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Fw: If only

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

If Only 
If Only Life Was Like a Computer

If you messed up your life, you could press "Alt, Ctrl, Delete" and start all over!
To get your daily exercise, just click on "run!"
If you needed a break from life, click on "suspend." Hit "any key" to continue life when ready.

To get even with the neighbors, turn up the sound blaster.
To "add/remove" someone in your life, click settings and control panel.
To improve your appearance, just adjust the display settings.

If life gets too noisy, turn off the speakers.
When you lose your car keys, click on "find."
"Help" with the chores is just a click of away.

You wouldn't need auto insurance. You'd use your emergency boot diskette to recover from a crash.
We could click on "send" and the kids would go to bed immediately.
To feel like a new person, click on to "refresh."

Click on "close" to shut up the kids and spouse.
To undo a mistake, click on "back."
Is your wardrobe getting old? Click "update."

If you don't like cleaning the litter box, click on "delete."

Phone Call
The little daughter of a lieutenant answered a telephone
call while her parents were out. A man called, identifying
himself as Colonel Hendrick.

She asked if he would please spell the name slowly.

He said, "H as in horse, E as in egg, N as in nose, D as in
doggie, R as in rabbit, I as in Indian, C as in cat, K as in kite."

When her father returned, he found the following message:
"Daddy, call Colonel Horseeggnosedoggierabbitindiancatkite."


Driving Courtesy

At our adult Sunday School class, the teacher asked
us to think of everyday ways in which we could
practice our religion.
The topic of driving courtesy came up first.  "How do
you respond to the driver who rudely cuts you off?"
the teacher asked.
A participant piped up, "Turn the other fender?"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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