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Fwd: Sowing Seeds Prayer Requests from Around the World -- September 29,2000

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I have mentioned that Larry Davies (my friend who writes the Sowing
Seeds of Faith ministry that I share with you every week) has a prayer
ministry. People read his Web site, then request prayers. Another
group of people (of which I am one) reads the compiled list of prayers
and prays for them, (and sometimes write to them).

I mention these things so that if you ever need someone to pray for
you, there are many people who are willing to pray. You are also
welcome to pray, too. In case it hasn't come across in the mailings,
Larry's Web Site is Larry's
Email address is listed below.

Thank you for being a part of the Word for Today, 1 Corinthians 7,
and Sowing Seeds of Faith ministries. In some ways they each touch
and reach slightly different audiences, but in many ways, they also
have much in common --- our marvelous Savior and Lord, the object
and reason for all of these ministries. May the Name of Jesus Christ
be praised, today and forever. Amen.

Brother Brian

--- Sowing Seeds Ministry <> wrote:
> From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Sowing Seeds Prayer Requests from Around the World -- September
> 29,2000
> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 06:08:31 -0700
> Today's prayer needs include several with financial and job difficulties.
> Other requests in this area came but I was not sure if I had their
> permission to broadcast their needs. One in particular is desperately in
> need of a job. Please say an extra prayer for her. Thank you for taking time
> out of your day to pray for these needs that continue to come off of our web
> site daily. Also thank you for all of the prayers and letters of
> encouragement that came in for Esther Kim. Progress is being made and I'm
> very hopeful that we will hear something within the next few weeks. One of
> our Prayer team sent this to me and I found it very interesting. Have a
> great week and God bless. Larry
> Did you know that:
> 1) Psalm 118 is the middle chapter of the entire bible?
> 2) Psalm 117, before Psalm 118 is the shortest chapter in the bible?
> 3) Psalm 119, after Psalm 118 is the longest chapter in the bible?
> 4) The Bible has 594 chapters before Psalm 118 and 594 chapters after
> Psalm 118?
> 5) If you add up all the chapters except Psalm 118, you get a total of
> 1188 chapters.
> 6) 1188 or Psalm 118 verse 8 is the middle verse of the entire bible?
> Should the central verse then not have an important message?
> "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." -
> Psalm 118:8
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Let me say it was such a awesome feeling to know that there is a such a
> church like yours with believers with open arms ready to listen and pray
> for the needs of other. I was really lifted by the many emails that poured
> my account with encouraging messages. May God bless and give you all the
> strength to keep going this good work.Let me say your prayers were not in
> vain because I am experiencing a rebirth.May God receive all the praise and
> honor. Alex
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Prayers needed for Michael Novenche, and his parents. They don't have a
> large forwarding list but I'm hoping that some of you do. Everyone with
> large mailing list, please forward what I am writing to you now to ask for
> your help. I do not really know how to start a prayer chain, but we need a
> miracle.
> Michael Novenche is a 2 year-old beautiful little boy in Clifton Park, New
> York, and the grandson of a very dear friend of mine. A few months ago, he
> started throwing up and telling Mommy "boo boo in my head." He was brought
> to the doctors and tests were ran on him, later that week he started losing
> feeling in the left side of his poor little body. They found a large tumor
> in his brain. He was brought to a hospital in Boston where doctors told his
> family the tumor was too big and it was too risky to operate on it. His
> aunts and uncle would not give up, they called Beth Israel, then E-mailed
> Dr. Epstein for him to look a Michael's films. Michael's uncle then drove
> the films to New York City himself for Dr. Epstein to look at. Dr. Epstein
> operated but couldn't remove the entire tumor and now he has to go through
> chemo to keep the tumor from growing and hitting the brain stem.
> We need all the prayers we can get for the chemo to kill the tumor entirely.
> As I write this, he started chemotherapy and we are hoping desperately that
> it works. We need all the prayers we can get. Please stop and say one prayer
> for this beautiful baby boy Michael when you read this letter. They need a
> miracle of God's healing so that their precious baby boy will grow up.
> Thanks
> Tony
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Praise and thanksgiving! Wanted to let everyone know about
> answered prayer. Last week I wrote about my wife's healing from diabetic
> complications and her employer's resistence to her returning to work. That
> battle is still going on, but our immediate financial difficulties have
> lessened by the Lord's work. This week we were blessed more than once! On
> Tuesday, Sharon's co-workers brought groceries and a gift of money (and
> returned today with more food). On Wednesday, we received a check from her
> union disability fund even though payments had run out in August (they told
> us it was for and underpayment). We had already resigned ourselves to
> missing the monthly mortgage payment and falling behind on other bills -
> these miracles take care of these! Our faith, which had been growing weak,
> is strong again. We know that God will see us through our ordeal! We know
> the battle to get her job back is in the Lord's hands.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Pleace pray for my Mother & Father thay are 58 & 60 both can not work thay
> get 1400 a mouth but bills are 1600 mouth and they have 800 00 mouth drug
> thay have to take pleace pray that some how we will get the money thanks
> Sandra PS if you know of anyone that could help pleace let me know
> I live in Winston Salem NC
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Ed
> Address: NC
> PrayerTeam: YES
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe:
> Option_Already Subscribed: ON
> Remote Name:
> Comments: I ask for your prayers for myself, my children, and my wife. My
> wife is struggling to overcome a drug addiction and is trying to decide
> whether to stay in our marriage. She has had several affairs and now says
> she no longer loves me, if she ever did. Please pray that God will touch
> her heart. I pray that God will help me to truly forgive, and also to renew
> my comitment to my marriage. Finally, I ask that God protect our children
> from the trauma of this situation.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Mary Crews
> Address: Rustburg, VA
> PrayerTeam: yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Hi Larry, I am writing to let you know that a good friend of
> mine has just found out that she has three places on her liver that are
> canerous. She is a fellow breast cancer survivor and has been thru a lot
> already. Her name is Pat Shelor and she has been a winner against breast
> cancer for nine years. She has three children most of whom are just about
> grown. Pat is a faithful christian and needs our prayers especialy now.
> She starts her chemotherapy on Monday.
> Ley me give you an update on David's uncle Steve. He is still in the
> hospital(VA Baptist onthe eniglish wing.) He still needs our prayers and
> positive thoughts. His family is holding up very well. Please kep them in
> your prayers as well. Thank you for being there and for caring so much.
> Mary
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name:
> Address: IL
> PrayerTeam: Not yet.
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings:
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: Please pray for our church. We are in need of healing, and
> restored hope and vision. And we need to build relationships so we can learn
> to play nicely together again!
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name: Ron Fox
> Address: 416 Throop
> St.,N.Babylon,N.Y.11704
> PrayerTeam: Yes
> Email:
> Please Include My Prayer Request in Weekly Mailings: ON
> Include My Email Address in Prayer Request Mailings: ON
> Option_Subscribe: ON
> Option_Already Subscribed:
> Remote Name:
> Comments: My good friend Donald Gomez is in the Hospital with blood clots in
> both legs. He is a good Christian man serving in our handicap Ministry.
> Please pray for healing and that all his families needs are met while he is
> hospitalized. Thanks for your love and concern.
> ****************************************************************************
> ***
> Name:
> Address: FL
> PrayerTeam: Yes. I also have an e-mail fellowship and will share them with
> other Christians around the world.
> Comments: I have CFS and a very stressful life with three teenage daughters.
> I recently read the memorial wall for people who have died with CFS. Many
> people died in their forties from heart attacks. I'm 45 and I'm beginning
> to have frequent chest pain and pain down my left arm. I hope it's anxiety
> but I'm worried. I've had CFS for 14 years. Many people died much sooner
> from it. I also need a job and my children, in- laws, mother and uncle need
> their souls saved. I also need prayer for strength from temptation. I'm
> always under attack by the devil. I hope it's because I'm a terrible threat
> to him rather than I'm so weak that I can be had, but I'm not sure which.
> CFS wears people down in every way; physically, emotionally and mentally,
> and I am afraid of the one who seeks to devour me. Thank you for your
> prayers. God bless you.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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