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[Fwd: Daily Devotional for Saturday, May 3, 2008]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Interesting message here. A lot of people who question God get to the
same kinds of questions mentioned in this devotional from the PCCWeb
Daily. The "Good Thing" about what this Psalmist realizes is what his
purpose is, and that stops the challenging questions right on the spot.

I occasionally go through times when I wonder why I am here and what I
ought to do. No doubt about it, whether on good days or bad days,
believing that there is an eternity and knowing that it is way better
than what any of us are experiencing right now, I long for that. But
when I draw inward too much and start getting that "me" attitude,
eventually I realize that I have veered off course.

Only those who have no faith at all don't have these kinds of struggles,
at least occasionally. The victorious believer, however, is relatively
quick to spot and recognize these thoughts when they appear, and the
mature student of the Word of God will know right where to turn in the
Word to get things right. The scriptures cited by today's author are
but one of many which could be used, but they are good ones.

Dear Lord, thank you for Your Word. Thank you for including the common
thoughts we struggle with right in Your Word, along with their remedy.
You are good, worthy of all honor, glory, and praise. Lest I ever
forget these things, thank you for bringing them before me. Thank you
for the eternal hope that I have because of the willingness of Jesus
Christ to shed His own blood to satisfy your just wrath for my sinful
thoughts and actions. In Him I am saved. I praise You for Your
wonderful plan of redemption.

Yours in Christ,

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