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Fwd: Daily Devotional for Saturday, February 24, 2001

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

... a good message for all of us to consider today...

--- PCCWeb Daily Devotional <> wrote:
> Date: 24 Feb 2001 09:37:32 -0000
> To:
> Reply-to: Chad Janey <>, <>
> From: PCCWeb Daily Devotional <>
> Subject: Daily Devotional for Saturday, February 24, 2001
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 2 Timothy 2:14-16,23-25a - Remind them of this, and charge them before
> the Lord to avoid disputing about words, which does no good, but only
> ruins the hearers. Do your best to present yourself to God as one
> approved, a workman who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the
> word of truth. Avoid such godless chatter, for it will lead people into
> more and more ungodliness. Have nothing to do with stupid, senseless
> controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant
> must not be quarrelsome but kindly to every one, an apt teacher,
> forbearing, correcting his opponents with gentleness. (RSV)
> Have you ever found yourself entangled in an argument and realized that
> you could not even remember what had started the argument? Or have you
> ever found yourself just arguing for the sake of arguing, or playing the
> "devil's advocate", so to speak? One morning recently, my running
> partner and I were talking about this very subject and how this is a
> constant struggle for both my wife and myself. My dad has often said of
> me that I would argue with a signpost, and to some extent that is
> probably a true statement. It is often very difficult for me to set
> aside my pride and stay away from an argument. I have often found myself
> caught up in an argument with my wife about a most completely trivial
> thing, later to realize just how trivial the thing really was, and find
> myself ashamed that the argument ever took place.
> Far too often, we allow our pride and self-centredness to overtake us
> and draw us into an argument that has no meaning, with no beneficial
> result. Paul instructs in today's scripture that believers should not be
> a part of "godless chatter" and "senseless controversies". While in this
> particular context he intended to combat controversies that had arisen
> over false teachings, I think Paul's directive applies to various types
> of controversies and disputes. As Christians, we should be the ones who
> set a higher mark when it comes to controversy. We should always be the
> ones who seek and strive to avoid any "disputing" words with others.
> I think Paul's writings give three guidelines to aid us in handling
> controversy:
> * *Avoid senseless controversies and godless chatter.* We are not to
> argue just to argue, and we are not to argue over trivial,
> meaningless things, things which have no eternal value.
> * *Avoid disputing about words.* We are not to argue with others
> about their opinions or beliefs.
> * *Correct others with gentleness.* This is the real secret revealed
> to us in verse 25. If we realize that another's beliefs or
> opinions may be leading them down a wayward path, or in a
> direction away from God, then we should approach that person in a
> gentle, non-rebuking spirit. If we approach them with a desire
> just to prove them wrong, then they will immediately become
> defensive and our chances of "redirecting" their path will be
> wiped away.
> Obviously these are guidelines that I myself need to follow more
> closely. I do not expect that I, nor anyone else, will be able totally
> to avoid arguments and controversies in our lives, but if we strive to
> do our best to abide by these guidelines, we can bring more peace and
> happiness into our lives and the lives of others. As an added bonus, we
> will be able "to present ourselves to God as one approved, a workman who
> has no need to be ashamed".
> Prayer: Lord Jesus, fill us with Your gentle, loving spirit that we
> might be able to avoid controversy and quarrels with our fellow man.
> Help us to approach each person we encounter with that gentle spirit,
> that we might show ourselves approved before You. Amen.
> Chad Janey <>
> Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
> 2 Corinthians 3:7-4:6
> <>
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> ========================================================================
> PRAYERLINE REQUESTS for Saturday, February 24, 2001:
> Jesus promised: If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for,
> it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. (Matthew 18:19)
> ========================================================================
> Today's Presbyterian Prayer Partnership Prayer Request
> - posted by Grace-ann McIntyre <>
> Pray for the Human Resources staff at Presbyterian Church Offices: Lynda
> Garland, Paulette Jeffrey, Judy Haas, Jackie Powell and Patti Walmsley.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Having a hard time having a child., posted by Leslie Essary
> <>, 2/23/01
> I have been trying to have a child for over a year now. I have had two
> miscarriages, and I am now taking fertility medication in hopes that
> this will help the situation. I start fertility testing this month,
> and I need all the support I can get right now. I just pray every
> night that they will find out what my problem is, so I can have a
> child. I have always wanted children. I imagined my life full of
> little feet running around in my home. I pray that God will give me
> the courage to deal with this struggle, and help me to resolve the
> problem. Thank you for your prayers. Leslie
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Please pray for Kassi, posted by Judy
> <>, 2/23/01
> I know it may sound silly, but I need prayer for my precious kitten,
> Kassi. She is sick and usually a ravenous eater...will not eat. Please
> pray for her. Thank you!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: THANK YOU, posted by Rev. David Leggatt
> <>, 2/23/01
> A while back I had asked for prayers for my wife who was going in for
> medical tests. The reports came back negative. She still needs an
> operation but it is only day surgury compared to a 5-6 day stay in
> hospital. Praise God and thank you for your prayes.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Possible Cancer, posted by Kristen Kirkbride
> <>, 2/23/01
> I am 17 and a senior in HS. I have just finalized my plans for college,
> and though money is going to be very tight, I know that God will
> provide. I got some bad news last week. I have had a birthmark on my
> face, it has been there my whole life, and now I find out that it may
> progress into cancer. I am terrified! The only way to get rid of it,
> before anything bad happens, is to have plastic surgery, so that it can
> be fully removed. Insurance doesn't pay for plastic surgery. Please
> pray that everything will go good, and that God will provide for me now,
> like he always has. Thank you!!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> POST YOUR PRAYER REQUEST using the PrayerLine Page:
> <>
> ========================================================================
> Subscriptions and Feedback: Jane Anne Waller <>
> Devotionals: James T. Hurd <>
> Technical and Oversight: Robin Ross <>
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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