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[GEAR] The new bass

Posted by: nolead50 <nolead50@...>

I've tried posting this three times but it hasn't made it into the list any time I've posted it. I promised you guys a pic of the new bass as soon as I picked it up. Here it is.... She's a beaut ain' she! I played one service Saturday night and three Sunday morning then went and jammed in the afternoon with some friends, and I'm starting to get used to the feel of it. I mentioned how the strings felt kind of tight and got some good input from you all about that, but I'm sort of getting used to the way that feels and I'm not sure I want to change that now. We played a couple of tunes in the key of D Sunday morning and I dropped down to the D on the B string a couple of times and it sounded awesome!! Very nice to have the lower option once in a while. I'm getting the feel of using the B pretty well but I was wanting to get up onto the C as well so the last song in the last service I did a descending riff to G starting on the C string and it sounded pretty good! Perhaps a little busier than I usually play but I was DETERMINED to get up onto that C string!! 8^D Anyways I wanted to show and tell and let you folks see the pic. Talk about an UGLY bass player!! 8^D

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