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Fwd: [WFT] Tue 04 Sep 01 - Are you becoming critical?

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Here is something for all of us to think about as we deal with one
another. The analogy is made about being critical of someone's child,
but it applies to each of us, for every one of us is someone's child.

How would we want our own child to be treated? That is the way we
should treat one another, for we are all children of God - the people
that God has made.

If we have any correcting to do, it should be done lovingly, just as a
parent would (ideally) do for their child, with patience, consideration,
and a great deal of toleration. Now I KNOW that we all fall short, because
I KNOW I fall short in those things as a parent. Yet the Word is clear,
and this is something each of us needs to go to God with, humbly and
privately, that He may do a work in our own PERSONAL hearts, and help us,
for our sake, for the sake of others, and for God's sake, and definitely
for God's glory.

Your Brother in Christ,

--- ChristianNet <> wrote:
> From: "ChristianNet" <>
> To: "Word For Today" <>
> Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 22:25:43 +0100
> Subject: [WFT] Tue 04 Sep 01 - Are you becoming critical?
> WORD FOR TODAY by Bob Gass - Tuesday 4th September 2001
> Are you becoming critical?
> Criticism is one of the ultimate manifestations of pride, because it assumes
> superiority! The Bible says that God is at work in each of us (Phil 2:13).
> That means when you criticise someone, you're saying, "God, Your workmanship
> doesn't meet with my approval". What arrogance!
> We all struggle and fall far short, so on what basis do you point out the
> faults of another? Paul writes, "...criticism of others is a well-known way
> of escaping detection in your own crimes..." (Rom 2:1 TM). Is that why you
> criticise others
> When you criticise somebody's child, who gets upset? The parents! And it's
> the same with God. When you judge His people, you're judging Him. When you
> tear down His leaders, you're saying, "God, you don't know what You're doing
> by using such people!"
> Look out - criticism kept over 2 million people out of the Promised Land.
> Imagine, many died just 11 miles from it! They spent their lives wandering
> in dry places. Is that why you've been going through a dry spell lately?
> They went around the same mountain (problem) over and over again (Deut 2:3).
> Is that why you've been going in circles
> Jesus said, "These things have I spoken unto you...that My joy might remain
> in you" (Jn 15:11). There's a direct relationship between the joy you have
> and the words you speak. Maybe that's something you need to look at today.
> (c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)
> Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from UCB,
> PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.
> As a gift to the body of Christ, permission is given to churches and
> Christian organisations to copy up to a maximum of 52 daily excerpts per
> year. Such excerpts must acknowledge: The Word for Today as the source, give
> the UCB address and inform that free issues of the daily devotional are
> available.
> If you want to have your say, join the WFTtalk discussion list by
> sending a blank email to
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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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