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[Gear] Um...midi...guitar...loops...keyboards...HELP!!!

Posted by: weeks <weeks@...>

Well, let's see...I don't know how to do something that I think I can do
with some of the gear I have and a possible purchase...just don't know.
Maybe one of you midi technical savvy guys/gals can answer this.

Basically, I want to be able to control a loop either from my PC or from
a keyboard via the midi output on my Godin guitar. I want to be able to
control the speed based on how quickly I strum the strings. Can this be
done and if so, how? I have Acid 3.0 at home for the PC but I would
prefer a sampling kybd module or small keyboard...any ideas?

Can a loop pedal do this?

- James

"I will always remember the day Rene Descartes died.  We had just
finished a wonderful meal and were sitting around plotting our next move
over coffee.  The waitress came up and asked, "More Coffee?"  Descartes
replied, "I think not."   And just disappeared right before my eyes."