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{gear} Some silly questions

Posted by: davidrenewright <davidrenewright@...>

Okay,  So I'll put my foot in my mouth and ask some really dumb questions here okay?  I need to insert a caveat here first though.  I am 57 and picked up this instrument of love and pain just shy of a year ago now.  I had been meaning to do this for all of my life, but circumstances (i.e. kids, mortgage, work, football and all the other life issues got in the way.)  I guess God started me on this path about ten years ago when I began singing in praise bands settings.  I ignored the niggle in the back of my mind for a few years, but when becoming single happened to me without my choice, I found myself with a lot of time on my hands.  I have enjoyed Chetin's comments about fingers and other things not going where the mind SAYS it is to go.  So I am dealing with these demons as best I can. (My music director says she is amazed at my progress and so far no one in our church has thrown anything at me for my playing abilities.)
So, on to the questions.   #1   I am not sure I understand what a DI is and what the intials stand for? 
                                      #2  I am self taught which means I play off of the guitar chord sheets (limited) and I am not sure which way is more important to aim my learning.  What I mean, is it better to run hours and hours of scales (I do okay with timing overall) or do I need a more organized approach?  Can you gather that I am a tad lost in this area?
                                      #3  What is a POD both as a piece of equipment and I believe there is a group by that name?
                                      #4  I have been re-writing my Sunday music in a format I can understand better in tab/bass clef on Guitar Finale.  Is there another book outside of the companies that is similar to the "Dummies" series on using this software?  (Haven't "googled" it yet)(lyrics seem to be a bear to insert!)
                                      #5  I shall cease with the questions for a bit.(later)
Someone asked what gear I am using and I have to admit to a lot of GAS attacks.  I bought my first bass (MIM Fender Jazz Deluxe) and traded it in about four months later (then thought it was too complicated).  I now have four: A cheapy Ibanez GSR200,  a less cheapy Ibanez SR400 (actually I really like this one). then I rescued a Yamaha BB350 from a pawn shop (pulled the PUP's out and replaced them with twin coil Jazz Bartolini's  which really improved the sound, but seems to cause me to have to really apply the power to acheive equal volume, this is a passive bass?)  And my final and most prized is a Carvin LB75 with a neck through construction and Koa wood body sides, active/passive with Gold hardware.  It had some Lakland flats on it when I got it, but I had to go back to round wound to get away from the super lack of any brightness.  I am a flat wound fan though and am really a fan of the Thomastik Infeld line.  For amps, at home (apartment, with a rather deaf 70 something lady under my studio area) I have my original Crate 25watt have since moved to a Gallen Krueger Backline 110 which put me at 75 watts (more than enough to practice with).  I am also using the Tascam GD-GT1 to pull songs apart and I wired it into my stereo.  At the time the bass version wasn't out yet. (feeling another attack of gas coming on.)  At church, I play through their amp which is an Ampeg B100R I think.  (Ugly, but nice sound for that venue!)  I also have had no luck in finding the manual for an effects pedal that I got through the same pawn shop, it is a Boss ME-6B any help would be appreciated.
Finally,  I got involved with this group because I need you folks.  I am also involved (passively) with The Bottom Line group, but my heart is with you and in the service of Christ Jesus, so I think I am where I belong.  I will go into my thoughts about what we do in another post.
I would also like to see this group in the format of my other list involvement which is easier to handle.  All of the posts come through as one email and then I print the whole thing out.  They also put all the subject lines at the beginning which gives me choices if time is tight.  Well, practice is in one hour and it IS Sunday so I better knock off and get ready for worship.  I will be tossing up prayers for your work today and ask the same in return.
With love and in His Name,