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Fwd: Sowing Seeds Prayer Needs Around the World - October 17, 2000

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I usually send out devotional messages of encouragement. At the
same time, I really believe it is when we seek God that the
"holes" in our lives become filled. For every emptiness we find,
there is a "God-shaped hole", waiting to be completely filled.

My friend, Larry Davies, has an online prayer ministry, in
addition to his "Sowing Seeds of Faith" devotional ministry
(which I have shared with you for many months). I believe I have
shared his prayer ministry with some of you before.

Today's prayer requests are particularly urgent in nature.
Perhaps a few of you can personally relate to the requests. If
any of them have published Email addresses and you have a desire
to share your prayers with them, feel free to send them directly
to the specific individual, or simply say a quiet prayer for
those in need today.

Dear Lord,

Though You are all-knowing, all-wise, completely capable of
accomplishing all things, it is a humbling, yet great honor, to
share with You in the ministry of lifting up our needs before
You. It is especially humbling when we pray for others, because
in almost all cases, there is little else we can do except pray.
We do not even know these people, for the most part, so we are
utterly reliant upon You to answer their needs. This is good,
Lord, for it helps us to realize our own need of You, that we
realize our own weakness, and instead of hiding it, freely admit
that we are weak, we have failed, and we need Your gentle
guidance in every area of our lives.

The only confidence I have today, Lord, is that You are able to
do exceedingly and abundantly more than all I can ever ask or
imagine. The apostle Paul reminds me of this, based on His
letter to the Ephesian church. Because of the Holy Spirit at
work in Paul's life, I, too, know that You are able, for You have
done the same thing for me, over and over again. Please meet the
desperate cries for help from these people, who have made their
names vulnerable before us and before You. I ask that You meet
both their spoken and unspoken needs, and ours as well.

Please cleanse me from any wickedness, whether seen or unseen,
so that my fellowship with You may not be broken, and so
that You may hear these cries, and respond, as only You are
able to do. Thank You for all of these things, which I ask
because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in our behalf. Amen.

Brother Brian

--- Sowing Seeds Ministry <> wrote:
> From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Sowing Seeds Prayer Needs Around the World - October 17, 2000
> Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 17:57:16 -0700

> So many prayer needs to day. It seems almost overwhelming. Good
> news: Several praise reports came in. There were two of about
> healings and one about a relationship difficulty
> improved. There is a passage in 1 Peter that I love about
> prayer during times of need. 1 Peter 1:3-9. You may want to use
> it as a guide as you pray today. There is one on the list who
> did not leave an address so I cannot reach her. She is
> considering suicide. Please pray especially for her. There were
> also several deaths in our own area. One a suicide of a little
> girl, only a teenager. Her mother died recently. One a young
> man who's wife is an elementary principal here in town. There
> are five children in that family. So your need for prayer is
> critical today. Please take a moment now and read these
> requests and pray. Thank you for being such an important part
> of God's ministry.

> Carolyn Ashwell of our church forwarded this to me and I'm
> passing it on to you.

> This is a test of the Emergency Friend System. If this were an
> actual emergency you would be instructed where to tune for
> location information concerning your friend. This is only a
> test.

> A Friend....
> A)ccepts you as you are
> B)elieves in "you"
> C)alls you just to say "HI"
> D)oesn't give up on you
> E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
> F)orgives your mistakes
> G)ives unconditionally
> H)elps you
> J)ust wants to "be" with you
> K)eeps you close at heart
> L)oves you for who you are
> M)akes a difference in your life
> N)ever Judges
> O)ffers support
> P)icks you up
> Q)uiets your fears
> R)aises your spirits
> S)ays nice things about you
> T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
> U)nderstands you
> V)alues you
> W)alks beside you
> X)plains things you don't understand
> Y)ells when you won't listen and
> Z)aps you back to reality

> Flexible people don't get bent out of shape." Friends are
> angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble
> remembering how to fly.

> ************************************************************************

> Name: Lynn
> Address: Alabama
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:

> Comments: Hi, I am a nursing student and I'm having trouble
> right passing a portion of my coursework - Thursday (2 days
> from now) I will have a test and I need prayer to pass that
> test so I can go on in the Nursing program. I feel like God
> wants me to pursue Nursing and I am just having a hard time
> right now. Please pray for me (everyone) so that I can pass
> that test this week. I have really been bothered by this.
> BUT, I have a positive attitude about it and with your help I
> will survive!!! Thanks for all prayers of success.

> ****************************************************************************

> Name: "sorry"
> Address:
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:

> Comments: I am so lost,so empty. I dont want to die. I dont
> want to live. I am sick of feeling this way, there seems to be
> no way out for me. I pray to God to take the pain the fear
> away. I have no spirit. I dont understand why God isnt or
> wont answer my calls for help. I live every day with
> overwhelming anxiety, depression and the guilt for not getting
> better. I am tearing my family apart! I need help and I dont
> know where to turn. Please pray for me!

> ****************************************************************************
> Name: Lulu Vest
> Address: Moore Ok
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: My prayer is that my husband turns his life over to God.
> ------------------------------------------------

> From our home church... Timberlake UMC - Larry: I wanted to
> update you on the request for prayer for my cousin - Robbie
> Stewart. He will undergo surgery on Wednesday Oct. 18 at the
> University of Baltimore Hospital in Maryland. It is my
> understanding that he is very cautious about this as he feels
> it is cancerous. His Mom asked that we continue to pray and
> thanked us for the prayers at this point. I will let you know
> the next update as soon as I received word from my aunt.
> Thanks:Connie & Gene Campbell

> ****************************************************************************
> Name: Valerie Gilliard-Imoisi
> Address: Boston MA
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:

> Comments: My husband and I have recently decided to
> divorce. Our 6 year marriage has never been good and we have
> both finally given up hope. My husband has had a troubled past
> and is not at peace. I have not made any effort to help ease
> his pain. He has admitted to wanting to take his own life which
> has motivated me to try to be there for him more than I have
> been in the past. The church has offered assistance, but, he
> says that he isn't interested. Please pray for my family, that
> my two children will not be left without a father and that my
> husband may find some peace in whatever he will persue after
> our separation.

> ****************************************************************************
> Name:
> Address:
> PrayerTeam:
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:

> Comments: I have a friend who is divorced. His wife had an
> affair and left him then remarried. Right now he is
> strugglings in regards to having another relationship. He
> thinks in his mind it is until death do us part. He said in
> Matthew you can get divorced if someone commits adultry, but
> nowhere does it say you can get remarried. He is searching for
> a way out. He wants to have another relationship with someone
> (me) but feels he can't, but he's not 100% sure if this is
> true. Can you please pray for him. He is researching and
> trying to find an answer. That it is OK to be remarried.
> Thank you very much.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: patience sibanda []
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 8:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: FW: Data posted to form 1 of

> Good day to you... I still have not got a reply for our visas,
> l was told that l will get the final unswer on Monday 16
> October 2000. Please pray for me that it will be posetive. lt
> is my dream to go to Michgan,Detroit and l wish to meet you.

> ****************************************************************************
> Name: Mark Meverden
> Address: Copperas Cove, Texas
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:

> Comments: My name is Mark Meverden. I am recently divorced
> after a two year struggle to save my marriage of nearly 22
> years. I ask for your prayers for my daughter, Amanda 21, a
> college senior and myself, as we try move forward in our faith
> and devotion to God and our fellowman. God bless you all!
> Sincerely and prayerfully, Mark

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rebecca norton []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: Tomorrow

> Hi Guys:

> I finally found a job!! It's not doing what I'd like to do,
> but it is money coming in ... and since I've made more than a
> good attempt at paying my bills with good intentions, which
> hasn't panned out, I decided to take another approach to this
> problem ... Find Anything!! Also, the call must have gone out
> that I've obtained employment, alas, all those people I've been
> submitting resumes to are starting to call!! Goodness, isn't it
> strange how these things work out? (To those I owe, you will be
> getting money soon!!) and stress, stress, stress. I'm very
> happy about this change in luck! Well, that's my news. If you
> wouldn't mind, please think about me tomorrow, I can use all
> the prayers and good energy I can get!! (New Job and Court
> Case)

> ****************************************************************************
> Name: Valarie
> Address: California
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:

> Comments: Please pray for Joe and I. We are trying to work
> things out, and he is trying to have a relationship with the
> Lord. Satan is whispering to both of us that we arent going to
> make it. He has put a spirit of irritation, anger and fear upon
> Joey. IN Jesus name I bind these spirits and cast them out!
> Amen

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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