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Fwd: Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer Needs from around the world -- April 23, 2001

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

My friend, Larry Davies, a Methodist pastor at Timberlake United Methodist
Church in Lynchburg, Va. has been offline the past week because his father
died. I had known that his father was not feeling well, but I did not realize
that there had been a death in the family until I received this message.
Because Larry is my friend, and because we recognize the importance and value
of prayer, would you please first pray for Larry and his family, and then help
out by sharing in prayers with some of the people on this prayer list?

I think it is very important to lift one another up when we face adversity.
When we do so, I believe that we begin to appreciate the great love of God the

With that in mind, will you please take some extra time and join with me in
prayer? Please also note that next week on Thursday, May 4, our nation
recognizes the National Day of Prayer. Check out for information, and consider participating
in your local community, or at least get a copy of the prayer suggestions from
the Web site.

Thank you for taking the extra time to pray.

Brother Brian

--- Sowing Seeds Ministry <> wrote:
> From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer Needs from around the world -- April
> 23, 2001
> Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 01:00:43 -0700
> It's been a long time since the last list. I was out of town with a family
> emergency. My father died Tuesday a week ago. So this time the person
> needing prayers is me and my family. Even when you know, death is coming,
> it's always a struggle. Thank you.
> Because I've been away the prayer needs kept coming. This issue will be at
> least twice as long and I apologize. I tried to edit without ruining the
> need. Please do the best that you can. Pray for them and send a response to
> a few and let them know that you care. Lives have been saved because God has
> led you to pray and write. Thank you for everything that you do.
> A THOUGHT TO PONDER by Salley Gardner
> Ecclesiastes 11:4
> If you wait until the wind and weather are just right, you will never plant
> anything and never
> harvest anything.
> How many times have you told yourself, Now is not the time because , or
> Im not really qualified to , or Id like to volunteer, but . More
> often than not, we allow our emotions to dictate how we walk in our faith.
> When we are unsure of ourselves, we allow our emotions to tell us when
> conditions are just right for doing. Conditions are rarely perfect for
> doing; rather, we must made do with what we have. We do that through
> faith. When we force emotions to take a back seat and we step out in faith,
> God equips us with whatever is needed to get a job done.
> A THOUGHT TO PONDER Just as the windmill is an instrument used to tap the
> power of the wind, we are instruments tapped by God to sow His seeds.
> Let us prayDear Heavenly Father, no matter how inadequate we may feel, help
> us to see how vital an instrument we are in sowing your fields. In Christ's
> name, we pray, Amen.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Beth
> Address: Ohio
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I need some prayer. I married a man 2 years ago with 2 sons. One
> is his biological son, the other is his ex-wifes son who he raised since he
> was 6 months old and feels like he's his son. At the time I only had a
> little girl. We now have have a 8 month old lttle boy together. My daughter
> is 6 now and his sons are 8 and 12. This past December, right before
> Christmas the 12 year old told my daughter to touch him in a way that is
> extremely inappropriate. Well of course she did, because she looks up to him
> and copies everything he does, and he told her that it was okay. Well after
> I found out I was very upset that he did that to my little girl, and asked
> that he move in with his mom. My husband agreed. Well, now it's bee 4 months
> and my husband thinks I should be over it and it should be okay for the 12
> year old and my daughter to be in the same house together again. I can't let
> that happen. I don't weant him anywhere near her. I don't know what to do.
> This is my little girl we are talking about. I know the right thing to do
> would be to forgive him. I just don't know how to do that. Please pray for
> my situation.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Mark my beloved husband is being healed by God's grace and mercy -
> I am praising God for this miracle He has given us. God is already healing
> him, we can see it, praise God. Pls pray for total and complete healing by
> May 1 and no surgery! God's will be done and peace.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Edy Crawford
> Address: Lutz,FL
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Hi,I'm Edy, my need for prayers are for my children. Of course
> they're not children, my daughter is 19, my son 25. My son has fallen away
> from God, does not attend church and says he doubts God. My daughter is
> Struggling in her faith, is rebellious,prideful and has fallen into much
> sin. She now is just starting to pray she says. Please pray that she will
> turn her heart to the Lord and truly repent of her sins.Her name is Hope and
> my son is Chris. Thank-you, May God bless each of you in your walk with
> Christ.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Mary
> Address: Michigan
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I just subscribed to you weekly devotions. Thank you for your
> ministry. I've lived through the death of my daughter and husband, and feel
> that I have much to offer in the line of grief counciling. I've also done
> some short articles on Faith and Grief. I stood fast on His Promise, that He
> would never leave me!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Debbie
> Address: Riverside, Ca
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I am a Christian woman of 49 who has not taken care of herself and
> has used food as a drug addict uses drugs and I am 140lbs overweight. I have
> joined the local Y but have a struggle to make it every week. I made it
> twice last week and felt good about that. I have tried every diet you can
> think of. I have come to realize as I have gotten older, it's because I
> don't love myself enough to stop this, and don't feel like I can do this. If
> anyone has any encouragement that would help me I would appreciate it. I
> pray to God alot and I know that is why I have the awareness I do have, but
> does anyone think that couseling would help. Your answers would be greatly
> aprreciated. Thank you
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Patricia Fields
> Address: NH
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: My mom passed away on 4/12/01. There are unanswered questions
> surrounding her death. My prayer is 1. To have the truth come forward about
> her death, 2. To have peace with the truth. 3. That the members of my
> family become strenthed and/or come to know Jesus, the Christ. I am at peace
> that she died, because I know she went to Heaven with to be with Jesus, I am
> just sad the rapture didn't happen so we all could go. Thank you for your
> prayers, and God Bless all of you.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Brenda Nelson Barron
> Address: Fernie, B.C. CANADA
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Eleven months ago,after twenty years of marriage and four children
> still living at home, my husband left me. Later I found out that he left me
> to be with the wife of one of his best friends, who attended the same small
> church as us. Because my husband was in leadership in the church, it
> naturally caused a scandal. I have since tried hard to get a fresh start on
> life and have even started to attend another church. However, I still an
> going through a grieving process and am still overwhelmed by feelings of
> betrayal, humiliation, anger, sadness, fear, depression and sometimes
> despair. I was a stay-at-home mother for those 20 years and I am also
> re-training to enter the work force. I am also, as a now single parent,
> trying to continue to raise my four teenaged children and naturally, this
> whole mess has had a detrimental effect on their own faith in God. Please
> pray for us all and please also pray that I can find the wisdom and strength
> to carry on ...and find some joy in living again! Thank you.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: BYRON
> Address: HAWAII
> PrayerTeam: NO
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 5:46 PM
> Subject: Urgent Prayer Request
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lambert Kelli []
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 5:05 PM
> To:
> Subject: Hi Larry! Requesting prayer for "Diana" in Fla. Diana is a young
> woman who just found out that she has an inoperable brain tumor. She also
> just found out that she is pregnant. Drs. advised her to have a medical
> abortion and to take chemo. She told the Drs. that God will
> heal her and that she will see them again when she brings in her clear CT
> scans and MRI's. She also would bring in the baby when it is born healthy
> and normal for them to hold so that God will recieve the glory. Please let
> us stand with her in believeing that God will totally heal her and that the
> baby will be born heathy and normal in God's time. We are asking for a
> supernatural miracle and believeing for the same. Love you Larry, Kelli
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Michelle
> Address: New York
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Larry, I really have made some really bad choices in my life. I
> need God in my life again. No, I can't say that because God has really been
> patient with me. I'm the one that keep messing up. He has given me so many
> chances, I wouldn't blame him if he just gave up on me. I don't know where
> to start can you please help me. I want to move away from here and start
> over. Can you pray for me and my child to have a mother and daughter
> relationship, I really miss that. I need to get back on the right track and
> stay there. That's where my problem begins, I don't know how to stay on the
> right track! I really think if I can get out of this city and back into the
> country, I'll be alright. Physically and mentally, I'm ready! Of course
> money plays a big role in this. But I do believe that some way, some how,
> this move will happen! Well thanks for listen, Please pray for me and my
> daughter. I also have decided to start sending money back home to my church,
> so I will be ready when my move take place. God Bless you all!!!
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Bonnie
> Address: Atlanta
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments:
> I am at a crossroads with my career. I am very unhappy with the pay but
> continued to stay because the hours enables me to be with my son in the
> afternoon. My husband has a demanding job that requires long hours. I know
> this may sound selfish...I'm very happy as a wife and mother but can't find
> a job that suits my personal and mental needs. I resigned today. I just
> don't know what the future holds for me. My income was a small help but it
> will not profoundly impact my family. Please ask that God will lead me in
> the right direction. Thank you for your
> support.********************************************************************
> ***********
> Name: Bonnie
> Address: Atlanta
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I am at a crossroads with my career. I am very unhappy with the
> pay but continued to stay because the hours enables me to be with my son in
> the afternoon. My husband has a demanding job that requires long hours. I
> know this may sound selfish. I'm very happy as a wife and mother but can't
> find a job that suits my personal and mental needs. I resigned today. I just
> don't know what the future holds for me. My income was a small help but it
> will not profoundly impact my family. Please ask that God will lead me in
> the right direction. Thank you for your support.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Ed Gardiner
> Address: Virginia Beach,
> Virginia
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Larry, God hates divorce, and so do I, yet I'm sitting here with
> tears in despair trying to face the fact that my wife has just asked me for
> one. I'm heartbroken. How do I handle this pain? I don't believe I'm going
> to be able to protect my kids from the life long consequences of this. I'm
> grieving for myself and for them, for my lost wife, for my vision of the
> future which included them. What do I do in this time of despair?
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Rebecca
> Address: Reno, NV
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I appoligize for being back so soon with another prayer request. I
> recently wrote because my husband and I have become seperated. I am now
> under siege at my job and am really frightened that I might get fired. I
> worked on a very difficult client case that is now going to court, despite
> my best efforts. I am fearful that there will be repurcusions that will cost
> me my job (some seem to be trying very to make it seem so, anyway.)
> Everything seems to be falling apart at once. I fear that the sin of my
> separation from my husband and all of my sins are bring this on. Could you
> please pray that God's work and will can be done in my life? And that I can
> somehow do what he wants me to, even though I have no idea what that is.
> Could you also pray that I can find my way to God's light in my life
> overall? Thank you very much. Rebecca
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Address: Florida
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email: mailto:sHURTAC @MSN.COM
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for my marriage. I have two small children. I would
> like to reconcile but my husband seems to have lost all his feelings for me.
> I am going to counseling for myself. I am trying to be strong for my kids
> but it is very difficult in these times. Please pray that the Lords will be
> done in our lives and for me and my husband to open our hearts and listen to
> Him for answers.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 6:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Prayer request
> Hi Larry! I hope you are doing well and having a good week. Could you please
> keep my co-worker's grandfather in your prayers? He was burning a brush fire
> about 2 weeks ago and lost his balance and fell into the fire. He has 3rd
> degree burns on about 40% of his body and his been in the hospital ever
> since. He was doing well but then went down last night and might not make it
> through the week. I'm sure his family would appreciate our prayers. Thank
> you! Alison Pettit
> -----Original Message--------------------------------------------------
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 9:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: prayer request
> Please pray for Brett today as he has cancer and is going through chemo now.
> A friend went to present the gospel to him and his family yesterday. He is
> on the verge of accepting the Lord as Savior, his heart is open for it. He
> is only twenty seven. Thanks Danl
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Nancy
> Address: Ohio
> PrayerTeam: no
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings:
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for my husband. He was a high school band director and
> began to lose his hearing and suffers from tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
> all the time. He was forced to go on disability retirement in March 2000.
> He was depressed all fall, and in Jan. had a massive heart attack and
> emergency bipass surgery. He is struggling to try to find some kind of job
> that is meaningful and is currently selling cars. The disability retirement
> will not allow him to work in music, such as private lessons or playing. He
> is such a good man. We are going to the Cleveland Clinic on next week to
> check out his irregular heartbeat and see if he needs a defibrillator
> implanted. I know God won't close a door without opening a window, but he
> needs to see a speck of light from the window soon. Thank you for your
> prayers.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Lisa Hart
> Address: Ontario, Canada
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for my family situation - I am a disabled single Mom
> trying to raise healthy Christian children. I am in part-time ministry but
> am exhausted I want to know what God wants me to do to relieve some of the
> stress. My work is my passion, and I believe it is God's will. Thank-you,
> Lisa
> -----Original Message----------------------------------------
> From: Ramona Taylor []
> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 7:13 PM
> To: Sowing Seeds Ministry
> Subject: Hello, I just want to give praises to our Lord and Saviour Jesus
> Christ. You know sometimes in life we dwell on what we don't have in life
> and are not grateful for what we do. Right now, i am going through a very
> difficult time financially, and spirtually. Please pray for my strength in
> the Lord , I know that he will make away out of no way. It is just sometimes
> when you are home alone satan wants to ponder with you. Please continue to
> pray for me..
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Angela
> Address: Fort Myers, FL
> PrayerTeam:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings:
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I need help dealing with all the stuff that has happened in my
> life over the last few months: the rape by my boyfriend, depression, being
> scared all the time.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name:
> Address: usa
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I need prayer for my dear friend. God knows who he is and what
> the situation is. My friend needs deliverance and he needs to accept
> salvation quickly. He is in danger. Also, I need prayer to just hang in
> there... this 'situation' I'm in is overwhelming and I need direction.
> Thank you!

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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