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Fwd: "A Fire, A Church and a Miracle of Rebirth!" Sowing Seeds Devotion 9/14/2000

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Do you know anything about "rebirth"? What does that mean? Well, usually it
means one thing
has to go, and something has to replace it. In Larry's story, it is about a
church that was LEVELED
by a fire, but then it was rebuilt.

For me, it is even more personal than that. My life, on more than one
occasion, has been "leveled".
I reached new lows in various things. I lost self esteem, at one point. I
lost the work I enjoyed at
another point. I lost my spouse at another point.

What did these things have in common? What do they have in common with the
church story?
To me, each of them means that I cannot rely on my own means. Every time I
forget that, my God
has been faithful to me. I DID NOT say that my God has been EASY on me, but I
DID say that my
God has been faithful to me. You see, I am pretty thick-headed sometimes.
While, on one hand,
it would appear that I understand these things, on the other hand, I continue
to struggle. How
wonderful God is to me! He understands me, far better than I understand
myself, and He brings
just the right set of events into my life to bring me to the next place I need
to be, in order that God
can accomplish every good purpose He has for my life. Once again, I want to
reiterate, those things
are not always what I would think or expect, but I have come to realize (and
firmly belive in my
heart) that God's ways are higher than my ways (far superior, in every
respect). Therefore, I place
my complete trust in Him.

Look at what can happen when people gather together to recognize the power of
God. Not only are
individual lives changed (reborn) but a new church, and a revived community of
faith, is also made
fresh and new. I call such things miracles of faith.

Brother Brian

Note: forwarded message attached.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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