old Kyle saw the baby sitter sit down in his daddy's seat.
"You can't sit in Daddy's seat!" Kyle exclaimed.
"Daddy's not home," the baby sitter replied, matter-of-factly. "Since I'm responsible for you while he's gone, I can sit here. Today I'm the boss."
Justin, the 4 year old, quickly piped up, "If you're the boss, you have to sit over there in Mommy's chair!"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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