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[Fwd: Four Building Blocks of Faith]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

I found this message from Dr. Larry Ollison to be very true and
consistent with the principles I believe from scripture. I have
included the message as an attachment. If anyone has difficulty reading
it or does not like attachments, let me know. I can always copy and
paste the text of his message in another format, but for expediency I
will try this approach first.

Faith is a really important aspect of the Christian life. Larry rightly
points out, as Hebrews 11:6 says, without faith, it is impossible to
please God. In essence, without faith, we are saying, in effect, we do
not believe what God says and we refuse to take Him at His Word.

I testify to each of you that God's Word is far more true than even my
best attempts at honesty. Though I make every attempt to be honest, my
very nature is flawed - I need God at all times, to love me, to correct
me, to give me hope, and to set me straight on the right path.

I encourage you to read The Four Building Blocks of Faith and contact me
if you have difficulty accessing it.

Yours in Christ,

Brian Masinick

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