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[Fwd: My Utmost For His Highest : "Instant In Season"]

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

One of my former pastors, Eric Davis, frequently quoted the same
scripture passage as Oswald Chambers quotes in his message to his
students: "Be instant in season, out of season," whether we feel like it
or not. That is the consistent Christian walk that the apostle Paul
always exhorted his closest associates to follow, and he mentioned
similar things to Timothy and Titus as he mentored them.

As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we ought to have a deep desire to
do likewise, not getting all worked up over the latest hot ministry,
only to fade a day, a week, a month, or even a year later.

It is God who sets the course for our journey. If God chooses to send
us out on a different road, that is one thing. Unless God moves us to a
different location or to different work, we are to continue steadfast in
the work that He has given us, and if He chooses to move us, we are wise
to follow in obedience, but never to strike out on a course of our own.
If we are fortunate when we go the wrong way, the Good Shepherd will
seek us out, desiring that not one from His flock will be lost.
However, we do not want to be harmed along the way, nor do we want to
take our Master away from tending the rest of the flock, nor do we want
to neglect the work that He has given us to do.

Therefore, our charter is to read the Word of God and to allow the
Spirit of God to work in our lives, directing us to the place and the
activity that He has chosen for us to do, then we are wise to diligently
do it, not seeking anything at all but His face in complete obedience.
It is in this space that we find the most rich and complete blessing,
consistent fellowship with Him, and the reasonable expectation that one
day we will hear the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant.
You may enter into your rest in the place that I have set aside for
you". Moreover, we will remain in eternal fellowship with Him. Now
THAT, to me, makes being instant in season and out of season completely
worth it!

I ask again, do you know for certain that you have a home reserved for
you in heaven? Do you trust in the promises of God, do you believe God
at His Word? If so, then these exhortations are for you. If you are
not completely assured of your position in the kingdom of God, then it
is of urgent importance to get into that ancient text, the Bible, and
search out the promises of God. Do you know that God said that He will
never leave you or forsake you (regardless of what you may feel at any
given moment)? Do you know that the Bible tells you how you may know
that you have eternal life, a home reserved for you in heaven? If you
genuinely do not know, make it a point to read the following scripture

John 3:16, the famous passage, which says: "16 For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Do you believe that? If so, good, read on. If not, the Word tells you
that your unbelief has condemned you. Only a heart change, brought
about by reading the Word of God and believing Him at His Word can
change that state of condemnation. I wouldn't wish condemnation upon
anyone, and that is why I am so emphatic about sharing these points with

The book of Romans goes into great detail, explaining that all people
are sinners, and it is the great redeeming love that God has for us, as
written above, that provides us an alternative to what we really
deserve. Read Romans 3:10 and 3:23 to see what we deserve, read Romans
6:23 to see how it is possible to have a remedy to that fate, and that
it is God Himself who provides the remedy in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:1 and Romans 5:8 show us the depth of God's love, Romans 8 has
a crescendo in the explanation, which let's us know if God is for us,
who can possibly stand against us? Finally, Romans 10:9,10, and 13
declare that if we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts
that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who has come to seek and save that
which is lost (us), and we call upon His Name to save us, He will.

See how important reading and believing us? If we will not trust God at
His Word, there is no hope for us. If, however, we simply believe God
at His Word by faith, He takes care of everything. So this is all a
matter of belief and trust. The question then, is this: do you believe
God and trust Him?

Romans 10:17 also says that faith comes from hearing and hearing by the
Word of God. You have to kwow what He says to believe, and the more you
know of what He says, the more you have the opportunity to believe.

Do not reject what God has provided. Rejecting God at His Word is the
one way to secure an eternal fate. More assuringly, accepting God at
His Word is all it takes for Him to handle each and every detail. It's
all been taken care of. All any of us needs to do is to believe, sight
unseen, what God has done.

There it is. Do you believe it? Read the Bible, don't just take my
word for it, but when you do read, believe in faith, and that faith in
Christ alone will save you as it saves me and all who believe.

Yours in Christ,