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Fwd: [WFT] Fri 13 Oct 00 - Still under attack!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Lately, there have been a couple of different devotionals I like
to share. I try to share Larry Davies' "Sowing Seeds of Faith"
every week because Larry's messages are quite a change of pace
from the other stuff we usually get, plus they're often fun, yet
full of wholesome material that has a good Spiritual message to
them. But if I keep up my recent pace, I will certainly use up
my 52 message allowance with Bob Gass' version of "Word for
Today". This week, Bob had several good messages, so I had to
wait patiently and decide which one might be the most useful.

Yesterday's message was about being under attack. Today's
message is a continuation of the previous message, but it also
stands alone quite well. This message has three sound
suggestions to follow when under a spiritual attack.

May I offer one observation? We are all under attack. If we
have no spiritual foundation, then the "evil one" has already
successfully blinded us from the truth of the Word of God, and
others have been fought off from sharing the truth with us. But
since all of you have at least signed up for these messages, you
are undoubtedly exposed to spiritual matters. If you read these
messages, you are then quite likely to be under spiritual attack.

Fortunately, God Himself has provided remedies for every possible
attack. It takes participation on our part, but as part of "The
Army of God", we have many advocates, including the Chief
Commander of the Army of God, Jesus Christ Himself!

Most of our weapons are defensive in nature (read Ephesians
6:10-20 for a full list of armor). Prayer and the Word of God
(The Bible) are are offensive weapons.

Since this is stuff you may not get to see or hear very often, I
encourage you to read on so that you can understand spiritual
warfare, (which, though mysterious sounding, is very real,

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the promise of Your Word, and the way it teaches
us, so that we are equipped to cope with anything that the enemy,
the "evil one", would attempt to put in our way (like misleading
us, telling us that You won't forgive us, making us think that we
should quick do things instead of patiently waiting for You). I
know that I have fallen victim to many of these traps. I am
grateful that You have rescued me from my own "deep, mire of clay
and mud" so that I can see and understand Your purpose for my
life. The peace and joy I have, knowing Your ways is better than
any other thing I have known.

Please remind me of these things, that I may not fall to the
traps and snares that await me. Watch over each of us today and
in the days ahead. Help each of us to be always aware of Your
Presence, throughout the day, that we may be encouraged and able
to resist the traps that await us. I love you, Lord. Amen.

Brother Brian

--- ChristianNet <admin@christiannet.orgwrote:
From: "ChristianNet" <>
Organization: ChristianNet
To: Word For Today mailing list <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 22:48:46 +0100
Subject: [WFT] Fri 13 Oct 00 - Still under attack!

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Friday 13th October 2000

Still under attack!


1 JOHN 5:4

Adversity is just the enemy's attempt to rob you of the next
season of blessing in your life. If you're still under attack, do
these three things -

(1) Fight back! You'll be tempted to withdraw or become timid and
passive, especially if you've been hurt. Don't! A wounded animal
only attracts attack. Satan loves shy, fearful types, but real
fighters intimidate him. So be bold. "...Resist the devil and he
will flee from you" (Jas 4:7).

(2) Use your weapons! Paul said, "The weapons of our warfare
are... mighty..."(2 Cor 10:4) Prayer is a weapon; use it daily!
Join hands with others. One can't multiply; increase begins with
two (Matt 18:19). Be sure you know the intercessors in your life.
The Word is also a weapon - use it. Listen, "take... the sword of
the Spirit, which is the Word of God" (Eph 6:17). Find out what
God says about your situation and use it as a sword to cut your
enemy's head off.

(3) See the big picture! Nothing is ever as it first appears.
Look beyond the moment; something great is being birthed in you.
After adversity comes blessing and favour, so get your eyes back
on the big picture. Paul says, "This short time of distress will
result in God's richest blessing..." (2 Cor 4:17 TLB). Now go out
and win!

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2000 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from UCB,
PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.

As a gift to the body of Christ, permission is given to churches and
Christian organisations to copy up to a maximum of 52 daily
excerpts per year. Such excerpts must acknowledge: The Word for
Today as the source, give the UCB address and inform that free
issues of the daily devotional are available.

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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